Chapter Eleven

Paige smiled at her nephew before Phoebe sat beside her with Prue resting on her lap "to think he could have been born years ago" Phoebe declared as she smiled at her sisters furrowed brow.

"Piper dated a warlock years ago… from what I can remember they were serious" Phoebe told Paige who raised her eyebrows and turned her attention back to her nephew.

"A warlock huh… I don't see much difference do you" Paige muttered while Phoebe gave her a glare.

"Ah Auntie Phoebe should give me a look like that should she little Tyler" Paige cooed to Tyler Halliwell/Turner.

Phoebe rolled her eyes while Prue giggled and played with her cousin's out stretched hand.

Phoebe and Paige simply laughed as the two youngest Halliwell's cooed to each other before there was a slam from down stairs followed by raised voices. Throwing each other a knowing glance Paige and Phoebe sighed at their sister and brother-in-law's latest round of fighting.

"I don't understand what the big deal is Cole… I just pointed out where you work" Piper declared as she followed her husband as he stalked up the stairs.

"It wasn't the fact you told them piper… it was how you told them, it was your tone" Cole snapped not turning to look at her as he stood outside their room.

Phoebe and Paige ventured out of Phoebe's room and stood beside Piper who folded her arms indignantly.

"Oh for crying out loud Cole, there was no tone. I said you were my husband and I told them where you work" Piper declared while Cole spun and glared at his wife.

"What's going on" Paige asked as piper gave her a look "Cole believes I belittled him in front of our friends" Piper told them as Cole raised his eyebrows and gave her a tight smile.

"YOUR friend's piper, not mine" Cole snapped as Piper rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"Yes because our dinner with your friends went so well… oh no wait the last time your friends were around they tried to kill us because their demons" Piper snarled causing Cole to clench his fists beside him.

"Come on guys" "no Phoebe he refuses to listen like a normal person" Piper snipped giving her husband a death glare. Cole simply laughed and waved a hand "and yet again it's the charmed ones" Cole snapped causing Piper to give him a withering glare.

"What's that suppose to mean" Piper snapped while Phoebe and Paige gave each other a look.

"The moment there's a problem between me and you, you going running to your sisters. Inseparable, you go running to them the moment me and you have to deal with our problems" Cole snapped.

Phoebe went to say something but Paige put a hand on her arm while Cole and Piper stared at each other with withering looks. Then Cole shook his head and went to storm into their room when Piper pointed her finger at him.

"Don't walk away" Piper exclaimed as Cole slammed the door shut but seconds later it exploded along with half the wall. Cole and Phoebe stared at Piper while she and Paige stared at the hole Piper had just left.

Piper bit her lip as she swayed with Tyler in her arms as she stared at the hole she had left the previous night. Sighing she headed downstairs while Tyler cooed up at her.

Cole flickered his eyes up from his plate when Piper walked in with Tyler in her arms before he glared down at his plate as though it was the present cause of his troubles. Phoebe and Paige looked from their sister to their brother-in-law then to each other.

"Where's Leo" Piper questioned as Phoebe cleared her throat "he took the girls out they were getting restless. But if it's about the door he said he could get it fixed for us" Phoebe admitted as Piper sat as far away from Cole as possible while rocking Tyler in her arms.

Cole snorted into his coffee but said nothing more; Piper threw him another glare but said nothing.

"Ok this is got to stop; I mean this isn't good for you two or the baby not to mention that we don't have enough money to keep fixing things you break as well as demons" Paige snapped gaining looks from both Cole and piper.

"Paige please would you just butt out" Cole ordered but Piper turned on him.

"Don't talk to my sister like that" Piper snapped as she shifted Tyler to glare with new gusto at him.

Cole rolled his eyes and lent back "it has nothing to do with them Piper… it was a fight between me and you" Cole snipped before Phoebe finally sat forward.

"Ok you know what I know better then anyone about a fight between a husband and wife… but last night it did effect me and Paige because Piper's power blew up literally" Phoebe pointed out as she stood and took Tyler from Piper.

"You two have an appointment with a marriage doctor… he does work for the paper. Leo will look after Tyler" Phoebe ordered as Piper gave her a pleading look.

"I have work" "I have the club" Cole and Piper injected causing Phoebe to shake her head and smiled.

"I'm sure you're allowed some time considering you have a new baby Cole… and I and Paige will take care of the club. You guys owe this to your selves… and to Tyler. You two have been through so much you were bound to hit some bumps in the road" Phoebe ordered as Piper finally looked away and looked to her husband.

Cole thought for a few moments before he held Piper's gaze.

"She's right Cole, we owe it to each other" Piper admitted before Cole nodded and sighed.

Cole sighed as his arm snaked around Piper's waist while they watched Tyler.

The young child sighed in his sleep while his parents watched him intently.

Piper finally took a deep breath and glanced at Cole before she bit her lip

"Cole as much as I hate to admit it but I think we might have to get help" Piper whispered as Cole tightened his grip on her waist. Piper eyed Cole's stern face; she moved out of his embrace and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Honey" "No piper we tried the mortal way and it almost got your sisters killed" Cole reminded her before Piper sighed; gently she took his hand and ran her thumb across his knuckles.

"when have anything we've tried been normal… look as much as it pains me to say this but the idea was right the way we went about this was wrong… I was wrong to use magic. Our problems isn't magical its mortal, Phoebe was right we've been through so much, to be together and then to have Tyler. We just assumed that once we got this far then everything would be ok" Piper stated causing Cole to rub his neck then look down at his son and smile slightly.

"It was easy to blame it on magic" Cole admitted before he turned to Piper and gave her a small smile. Piper wrapped her arms around his neck and allowed herself to breath in his scent while Cole buried his hands into her hair.

"I promised that I would never lose you again Piper…" Cole admitted before he kissed her forehead.

Blue orbs lightened the corridor outside and both believed it to be Leo neither looking away.

"You know we could have an early night" Cole chirped into Piper's ear causing her to giggle and pull back with a glint to her eyes.

"Excuse me" a voice broke them apart and Cole glared at the red haired young man standing against Tyler's bedroom door.

A crooked smile lit his face while his grey eyes darted from Cole to piper "sorry to interrupt a tender moment but we have a call" Daniel stated causing Cole to growl then glance to piper who stiffened.

"Sweetie" "it's fine Cole… we have to deal with this too, you have a magical job too" piper ground out glaring at Daniel who gave her an innocent smile.

"It's just until everything is squared with them up there" Cole admitted causing piper to snort but she smiled sweetly at Cole.

"I'm going to have to deal with this Cole… I don't like it but I must accept you have a 'calling' and you can't ignore it. We'll talk when you get home" Piper ordered as Cole studied her before he kissed her quickly then bent over the crib and pressed a gentle kiss to Tyler's head. Throwing one last look to Piper Cole followed Daniel out of his son's room leaving his wife clenching her fists.

Sorry about the delay... i've been very sick and only been able to write a little each day. I'm better now and i'm cracking on. thank you for the reviews and sorry to keep you waiting.