Gabriella Montez sat in her bedroom looking out the window wondering what to do with her life. Not exactly her life but her current situation: sex.

She groaned and then picked up her towel and went to the bathroom. She immediately turned on the water and allowed the large Jacuzzi tub to fill up with warm water. I'm only sixteen, she thought. She sighed as she undressed and stepped into the water hoping that Troy would understand if she said she wasn't ready to sleep with him. It was strange to think about it.

Also, Troy had never said he wanted to have sex but she knew that's where he always tried to take their make out sessions to. He always tried to take her shirt off or undo her pants but she never let him. Gabriella always saw the disappointment in his eyes and hated to know that she was the one who caused it. She sighed again and slipped into the tub and lowered her whole body underneath it.

"Gabriella!" Someone shouted as the banged on the door. It was Mina, her sister. Gabriella came up and took in some air before shouting, "WHAT?!"

"Your boyfriend is on the phone!" The annoying twelve year old said. Gabriella got out of the tub and opened the door partially and grabbed the phone.

"Hey, Troy," Gabriella said as she closed the door. She got back into the tub careful not to drop the phone.

"Hi, Gabs," Troy said. "What are you doing?"

"Taking a bath." Gabriella said.

"I wish I could be in there with you." Troy said flirtatiously.

"In your dreams." Gabriella said smiling. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, playing some stupid game online." Troy said. "I miss you."

"We just saw each other yesterday." Gabriella said. "I miss you, too, though." It was true. "My parents are about to go out so you can come over, if you want?"

"Um, okay." Troy said hesitantly. Gabriella hoped that he wouldn't try to undress her again. She was under way too much stress about it already.

When Troy arrived, Gabriella was dressed but her hair was still wet and curly. Troy kissed her on the lips and Gabriella was thankful that Mina wasn't there because the last time she embarrassed Gabriella.

"Come to my bedroom." Gabriella said taking his hand and leading him. Troy didn't protest. Once they got to her bedroom they sat on the floor because Gabriella didn't like sitting on her bed during the day when she wasn't tired.

"Aren't you going to dry your hair?" Troy asked curiously as he touched her hair. She felt goose bumps on her skin that always magically appeared when he touched her.

"Oh, Troy, you have something on your mouth." Gabriella said looking at him mouth. Of course there was nothing there but Troy thought there was due to her serious face and tone.

"Where?" He asked touching his lips. Gabriella taking his hand gently into her own and moving it out the way. She kissed his lips gently and then said, "Right there."

"You got something on your neck." He whispered before kissing her neck. Gabriella moaned a little and then wrapped her arms around his neck and slowly leaned back on her back so Troy could get on top of her. He continued kissing her neck and running his hands along her side.

After several minutes his hands continued down towards her shorts and he began undoing it by pulling the string. At first, Gabriella was about to let him continue because the time seemed right but she changed her mind because of fear.

"Uh, Troy?" she said while he kissed her neck and sucked on it.

"Yeah," He said.

"Can we stop?" She asked. Troy rose off of her quickly with a confused look. Gabriella wiped her neck off and then sighed.

"I'm sorry, Troy." Gabriella said.

"Sorry about what?" He asked not meeting her eyes. Gabriella frowned and they just watched television. As they did so, Gabriella wondered if she was pushing him away and if she should have just went along with it.