Author's Note: Forgive me for my two year absence. I do hope there are still some of my missed readers and reviewers who are still hoping for me to continue. The chapter probably isn't going to be too great, but I'm trying to get back into character. So here comes the bashing once more.

Thanks to my past reviewers: Kaeru-sama, FlowerGirl, Paradigm08, LMAO, Flayda, ELLIE 31773, HotIceRed, gryphonic medli



Bon. Good Ol' Bon. Fucking bastard. He fucking thinks he's everyone's mother. Who the fuck died and passed that torch down his ass? Bitch, Bitch, Bitch! All he ever does is bitch! Sometimes I hope that when he walks in the middle of the streets he'd get his ass handed to him. Either that or he could just fall in a shithole and die. That would be a blessing.

He's lucky. Lucky to be alive that is. If he weren't one of my dumbass servants, I'd have already killed his ass off and sent him to meet his fucking dead relatives in Hell! They'd have such a beautiful reunion, trying to kill each other.

What the Hell is wrong with him? Always opening his big ass mouth and shit keeps coming out. Like "I'm the last of the Date clan. I'm going to rule. Hahahahah!!!" That is the most corny ass up piece of shit I've ever heard. And believe me I'd heard alot of shit. And shoved the shit back down the bitches throats.

The jackass stole my laugh, my laugh. The laugh that means that I'm the strongest when I'm beating everyone's asses. Stealing my laugh is a big Hell no for me. He behaves like he really thinks he'll be king of the world. But we all know he means king of dogshit. I guess he needs me to shove my foot up his ass or better yet my tenro to wake him out of his magical shitland.

He wants to rule but he's just another orphan bitch. Poor Bon...Poor bitch. You actually thought I gave a damn? Why would I? I'm the main character, not a useless sidelined jackass.

No one even assaults him like the way I've been assaulted, by the entire fucking Mibu!! Not even a woman. No woman would want crap like that in their bed. Not like he cares. He's so fucking gay it's impossible to stay around him without feeling pissed off. Everytime he sees Yukimura, you know he's getting turned on. He keeps getting harder and harder. You know he's just waiting for Yukimura to say "Fuck Me" Funny thing is that Yukimura would probably do him.

I guess it's pretty damn obvious where Akira got his gay-ass attitude from. Bon must be the one who taught Akira how to masturbate.

Hold on a damn moment! Don't you fucking people get any ideas? Because I will get my tenro and kill all of your asses. Hear me?! Akira always kept asking me things about blowjobs. I was always like "What the Fuck?" It's because of that I didn't want to bring him along. Bon corrupted Akira's head.

I'm sure like Akira, Bon was thinking about fucking me. But he knows better than that, he knows I'd make sure he was dead within seconds, making it look like he'd committed suicide.

I guess when you're the most goodlooking man alive, even men will fall down on their asses for you. Now I feel so disgusted by those gayasses.

Final Evaluation:

You, Bontenmaru are an annoying, masturbating, pmsing jackass.


Second Author's Note: Hopefully it was okay. Please read and send your reviews. Till next time, Ciao.