Jack is sitting in the back of the limo, holding Audrey in his lap and talking to her father on the phone.

"Is she breathing?" Heller demands.

"Yes, sir. Her breathing's a little erratic but it hasn't stopped."

"Is she awake? Can I talk to her?"

"No, sir...she's still unconscious...but you're welcome to try talking to her if you want. But I've been talking to her since we got in the car and she hasn't responded."

"I don't the hell did this happen?"

Jack leans forward to talk to the Secret Service agents up front.

"Can you put the window up please? I need to speak to the Vice President privately."

He waits until the window goes up, then holds the phone close and speaks quietly.

"Sir, a few weeks after I was taken, Audrey got a call from someone connected to the people holding me...they showed her a video feed of me being interrogated and threatened to kill me if she didn't do what they wanted."

"What did they want?"

"Schematics of the E-310's, for one. I think there was more but we didn't get that far."

"You're telling me that my daughter's been passing classified information to terrorists?"

"We don't know who she gave the information to, sir, or what their motives were. She doesn't know either. She made a recording of one of the conversations, so we're going to use that to try to identify the man. She was supposed to call you to tell you what was going on while I talked to Bill Buchanan, but when I came back into the room she was unconscious and there was an empty bottle of vodka and a bottle of prescription sleeping pills next to her."

"Are you telling me she was trying to kill herself?"

"It looks that way, sir."

"Oh my she going to make it?"

"I...I don't know, sir," Jack says shakily. "If she drank the entire bottle, her blood alcohol level would have to be at least 0.5, and I have no idea how many pills she took on top of that."

"How the hell is she still breathing?"

"I don't know. I've been wondering the same thing myself. I've been checking every couple minutes."

"Listen, I'm on my way to the hospital now, but you're probably going to get there first. When you get there, I don't want you to let Audrey out of your sight no matter what."


"Keep talking to her, Jack. She may be able to hear more than you think. Just keep reassuring her...and tell her how much I love her," the vice president pleads.

"I will, sir, I promise."

"Jack, take care of her for me, please. Don't let her slip away before I get to her," Heller begs, his voice choking up.

"I'll do everything I can, sir, I promise," Jack says, struggling to hold it together.

"I know you will, Jack," he says softly, acknowledging that this must be as hard for Jack as it is for him.

Jack hangs up the phone and pulls Audrey's head to his chest, checking that she is still breathing, then whispers softly in her ear.

"I don't know if you caught any of that, but I talked to your father and I told him everything. He wasn't angry or ashamed...he just wants you to know how much he loves you."

No response. Jack notices that her skin is pale and bluish. He picks up the phone and calls up to the Secret Service agents in the front.

"Do you have a coat or a blanket I can wrap around her? Her body temperature feels like it may have dropped a little bit."

"I'll pass you my coat," Agent Pryor responds.

"Thank you."

The window rolls down and Jack reaches forward and accepts the coat. He wraps it around Audrey and rubs her shoulders to try to warm her up, kissing the top of her head and whispering to her in a reassuring tone.


Chloe is wrapping up her interview when she feels her phone vibrate. She ignores it and proceeds to shake the woman's hand.

"Thank you for coming in today, Ms. O'Brien," the woman says cheerily. "We should have a decision for you within the next couple weeks."

"Thank you very much for your time," Chloe says politely. She gets into an elevator and glances at her phone. The missed call is from a number she does not recognize.

When she gets out of the elevator, she texts Morris to let him know she is ready to be picked up, then calls in for her voicemail. She is surprised to hear a message from Bill.

"Chloe, it's Bill. I need you to call me at 202-555-8838. I can't go into details over the phone but it's very important. Please call me back as soon as you can."

Chloe looks puzzled as she replays the message to check the phone number.


Bill is on the phone with Jack, who is still in the Secret Service vehicle en route to the hospital.

"You're saying this all happened while we were on the phone earlier?"

"Yeah. I came back into the room and she was unconscious."

"Do you have any idea how many pills she took?"

"No. Bill, can you do me a favor? Can you find out if chest tightness or rapid pulse are usually associated with alcohol poisoning or a side effect of Sonata?"

"I would think not. Both of those substances are depressants...if anything they should be slowing her heart down."

"That's what I thought."

"I'll look into it."

"Thank you, Bill. Did you speak to the president?"

"Yes. He agreed to give Audrey full immunity provided that she tells us everything she knows and doesn't withhold any information."

"Thank you for doing that."

"Of course."

"Jack, Chloe's on the other line. How do you want to handle this?"

"Just patch her through."

"Do you want me to explain things first?"

"No. Not if she's on a personal cell. I'm just going to ask her to come in and you can explain everything in person."

"Alright. Hold on a second."

Bill pushes a button and switches to Chloe.

"Chloe, thanks for getting back to me so quickly."

"What's going on?" Chloe asks.

"I'll explain everything in a second...just hang on."

He pushes another button to connect Jack and Chloe.

"Hello?" Chloe says, confused.

"Chloe, it's Jack."

Chloe recoils, a completely bewildered look on her face.

"What? Is this some kind of a joke? Because it's not very funny."

"It's not a joke. If I understand correctly the Vice President had an empty ship blown up to make it look like I was dead...I don't have time to explain all the details."

"Oh my g-d...I'm glad you're okay. I mean, maybe you're not okay...I don't even want to think about what you must have been through...but I'm glad you're alive, at least."

"Thanks," Jack says. He can't help but be slightly amused at Chloe's lack of eloquence.

"Listen, I hate to ask, but I need your help."

"What do you need?"

"Are you on a personal cell?"


"Then I can't explain over the phone. I need you to go help Bill at DOD...he'll tell you everything."

"Jack, I want to help you, but I can't go back to that...that world."

"Chloe, I'm not asking you to go back to anything. I just need you to help me out for a little while today. I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important."

"One day is all it takes to ensure that I never get another job with the federal government or probably anywhere else."

"What are you talking about?"

"I've been having trouble since I left CTU because every prospective employer has had access to my long list of arrests and protocol violations...every time I try to help you I get into trouble."

Jack sighs, feeling guilty.

"Chloe, I'm really know the last thing I wanted to do was put you in that position. But I'm not asking you to do anything illegal or against the rules."

"Not yet, but you will be. I give it two hours before you get frustrated that something's going too slow and need me to hack into some satellite I don't have access to."

"Chloe, please, just go to DOD and talk to Bill...see what we need you to do, and then you can decide if you want to help, alright?"

"Fine, I guess that's the least I can do."

"Thanks, Chloe. I don't think I need to tell you how much I appreciate this."

"I wouldn't do it for anyone else."

"I know. Thank you," Jack says sincerely.

"You're welcome," she says grudgingly.

Jack hangs up the phone and shakes Audrey a little bit, as if somehow that will wake her up. He checks that she is still breathing, then hits a button to roll down the divider so he can talk to the Secret Service agents up front.

"What's our ETA?"

"Less than ten minutes," Agent Pryor calls back to him.

Jack wraps his arms around Audrey and whispers in her ear. "You hear that? We're less than ten minutes out...we're going to get you help soon. You've got to stay with me for a little longer."

He tightens his grip around her and clings to her desperately as tears start to roll down his face.

"You've got to stay with me," he repeats, his voice more shaky the second time around. "When I was in China, the only thing that kept me going was knowing you were out there...I can't lose you now, baby...I can't lose you again. Please don't leave me, please," he begs, breaking down in sobs as he holds her against his chest, keeping a hand over her heart to make sure it's still beating.