A/N: Sorry it took so long to update. . . it's only been 8 months!!!!!!! –cough- yeah you guys really should murder me…. oh begginning suuuuxers... sorry for the short chapter next one will maybe be longer -nocommittedcough-

Transfiguration passed with a flash as did care for magical creatures. Ed had soon learned that Gryffindors and Slytherins do in fact hate each other. Something that was very apparent. Looking at his parchment Ed groaned at the thought of going to Defense against the Dark arts. Not that he wasn't curious to learn more about the subject but that damn smirking professor had made his day a hell of a lot worse.

"GAH! YOU BASTARD!" Edward yelled at no one in particular. Maybe the professor would hear him he thought. But he had better not get his hopes up.

The cool air stung at his face the clouds looked dark and ominous making Edward think of rain… and kittens. 'Nii-san' Edward heard the little boy voice in his head countless times a day. Haunting. It was so familiar Edward knew that the voice was important to him. . . but whom did it belong to?

"why do I yearn to hear your voice?" Edward whispered to himself.


You have got to be kidding me Edward thought to himself when he entered the DADA room. The smirking son of a bitch was right there calmly chatting to a man with a weird eye.

Class had almost started and there was only one seat available. Which so happened to be next to a black haired boy. Gruffly Edward made his way to the seat heavily sat down and waited for the class to be over with. Anything to be rid of Mustang.

The bell rang making a man with a fake eye; a wooden leg and rurly hair come to the front of the classroom.

"I am professor Moody. This-" he motioned to the STILL smirking man "Professor Mustang." Many of the girls sighed at this… Even a few guys much to Edwards shock.

"Today I was instructed to do buggarts" Moody grumbled. It was obvious that he didn't want to. "You guys know the drill. Get in line." Moody then took out a wardrobe, for his pocket?

Edward was of course at the back of the line. Mainly dumb things came out of the closet. When a boy named Neville went up it seemed as though everyone knew what to expect though Edward didn't. Then he saw Snape.

"Why the hell is Snape coming out of wardrobes?!" Edward yelled. It was kind of creepy. Like a peeping Tom if you will. Some of the people started giggling which frustrated Edward. Then he saw it professor Mustang smirking. If only he could punch him then and there.

After what seemed to be half an hour it was finally Edwards turn to challenge the thing. Then it occurred to him. What did he fear? Would this be a clue to his past? Probably something else to frustrate himself Edward though.

When he first approached the boggart changed into something that didn't even look human. One person stood next to the container, a blond with… golden eyes? A shriek the boggart gave that masqueraded as a 'mini- Edward'. (to make you less confused… think of the first episode of FMA)

Edward felt tears dribble down his eyes. He lifted a gloved hand to wipe it away and immediately wondered what had just occurred. The boggart would not cease to torment him as a suite of armor he saw in his nightmares appeared.

"Nii-san," It whispered kindly then morphed into a human that looked much like himself. On it's arm was a snake devouring it's own tail. "You did this to me." It was no longer kind it's eyes seared with hatred.

"Like that could affect me!" Edward yelled at it. "I don't even know whom the hell that is" He then punched the boy. Which made the buggart take a form that he least expected. It was Mustang. One that looked the same except for his blue uniform.

"Fullmetal!" The boggart Mustang yelled.

A smirk flickered across Edwards face. It was familiar, but the pain in his chest would not cease. "Hello, Colonel long time no see."

"Cut the crap Edward." Boggart Mustang spat. "I know about the red water. The humonculi came after you again. Didn't they Edward." The boggart Mustang stepped closer and grabbed his shoulders. The boggart then leaned his face in towards Edward.

What the Hell!!!! Was all Edward could think. There was a boggart way to close to comfort. What was happening. Edward turned his face to the professor Mustang. The smirk was no longer on his face. Pain. That was what Edward felt.

"You're Envy aren't you." It wasn't a question. Edward knew who the bogart was.

Within seconds there was a green haired palm tree standing where the boggart mustang once was.

"How did ya know pipsqueak?" The green haired man said. Edward knew it was the boggart then why did he feel such pain? Was this the power of the boggart? "Not going to say anything are you? So like you. I can't believe that you're actually my brother." Edward was then kicked in the gut. "You wallow in such regret. Your going to miss him aren't you? The Mustang on the other side. I wouldn't blame ya seeing as you-" Edward then punched Envy with his automail arm.

Edward looked wildly around the room to only find blank stares look at him.

Turning away from the boggart he began to leave the room.

"Where are you going, Elric," The boggart had turned into Mustang again.

"Sorry," Edward said sarcastically with his smirk in place. "I don't waste my time on idiot colonels like you." With that he left the room. With that the boggart exploded.


THIS IS TO MAKE PEOPLE LESS CONFUSED- Boggart turned into ed and al's past basically, the it turned into Al (armor), then into a humonculi (who? Well that's a secret. And no it is NOT an OC. There are no OC's in this fic), then it turned into Roy, then Envy, Then Roy again… why so many? Because the Boggart is confused with Ed because of his amnesia it doesn't know what the Edward with no memories would fear…


The class exploded into whispers. The main drifts of the conversations were 'what the hell'. The golden trio looked shocked at the door. Harry just grunted, no one had gone through what he did. Like Edward would have nearly as bad of a past as his.

Professor Mustang then sauntered townards the door and left to follow the boy.

"Edward!" The professor shouted towards the retreating blonde. The blonde didn't stop. "Dammit Edward stop now!"

At this the boy turned around, his eyes in a glare. "Fuck off, Mustang." Then he turned around and began to walk away.

Roy's eye twitched and he quickened his pace in order to catch up to the young man. When he had caught up with the boy he grabbed his right arm, which felt of… metal?

"What the hell are you doing?!" Edward yelled then elbowed the man in the gut.

"fsfhioesjp" Roy groaned holding his gut. He groaned loudly and curled into a ball. His stomach throbbed with pain.

"A-are you ok?!" Edward asked startled, he had not meant to hit the man. . . with his metal arm.

"Very!" Roy retorted his eye twitching. He made a movement to get up again then found himself still committed to the floor. "Fuck. .. Edward. First you have a boggart of me then you punch me for me wanting to know why the hell I was a colonel and why it wasn't me but was at the same time!" Roy was confused beyond belief. There was no one else in the word besides himself who had a smirk like that! Except maybe some of the people in the ministry. Especially that Malfoy. But he didn't count! If Roy were that ugly he would suicide without a doubt.

"Sorry professor I don't know," Edward mumbled as he looked down at the older man who was now trying to get up again. Holding out his hand he helped the black haired man up.

After 30 minutes of wandering the hallways Edward finally realized that he had no idea where the hell he was going and to make everything even more dandy he was carrying a 160 pound man (I think Roy would be around that weight. . .) in a huge castle.

"Fuuuuuuck," Edward groaned.

The black haired man gave him a curious glance which swiftly turned to one of 'I hate you' which wasn't very convincing.

"Don't look at me that way it's not my- ok so it is-" Roy continued to glare. "Fine it is my fault! There you happy?!"

Roy scoffed. "Yes being hit with your arm, which is harder the rock if you hadn't notice, in the gut and having to be dragged through this damn castle because I can't walk. Yes, I am so happy that you can admit that it in fact is your fault."

Edward sighed. "If I didn't know any better I would think that you were being sarcastic." He knew what the professor meant, but he refused to make the older man make him look like an idiot.

The air was cold and Edward realized that they were in the deep depths of the dungeons where Edward had no idea where the hell they were. "Do you know where we are?" Edward groaned. He hadn't wanted to ask for help especially from this guy.

Ed's question had been meet with a theatrical moan then Roy began to try to move around. It had been quite annoying to be put onto the boy's back, but it wasn't as bad as trying to walk. Oh that would have been misery. "You have got to be kidding me, Shrimp! One task go to either the hospital wing or my private chambers and you get lost! Really! I can't believe my job is to look after you!"

Twitching a little the blonde replied childishly, "I'm not short." Suddenly the rest of the man's sentence registered (Even though Edward was still trying to forget the short part!). "Why the hell would you need to look after me?" The boy was genuinely curious.

The man paused for a moment creating an awkward silence. Though the tension seemed to be able to be cut into a knife, Edward trampled on. He saw a set of stairs which was only a few yards away. When the man never said anything Edward said, "Let's go up these stairs there should be more people up there. Edward heard Roy grumble something but did not hear him all he could think of was how his back was going to hate him for having to carry such a heavy person up what seemed to be millions of stairs.

Stepping on the first step Edward felt Roy began to move around. "Sto-!" Edward began but found himself falling through what seemed to be the stairs.

"Damn it!" He heard Roy half shout. A weight was on top of Edward in an awkward position from all angles.

"G-get off me!" Edward shouted and could feel a blush appear on his cheeks.

"It's pitch black here!" Roy exclaimed, of course stating the obvious! "And if you haven't forgotten, boy, you bruised my gut so I can barely move!" He seemed to be a lot more yelling since the blond had come to the castle then he had done in his entire life.

The room around him and Mustang was pitch black, the floors were definitely stone the only thing that Edward knew was… nothing.

"Snap your fingers, Colonel!" Edward snapped. Then covered his mouth, what the hell had he just said! Snap your fingers? What good would that do if the were in a dark room? Suddenly a mental image of burning flames passed through his head.

"Snap my- what? You really are delusional," The man that was STILL on top of the blond shifted his weight as though he were trying to move.

"Get off me." Wheezed Edward, his small frame couldn't take much more of the man's weight. Suddenly Edward felt free as the weight finally came off of him.

"Now that we're finally alone, I demand some answers"

Edward paused for a moment. What was he supposed to say, no of course not?! Edward nodded then realized that the man couldn't see him nodding so replied with a 'yes'.

There was something entrancing about the older man that Edward could not resist.

"Why the hell is your arm so hard. . . and you're leg I think you broke my knee when we landed with that left of yours. And if you say 'solid muscle' I won't restrain myself from strangling you later." Though Roy was laying on his back now next to the buy he could still feel him freeze next to him. There was something in his chest that Roy could not feel. It wasn't hatred, no he had felt that emotion too many times to not realize if it were that.

"Metal," The boy croaked. He could feel his throat tightening and his eyes beginning to water. "Before you ask, I don't know what they are or else what the hell happened to make me have metal limbs. All I know is that they are there." Why the Hell was he telling this bastard these things? Maybe it was because they were stuck in a room that had no windows or no apparent doors and they might die. Roy froze when he had heard the blonde say this. He had been expecting a much less confusing answer. He thought maybe it had been a spell that the boy had put on himself.

This burning won't stop, Roy thought and self consciously gripped his chest. It was as though the boys pain were his own. Wait… was he in love?! No way! Not 'sexy bachelor Roy Mustang'. He took pride in being straight, now he was not only crushing on a man but a 17 year old boy. He must have done something horribly wrong in his past life to even deserving this.

"Sleep," Roy commanded. He couldn't hear the blonde speak anymore or else he might say or do something that he regretted. The blond was taken it aback by the man's words, but then self consciously move closer to the man and fell into an non restful sleep.


When Edwards eyes opened he knew yet again the nightmare had begun. Every time he dreamed it was a nightmare so why would this dream be any different from the others. The surroundings were pitchblack like it was when he fell asleep. This was a dream right? Why else would he feel warmth like he were being held in somoene's arms. Suddenly the boy felt something warm like another set of lips pressing against his own. Then he realized that no, this was not a nightmare nor a dream of any kind.


A/N: OMG! Cliffhanger! Not really…. I wanted to do more… but its midnight and I should be sleeping… yummy school. I think I might not go to school tomorrow…. Maybe…. Well my excuse for not updating!!!

I was going to write out the next (this) chapter…. But then I read the 7th Harry Potter book. I was so disgusted. Seriously if you haven't read it yet, don't bother. Read Fanfiction it is way more entertaining then the 7th book. Basically I was so disgusted with that book that it made me not want to EVER update this ff again… but boredom and reviews got the better of me…. So here I am…

I SWEAR I will try to update more often…. As long as we all burn the 7th hp and pretend like it never existed and come out with a better 7th book, then it's all good! oh btw... I was not happy with the way this chapter turned out... but to hell with it! It's been MONTHS and it's 1 a.m... now or never.

Reviews are my happy crack that make me want to write more and make the chapters filled with cheesy goodness in every bite

NIGHT! or... morning?

Got questions or want something to happen that hasn't happened yet, then say so in your review or else it never will happen!