This is the sequel to X-MEN: The Legacy and it won't be as long, but it'll be good... (I hope :) )

Remember, any ideas or whatever and I'll try to write them in the storyline. I want this to be as interactive as I can get it so if a question pops up at the end, put in your two cents

Enjoy! ;)

Her breathing was labored; her pulse was quickening; her blood pressure was off the charts; and her pupils were dilated. She knew where she was but wasn't exactly sure of her location now. Everything was created by the power of the mind, but not hers. She had no powers; not anymore. She felt weak. Everything down to her bones was throbbing. She had forgotten for how long she had been running, but what difference did that make? She knew how the mind worked; she knew her enemy's powers, but for some reason her enemy seemed stronger than she remembered. She has help, she thought, but from who? And why? Even though the questions were important, her escaping was far more important than those burning questions. She knew she could run no more; that's why she hadn't moved from that location in the past…well, she didn't even know. There was no concept of time. It could've been seconds as much as it could've been years. She looked around as she heard it again; her enemy's laughter. It was aggravating; it was angering; it was ear piercing. Then she saw something far in the distance. She kept her eyes on the figure as the image began to clear up to where she could see that it looked like a human form. But you never know. She inched further and further until she was facing the back of the form.

"Jean Grey," it said.

Jean frowned and waited a few moments before speaking. "I'm sorry, I didn't get yours."

The man turned around and flashed Jean a toothy, arrogant grin, which made Jean scowl. "I never gave it," he said in a matter-of-factly tone, which made Jean want to slap him.

"How do you know me?"

"Oh, I've been watching you, my darling."

Jean sucked in her teeth. "Don't call me that."

He smiled once more. "Feisty, even without powers. Even without the Phoenix."

Jean frowned and took a daring step forward. "What did you do to me? I know Emma doesn't have the power to get me here which leaves you, our mystery man."

He nodded. "Yes, indeed. My name is Mister Sinister."

Jean frowned again. "Never heard of you."

"And I wouldn't expect you to," he countered.

Jean crossed her arms over her chest, appearing more confident than she felt. "Okay then, explain to me what you want with me."

"Well, what I want is of no interest to you," he told her. "You have much power when you are one with Phoenix. Far more than anyone and too much to copy," he went on.

"'Too much to copy'?" Jean repeated; her eyes wide. "What do you mean by that?"

Sinister paused for a moment then shrugged. "Oops," he grinned.

As he stepped aside, Jean unfolded her arms and watching in horror and incredulity as another slim figured woman appeared from behind him and walked towards Jean. "How…?" she whispered. She looked at the woman in distress as the image that she was looking at was Jean herself.

"Jean Grey," Sinister said. "Meet Madelyne Pryor. Also now known as…Dark Phoenix."

Logan looked at Jean concerned then to and from Hank to the Professor. "What the hell happened to her?" he demanded.

Charles held up his hand up to silence Logan while deep in thought as he kept his eyes on Jean whereas Hank only shook his head while writing down some things on Jean's medical chart. "I don't understand," the blue mutant said. "Jean was just coming around. It seemed that whatever she was experiencing, her body was reacting to it."

Logan looked back at the red head who laid still on the bed, still in the comatose condition that she had been in. The only difference now was that Jean's temperature was gradually intensifying. "I don't understand either," Ororo said. "One minute she's comatose, then she's starting to awaken and now she's back this way."

Before anyone could reply, the doors slid open and Moira walked in, her heels clicking on the tile floor. "Well, I put the kids at ease for now," she replied standing next to Hank. "Word travels extremely fast in this school."

Ororo smiled softly and nodded as Charles sat up straight and maneuvered his wheelchair next to Jean. "I can't explain it either," he commented. "The only reasonable explanation is that Jean, and possibly Ms. Frost, are trapped in another dimension."

"Another dimension?" Logan repeated.

"Well how the hell did that happen?" Scott exclaimed.

Charles ignored Scott's comment and looked up at Logan. "She's most likely stuck in a dimension that has been created by another telepath to keep her trapped there."

"How can Emma do something like that?" Ororo asked.

"Well that's just it," Charles said. "She can't. Emma is not powerful enough. The only mutants who can do something like that would be Jean and I. We've practiced many sessions doing so."

"So you have no idea who's behind this?" Logan summed up, trying to suppress his anger.

Charles sighed, "Regretfully, no. I do not."

"Are you saying, Charles, that whatever happens where she is, can affect her body here?" Moria asked.

He nodded. "Her body and mind. If she is injured in that dimension, there will be no external wounds to show here, but only internal."

"Whatever Jean was going through a few minutes ago put her in shock," Hank explained. "That's why all the machines began beeping rapidly."

Logan nodded, understanding, and then turned to the Professor. "Can she wake up?"

"If Jean can find a way out, yes, she can find her way home," Charles answered.

"Every place, dimension or otherwise, always has a secret way out," Scott said out loud.

Everyone turned to him, looking at him in confusion, while the Professor nodded. "Yes, Scott. That is correct."

Scott blushed slightly and shifted his stance. "Jean told me that once," he said softly. Logan only grunted and rolled his eyes.

"Is there nothing we can do for her?" Ororo asked, desperate.

Pondering the thought, Charles suddenly brightened. "There is something that perhaps we can do to help her find her way, but I will need all of your help."

Should Charles and the X-Men succeed, will they bring back Jean or Madelyne?