Col Mitchell, and his team had a new found respect for Aeryn. They knew Aeryn was a trained warrior, but what she displayed now, by killing Scorpios was deadly force when it came to someone hurting John. Adria felt she was robbed by not punishing Scorpios herself. He had undermined her authority, not to mention, made himself supreme leader over her personal ship and Prior. She had an ego to stroke and using the excuse to test others loyalties were one way to gain back her importance amongst the Ori soldiers as well as the Prior.

The team made their way with John to the Command center and Adria had to play the concerned Orici to save face.

"Prior, commanded Adria. Make ready to abandon my troops to the surface of the planet. Scorpios has sabotaged the ship with the construction of that chair. He has been dealt with and I wish to preserve all those who are loyal to the Ori."

The Prior never questioned his Orici and carried out her orders with efficiency. Aeryn and SG1 ringed to the surface with John still in bad shape. Aeryn had made sure that she stayed close to Adria. She was one hair trigger away from killing her for putting everyone in harms way in the first place. Sam ran ahead to dial the Stargate and sabotage the ring after they went through.

"This is far as you go Adria, stopping short of the Stargate. Once through you will not see us again. If I ever see you first in my lifetime, said Aeryn without emotion. I will forget you are Vala's daughter and kill you on the spot."

"What about our bargain, asked Adria."

Aeryn watched Teal'c and Daniel carry John through the gate, followed by Col Mitchell. Sam and Vala stayed behind to make sure Aeryn had backup with their guns pointed at Adria.

Aeryn pulled out a control box and detonated the chair on the Ori ship. The explosion was so intense that everyone on the planet, except the Prior and Adria dived to the ground for protection. Aeryn moved to the Stargate and nodded to Sam to set the charge to the gate. All three woman stood almost noble against the gate before turning back to address Adria.

"We had a bargain Aeryn Sun. Once you had John Crichton, then you would return what is rightfully mine." Adria pressed forward.

Aeryn nodded back to Sam and Vala and began going through the gate. She turned to Adria and smiled an evil smile.

"I lied."

As soon as all three women walked through to the gate, the gate exploded with the charge and destroyed the gate behind them. No one could ever dial from that planet ever again. Adria was livid and turned to her Prior.

"Have another ship ready at my disposal Prior. We have a galaxy to convert." With that said, Adria made her way back through her army wanting more than ever to destroy non believers, but first she would make sure her mother, John Crichton and Aeryn Sun would pay for their treachery one day.


Dr. Lam was busy finishing up her examination on John. He was extremely dehydrated and weak. His muscles had onset muscle soreness due to extended stress on them. Dr. Lam had administered John a muscle relaxant and an IV with a continuous saline drip. Aeryn had returned and was by John's bedside immediately. Dr. Lam wanted her to wait outside, but Aeryn would not budge. John was resting comfortably and Carolyn had finished her examination. She saw how attentive she was to John and turned the lights down low in his cubicle and left the two in peace.

Col Mitchell and his team were waiting outside after they had a debriefing with Gen Landry on the situation with Adria. Once Gen Landry understood why Aeryn had blown up Adria's ship, he wanted a full report on what was SG1 to do with John and Aeryn. SG1 waited outside the infirmary waiting on Carolyn's diagnosis on John's condition.

"Carolyn, how's John?" Asked Vala."

"He's resting comfortably now. He had extreme muscles soreness and dangerously dehydrated. I put him on a saline drip and total rest for the next 2 days. What happened to him?"

Col Mitchell interrupted. "Some Scorpios guy had John in some chair torture device. What ever it was, had John in extreme pain. Aeryn destroyed it and believe me the person who invented it.

"Well from his brain scan, he has had extreme trauma to his head and some slight swelling with his brain, which with some rest, he will be back to normal. I'll check on him later to see how well he recovers. He's lucky to be alive that's all. Miss Crichton would not budge from his side while I examined him. From what I've seen; I couldn't intimidate her if I wanted to. She doesn't seem like the person that intimidates easily."

"You have no ideal, said Vala."

"Ok, well, anyway he's going to need some rest and I suggest all of you get some. I'll let you know if there is any change." Said Carolyn.

"You heard the Doctor ladies and gentleman. John is in good hands and I suggest we call it a day. Said Mitchell.


"Sam you and Daniel can analyze Adria's necklace later. I suggest we blow this pop sickle joint and go get something to eat; it's on me."

"I believe we will let you Col Mitchell, said Teal'c."

"I'm game said Sam."

"I'll join you guys later, said Daniel. I need to speak to Vala in private." Vala was curious to what Daniel wanted to speak to her about. Matter of fact all his teammates wanted to know what Daniel wanted to speak to Vala about.


Aeryn stroked John's hair and kissed him gently on the lips. Even in his sleep John knew it was his Aeryn, he slightly smiled still unconscious. Aeryn smiled back and sat back down next to John's bed and took hold of his hand and kissed it.

Aeryn whispered to John, careful not to wake him so he could recover.

"John, you're safe now. Scorpios won't hurt you ever again. I made sure of that. We're free from him and we can live our lives in peace. I don't know what would have happened if he succeeded, by I know this. I love you John Crichton and you have ruined my life. I couldn't be happier in my life than I am now with you. Rest peacefully now, I'm here and no one will hurt you ever again."

Aeryn laid her head down next to John's arm and watched him lovingly as she fell into an exhausted sleep beside him.

The next morning Dr. Lam checked in on John. Aeryn was still sleeping next to John and Carolyn tried not to wake her while checking on his vitals. His color had come back and his muscles had finally relaxed. He seemed a lot more peaceful looking and Carolyn surmised that it was Aeryn's presence that was responsible for that. She would wait for John to wake before she scheduled another brain scan and decided that she would report to Col Mitchell when he arrived with the rest of SG1 on John's condition.

Col Mitchell and SG1 were in the conference room with Gen Landry. After Col Mitchell reported that the Stargate on the planet was destroyed and that Aeryn had destroyed Adria's personal ship, he wanted to know about the Wormhole information that John Crichton possessed. He had to ask if John Crichton was dangerous to the entire galaxy more than Adria and the Ori. If he was wanted that bad, would it be better to keep John and Aeryn in a more secure area instead of SGC, especially if NID got wind of his power to destroy galaxies at a whim.

"General we don't even know what kind of power John has in his head, said Mitchell. I know that I can vouch for John Crichton and I'm sure my team feels the same way. If John wanted to threaten us he could, but he had made it very clear that he would sacrifice himself before he would allow anyone to posses what he knows. Aeryn is the same way, if anything had happened to John, she was sure to follow him in death. I've never seen two people so devoted to one another in my life, to preserving life, by sacrificing theirs sir."

Gen Landry looked around the briefing table and each member nodded their head in agreement with Col Mitchell. Daniel and Vala seemed to smile a little more than usual to Gen Landry, but he understood the sentiment behind Mitchell's words.

"Ok, Col Mitchell, with your recommendation, I'm going to consider them a non risk and do whatever you can do to help them return home or make them part of SGC while they're here as our guest.

"Thank you sir. I think they would like that." Said Mitchell.

"Ok, your teams dismissed Colonel."

"Hey; let's go check on our favorite guest." Stated Mitchell.

"Yeah, I know they'll be happy to hear they can go home, if they ever find their way back. Said Vala.

"Well, before we were interrupted by Adria and her boyfriend, said Daniel. We had two designated galaxies they could try to go back to their reality. I need to see if they want to make the choice or stay."

"Well darling. Let's go ask them." Said Vala.


John was awake and smiling at Aeryn by his side. He caressed her hair gently and waited for her to wake. Aeryn felt something and looked up to see John smile that smile that Aeryn loved.

"Hey sunshine, I'm starving. What's on the menu this morning."

"Typical human. Aeryn smiled. Always thinking about your stomach in the morning."

"Well I was thinking about you in the morning, but I don't think the natives would appreciate the show." John smirked.

Aeryn leaned over and kissed John tenderly and he reciprocated. "I almost lost you again, John. Scorpios was about to make you a shell when we arrived."

"Well, things are a little fuzzy after you kissed me. That was the only real thing I felt good about. What happened to stretch face?"

Aeryn sighed. "I killed him John. I told him what would happen if he ever hurt you again."

John caressed Aeryn's cheek, knowing he never second guessed his wife. He knew Aeryn would always protect him, and he the same with her. Aeryn was the love of his life and he knew he was a lucky man for finding her.

John pulled Aeryn in for a passionate kiss. John and Aeryn didn't notice SG1 standing in the doorway until Vala cleared her throat.

"Uh, hmmm. Well you two lovebirds may need to be alone. We can always come back later.

John and Aeryn both looked up, smiling to one another while pulling away from their kiss.

"Well John, you look much better than yesterday, said Vala. Aeryn must do wonders on the recovery section here. I'm sure Dr. Lam could use you Aeryn all the time.

"Ok, ok, Vala, I think you have embarrassed them enough for today, said Mitchell. Well, we wanted to see how our favorite resident aliens were doing and see if they wanted to go home or stay with us. The General believes that we should extend the invitation to make you a part of SGC and SG1 or take a free ticket ride home. It's your call."

"I don't know, what do you think sunshine? It's hard to think on an empty stomach. What do you say we blow this pop sickle joint and go eat some breakfast?

Teal'c, Daniel, Sam and Vala looked at John and Mitchell as if they were like stereo.

"Well, anywho, smiled Mitchell. We have to check with Dr. Lam to release you and I think breakfast can be arranged.

"Hear that sunshine, we can eat and make our decision later."

Aeryn looked back at John and caressed his face. "I think that would be nice." and kissed John smack on the lips.

"Well I see if I can find Dr. Lam, said Sam smiling at John and Aeryn's obvious shameless affections.

Dr. Lam released John without any further examinations. She felt if John was hungry, and he felt well enough to get out of bed, then there was no reason to keep him in the infirmary. SG1, Aeryn and John all met in the cafeteria. Daniel seemed to be more attentive to Vala and they thought it wasn't noticeable, but everyone noticed the change in Daniel towards Vala, especially John. Daniel explained again to Aeryn and John about the two planets that were suitable to travel back to their reality. But, if they chose one of the planets and created a wormhole, they may not be able to return through it or worse, it may not get them home. The alternative was that if they were able to return, the second planet may have the same outcome. Otherwise they may end up staying on this earth permanently."

John and Aeryn weighed their options and decided it was worth it to try and get back to their reality. Gen Landry had been notified about John and Aeryn's decision and commandeered the Prometheus to execute Johns Wormholes calculations. Sam and Daniel were amazed at John's ability to create this Wormhole and the sheer power and immensity was a hundred times more powerful than the Ori Stargate at Beachhead. John and Aeryn were going to use and escape pod to go through the wormhole and decided to say their final goodbyes to SG1 in the landing bay.

Col Mitchell had given John and Aeryn honorary patches of SGC to take with them along with some Macaroons he had saved. John seemed to love them while everyone else shied away from ever eating them. Sam and Vala hugged Aeryn the most and with tears in their eyes, and gave Aeryn perfume and barrettes. Aeryn couldn't figure out why, but they both informed her that John seemed to like the fragrance when they shopped online and picked out the fragrance especially for her. Teal'c both gave them both a copy of Star wars, which John appreciated more than Aeryn. He saluted them and made them honorary Jaffa. Daniel gave them old Gou'ald star charts in case they figured another way to get home if this failed or back to SG1's reality. John and Aeryn had appreciated everything these special people had done for them while staying on this earth.

"Col Mitchell, Cam; I want to thank you and your team for making us feel at home and I can speak for the misses, when I say we will miss all of you. You made us feel like family."

"We've come to like you guys too. If you're ever in the neighborhood, stop by and say hello." Smiled Mitchell.

John and Aeryn smiled back. "We'll just do that; well, I guess it's time to head out. Guys, again we don't know how to thank you for helping us out. Aeryn and I will be forever in your debt."

"Vala, Sam; practice what I told you and practice those moves with Teal'c first." Aeryn normally was not so emotional, but she had grown to like these people. Her eyes were welling up, as well as Sam and Vala's. They had come to really respect Aeryn and especially, her take charge attitude. Everyone hugged each other all around, they really hated to see these two special people leave. John and Aeryn's dedication to one another had come to be admired and cherished. The whole group had learned a great deal about relationships and promised themselves that they would be a little more caring and attentive to whoever they may meet in the future. Daniel and Vala seemed to be practicing just that.

John and Aeryn finally climbed into the pod and looked back one more time to wave to their new found friends. The pod exited the landing bay. John lined up the pod, giving himself the right calculations to begin his entrance to the Wormhole.

"Ok, baby. It's now or never. I love you, pray for home." Said John

"I love you too, said Aeryn reaching across to hold Johns hand. Let's go. We have a home to return to."

"Ok, wait for it, wait for it. Three, two, one……………..

SG1 watched from the Prometheus Command center, John's descent into the Wormhole when they disappeared, all of them prayed that John and Aeryn would make it back to their reality and safely home.

John and Aeryn's pod swooshed through the Wormhole picking up speed going through. It felt like everything had slowed down in their minds about returning home. John knew if this didn't work, they could end up in the wrong galaxy or worse forever stranded in space. The pod jolted to a stop once exiting the Wormhole. John looked around and saw a planet in the distance, not knowing if it was their reality or not. John used their comms to see if they could contact Moya. There was only static and no response. John headed for the planet and landed in seemingly heavy underbrush and possibly trees. Aeryn surveyed the surroundings and John checked the pod to make sure they could make a quick exit if need be.

"Well sunshine, I don't know where the hell we are, but from my calculations and this star chart Daniel gave me, there should be civilization around here. I don't see a thing."

"John, when we landed I saw something shiny near those mass of brushes."

"Well let's go check it out. Keep trying the comms honey. We may get lucky and hear from Moya or we may be right back where we started from."

John and Aeryn traveled for a couple of miles making sure before they left, they covered their pod. John was thankful that the heat was not bothering Aeryn and came upon the shiny object. It seemed to be some sort discarded or part of a ship. It looked as it had burnt edges, as if it was blown up and landed in the thick brush. With more investigation of the surrounding area, John and Aeryn found more pieces and followed a trail of some sort. As they went deeper into the brush, they came across a village. Some of the people looked like them and some did not. John and Aeryn decided to use caution and enter the village slowly. Even in their own clothes from their reality, they seem to fit right in. Turns out the village had several booths for shopping. They blended right in and no one really looked at them strangely, so they continued on looking to see if anything looked familiar.


John and Aeryn turned and to their surprise it was Rygel. "Ry- Rygel, you old son of green gun. It's good to see your ugly face once again." John rubbed Rygel's forehead like the Jeannie from the lamp and kissed him."

"Ah, ah, psst, stop that Crichton. Aeryn stop him."

"He's just happy to see you Rygel. Even me." Aeryn went over and hugged Rygel. He seemed to be glad to see them too.

"We thought you were both dead. Dargo and everyone has been going frantic with grief. After we lost contact with you, we came down to the planets surface. We came upon some raiders who where about to take off in the transporter. With all the fire power going on, somehow something ruptured and the raiders and we thought you and Crichton with it, blew up. Moya refused to leave the area and I came down to buy supplies."

"Where is everyone Rygel?" Aeryn inquired.

"There on Moya about to have a burial for you and Crichton. I came down to try and finish what you and Crichton came down here in the first place."

"We tried to comm. you guys, how come there was no answer? Said John.

"After we thought you were both dead, there really wasn't any reason to keep them on for awhile. We tried to comm you and we received no answer either; that's why we thought you were both dead."

"Rygel, we've been gone for almost six monons, why have you guys waited this long." Said John.

"Six monons? Rygel was perplexed. You two have only been dead for a few microts at best. Where have you two been?

"Why don't we get back up to Moya." Aeryn and John both smiled at each other and shook their heads. "Aeryn and I have one hell of a story to tell everyone."

A/N: Thanks everyone for sticking with this story. It's been a great ride and thanks for all the reviews from everyone. You guys rock. I don't know if I'll do a sequel, but if it's in the future, you'll know. Again everyone, you're all special. Review if you wish.