Hey everybody!!! You're fave author Yukin0's finally back with lots of ideas, inspirations, and y'know the rest! Anyways, I don't want you guys to wait any longer! So on with the wonderful world of Mikan!

Last Chapter:


Walk out and and slam the door shut. That's what I did, only this time, my tears wouldn't stop falling. I'm sorry Hotaru, looks like you're gonna be walking home alone with your brother...

I stood outside the classroom for almost five minutes, thinking of why things always turns out this way with Natsume.

"Doushite Natsume-kuuuun..." I sobbed, and suddenly, the door swung open, my eyes wide open with surprise.

"Hontoni baka..." he said, it took me quite a long time to even realize that I was already in his arms.



Normal POV


"-sigh- Looks like I'll have to walk you idiot home then, huh?" Natsume let out an exaperrated sigh. He was slowly backing away from the brunette; and yet right hand was still on the small of her back. Mikan, the baffled, red-faced girl still could not adapt to the situation. How she wished that his hug would've lasted longer, how she wished she could smell his inexplainable scent of cologne. How good he smelled, and how safe she felt within his arms, she would never forget.

"When you're done inhaling every bit of air I have left to breathe, just tell 'kay pig-tails?" he smiled a bit, and returned to his usual scrowl.

Mikan, on the other hand, did not quite catch the words he had just said, instead she closed her wide opened mouth and followed Natsume's lead towards the stairs. "Natsume... if you keep doing this, then I would really fall deeper..." she whispered to herself, cautious for Natsume not to hear what she had to say.

"Be a good little girl and get my bag. I'm too lazy to go back to the classroom." he said in a casual manner, letting go of Mikan. Her face still red from all of what's just happened. She's still stuck in cloud nine. Too dumbstrucki to say anything. Rather, to think of anything.

Although, Natsume on the other hand was enjoying every moment of seeing Mikan blush. "You really are something aren't you...?" he thought, smiling to himself, as he averted his full attention to his precious brunette.

"Mikan..." he said in a husky, innocent voice. Looking into her ever so affectionately, "Y-yea...?" for her, time stood still as they gazed at one another, while Mikan felt her knees weaken some more. "Go. Get. My. Bag." Natsume said (commanded!) with fire in his eyes. "Whu-?"

"How many times do I have to say it dimwit? Go get your master's bag. I'm too tired to walk back, now run along now doggie and be a good girl while you're Natsume-sama sits here and await for your safe return." He said in a sarcastic manner with a grave look on his face.


"Though with your clumsy attitude, I doubt you'd be back safely." he said with a smirk,

"Why the hec-"


"YES BOSS!!" she saluted at her self- proclaimed "master" and headed towards the room without another word.

"Haven't changed a bit... not even a bit, little Mikan."

Later that day...

"MOU! Natsume! You jerk!" Mikan went on and on, calling Natsume names in unknown languages.

While walking down the road, she could not help but stare at Natsume's broad back. "You've grown so tall Natsume... Too bad that I can only look at you from behind, if only time would slow down a bit, then I wouldn't mind if things would stay the same for a while. A world with only you and me." Mikan thought as closed her eyes, blushing with the memory of their moment earlier that day. She remembered how warm the embrace was.

"Keep on babbling surf board." Natsume waved a hand back at her with his back facing her. He advanced w few more steps away from her.

"WAH! Come back here you two-faced, conniving JERK!" she shouted on the top of her lungs while stomping her way towards him. Desperate to punch the heck out of him. She then tried to move as swiftly as possible, but failed to do so.

"Too slow... hearts." he replied with a grin. "Either your bag is heavy, or your just a sissy little girl who whines all the time."

"WHU!? Why the heck do ya' think I'm so SLOW, HUH?! When it's YOUR stuff, plus mine, that I'm carrying?!" She said, desperately grasping for air.

Then, it hit her, 'Hearts...'

"AHH! NATSUME YOU PERVERT!!" She yelled without hesitation. The crowd around then averted their attention to the two teens.

Natsume, too bored and tired to argue, not to mention embarrassed, turned his back on the girl and kept on walking. As if a they were both strangers, leaving Mikan turn red with both anger and embarassment.

"I hate youuuu..." she pouted and then kept on walking, once again, with Natsume's back facing her.

"I know..." Natsume muttered to himself as he kept on walking, with an unusual look in his eyes.

As soon as Mikan and Natsume arrived in front of the Imai family's home Mikan quickly rang the bell. She was still muttering and complaining about Natsume's jerky remarks. How she hated him, and yet how she missed those words of his.

"Oi... if you're going to sulk some more, do it when I'm gone." Natsume said as he leaned against the wall. With that, Mikan then bent down to her knees, dropping all of their bags, and started circling her fingers onto the ground.

"Cuz, Natshumeh awlwhays shay mean things to poor innhoshent, wittle Mikan... hooo..." and she kept on and on, faking a cry and a baby voice. Amazingly enough, Natsume wasn't irritated at all. He wasn't mad about his stuffs being covered in dirt or with Mikan complaining. He was happy, since it has been far too long since they've talked and kid around like this.

For him, the wait was worth it. Just being able to see and talk normally his precious tangerine was enough. Staring at her adorable features were all it took to take all the stress away.

He then kneeled in front of Mikan with a gentle smile plastered on his face. Their faces were so close together that Mikan couldn't help but turn pink, nor could she control her pounding heart from beating faster and faster every second.

"What with this awkward atmosphere? Why is Natsume's face so close?! Kyaa! I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack!!!!"

"W-w-w-w-wha- what...?" Mikan asked in a meek voice, her eyelids felt so heavy that she blinked twice as fast as anybody can. While Natsume noticed how she had reacted from his boldness found her even more adorable than she was before. How she has grown, yet her hazel eyes were still as beautiful as they were before.

Natsume then took a deep breath, then rested his forehead onto hers. He felt how warm she was, and so did she. Mikan was so caught in the trance that she all she could do was stay caught in his amber orbs, gazing at them dreamily.

Natsume then brought his lips near hers, almost touching, "What would you do... if I-"

"Isn't this a fine afternoon?" A sarcastic, yet monotonous voice came out of nowhere, making the lovestruck teens move away from each other as quick as the flash of lightning. Both faces were in deep shade of red.

"Never seen anybody do things like that 'round here now-a-days..." the voice carried on. With that said, Natsume and Mikan both froze in place. Although Mikan didn't quite get it, she knows one thing for sure. She knew fully well to who the voice belongs to.

Natsume then stood up and got his bag, not even paying attention to Mikan. He then paused for a minute, then he grab hold of Mikan's hand to help her up. When she was already up to her feet, he was till holding her hand. His face was still covered up by his long bangs and his back faced the stranger from before.

The air around the three felt intense. Mikan felt like she was being choked by a snake. It didn't feel right at all. She had to say something.


The gate then opened, showing a very irritated young girl in her special laboratory jacket.

"Ho-Hotaru?!" Mikan was baffled to see the girl get in the house before her. She was shocked indeed.

"Who else would I be? Barney?" the raven haired girl then looked around and saw a rare sight.

Who would have thought that Natsume and Mikan would be holding hands this soon? And that Ryoma would be there, licking his lollipop and having a death glare competition with Natsume?

Out of all people. And out of all the situations.

"This is getting interesting..."

A/N: SO?! You guys liked my extra special fluffly chapter?!

Been a long time since I typed! hehe, sorry for the wait people!