Hey everyone, yeah that's right, I'm writing another fanfic. Lol. But here's the difference, it's a NARUTO one. :D Well my friend Grace, Shining Silver (used to be babyinu-2000) started this fanfic called Fate's Calling I think that's the name… Anyway, she used my character Suzu and I was planning to make a Naruto story anyway, just hadn't gotten into the mode yet since I didn't really know what to write about, and then Grave started hers so I was like, I know what I'm gunna do now. Lol. So I really hope you all enjoy it, if things aren't right, just tell me and I'll try to fix it. Lol. Please enjoy. :D

Becoming a Ninja

Boredom of Class

The teacher looked at me strangely when I told him my name. He thought I was stupid from how he looked at me.

"Suzu, you don't have a last name?" he asked me.

"Yes Iruka Sensei, I don't have a last name," I said as I crossed my arms.

Now the whole class thought I was crazy, well a lot of people did. Like a blond with what looked like whiskers on his cheeks, a blond haired girl with blue eyes, and a pink haired girl with green eyes. 'This is going to be just great… Everyone thinks I'm either messed up or trying to be cool…' I thought with a small shrug.

"Alright Suzu, take a seat next to Hinata in the top row," Iruka Sensei said with a small sigh, pointing to a girl in the back of the room.

'Yes, a seat in the back!' I thought with a wide smile.

"Is something funny?" Iruka asked me.

'Nothing except the fact that you're an idiot…'

"No Iruka Sensei," I said sarcastically as I walked up the stairs to the back row where the girl was.

That blond boy kept staring at me while I sat down and I gave him a cold glare with my golden eyes. 'What's this kid's deal?'

"H-hi," the blue haired girl said with a smile.

"Hey," I said as I crossed my arms on the desk and rested my head on them.

"I'm Hinata," the girl with the blue hair and velvet eyes introduced herself.

"I'm Suzu."

"It's nice to meet you," Hinata said shyly.

"You don't have to be shy around me. It's not like I'll kill you or something, but you don't have to be nice to me either if you don't want to," I said as I looked at her with just my eyes.

Hinata didn't know why, but she found the fact that my hair was ice blue and my eyes were golden to be kind of strange. 'I'm not used to this whole thing yet. I want to become a ninja, but I'd rather train on my own first before going to a place like this…'

"Naruto, show me your clone jutsu!" the sensei told the blond boy that was staring at me.

"Oh come on Iruka Sensei, do I have to?" the boy whined.

'God, shut up and get it over with.'

"Yes Naruto. If you want to become a ninja then show me your clone jutsu."

"Aw fine. If it'll help me become Hokage," Naruto said as he got out of his seat and walked down to beside the sensei.

Some of the students started to laugh and I could only wonder why. There were only the few that weren't laughing.

"How troublesome," a boy groaned from in front of us.

'What's so funny? It's only a clone jutsu.' I watched intently as Naruto transformed into an older man wearing a white and red hat with a really big nose.

"What the hell," I whispered, recognizing him as trying to look like the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf village.

"Um, Suzu, will you… Will you come meet my friends after? I-I'm sure you would like Tenten," Hinata asked me quietly.

'Why does she want me to hang out with her?'

"Naruto, if you're going to do it then do it right!" the pink haired girl shouted at him.

"Alright Sakura," Naruto said back with agreement.

I grunted with annoyance towards Naruto.

"Maybe tomorrow… It seems that someone has their eyes on me," I said to her before closing my eyes.

'Yeah, there's someone watching me right now… Probably all those teachers to make sure I'm not a troublemaker.'

"Enough Naruto, go back to your seat," Iruka Sensei said with some agitation.

"Hey sensei, why don't you make Suzu try it? I'm sure she knows something," a rather chubby kid with a bag of chips and what looked like a pair of underwear on his head… which was actually some sort of head-protector.

"Let's see you do it first fat head," I said coldly, opening my eyes to his words.

'He thinks I can't do it. What a loser!' I thought with a smirk as I saw him get mad.

"I'M NOT FAT!" he yelled at me.

"Enough already Chouji," Iruka Sensei said sternly.

With a heightened temper, the fat kid sat down and continued to eat his chips. 'Take that fat head.'

"Let's see your jutsu Suzu."

Getting to my feet, I walked into the middle isle and did the hand signs. 'I'm so glad that I learned this a long time ago. I only know it because I watched that kid use it a bunch of times.' I transformed into Iruka Sensei and grinned widely.

"Let's see your jutsu, Iruka Sensei," I said with his voice.

Transforming back, I sat down with a smirk.

"Wow, she's so cool," one person whispered.

"She's such a show off," another one whispered.

My gaze fell onto Naruto, who was now sitting down at his seat with crossed arms and a pout.

I felt a poke at my side and I looked at Hinata with some interest.

"T-that was really good, Suzu," she said with a kind smile.

"Thanks. I wouldn't mind seeing what jutsus you can do Hinata," I replied, turning my attention back to the sensei.

'Hinata acts so nice to me. I can only wonder if she acts that way to everyone…'

"Everyone, practice this jutsu until you get it right. Tomorrow will be a small test to see who is getting better and who needs help," Iruka Sensei said before waving his hand as a dismissal.

All the applying ninjas got to their feet and Hinata turned to me.

"So would you come meet Tenten tomorrow?" she asked me again.

"Sure I guess. It couldn't hurt to get to know more than one person around this place," I said with a shrug.

"T-thank you," she said with a small bow.

"Suzu, Sasuke, may I speak with you both for a moment?" Iruka Sensei asked.

"See you later Hinata," I said before running down the steps to where the sensei and another boy were standing.

'That symbol, on the back of that boy's shirt… I've seen it somewhere before…'

"Suzu, if you already mastered that jutsu, then why did you come to this ninja academy?"

"I felt like it. Any academy is better than no academy," I said with a shrug before leaving the room.

Sasuke just grunted with some annoyance as he watched me leave.

"It's probably her dream to become Hokage as well," he mocked me.

"My dream is to protect those who are dear to me," I shouted back from the hallway.

'Now, since there's no place for me to go right now, I think I'll go sit on top of the Hokage mountain thing and do nothing. Maybe it'll be far enough from the people following me with those damn eyes!' I thought with annoyance and a slight feeling of fear. What I didn't know was that there were two sets of eyes following me; someone who had been following me for a long time, and someone I had met recently.

"Protect those who are dear to you? To me, it looks like there's no one for you to protect, and no one to protect you," a shinobi laughed from the shadows of the buildings as they watched, with two more sets of shinobi eyes standing behind him.

"Come one, we know she's guilty," said one with a smirk.

"Give her about an hour, then I'll give the signal," the first shinobi said before all three disappeared.

I jumped from roof to roof top towards the Hokage mountain thing. It would be a few hours until sunset would come, so I had time to laze about and think things over.

"How long ago did it happen? Mother and father were killed by that damn ninja, and I don't even remember how long ago it was. How disgraceful am I?" I asked myself with some mockery as I reached the mountain and sat on the fourth Hokage's head.

'Sorry lord Hokage, but this is my only place to go till the sun goes down.' I said the apology in my head, in hopes that the Hokage's spirit might hear it even though it was in my head. My black baggy pants looked really big against the hard stone and my bare feet could feel the warm breeze. On my right arm clung come cloth that was much like the ones I had seen the Sasuke boy wearing only mine were red and black; the black being on the inside and red being the elastic like material that clung to my arm. On my left wrist was just a small chain bracelet. I was wearing a baggy red shirt with sleeves that went to my elbows. I closed my eyes and felt my ice blue hair blow with the wind. 'Nothing like some peace and quiet to make everything seem peaceful.'

There was the sound of someone landing on the stone of the mountain and I quickly reached into the large pocket of my right pant leg and pulled out a kunai before jumping to my feet and turning around.

"You are a very interesting person, Suzu. Every time I get close to catching you, you disappear on me again. Why would you come all the way back here though? Are you looking for a reason? Their killer perhaps?" the shinobi said with a smirk.

I looked at the ninja coldly. He had a hood over his head, but I could see his face from the nose down. 'Him again…' Gripping the kunai tighter, I got ready to stab him with it.

"Why do you keep following me, you stupid water ninja? Is it because I killed that guy once upon a time? You and your two other friends can leave because I'm not going back to accept punishment. That bastard deserved to die!" I growled hatefully.

"I'm not taking you back to accept punishment. I'm giving the punishment for slaughtering a sensei of our village!" he said as he threw senbon to the right and left into buildings.

'This guy has followed me for about a year now… That ninja from their village that I killed had a damn good reason to die. Just like the one who slaughtered my family deserves to die above anyone else.' I ran at the shinobi with my kunai held tightly in hand.

"So you've finally decided to fight back," he laughed as he pulled out some more senbon.

"You're gunna be the one fighting back!"

Right when I swung the kunai, he stabbed the senbon into my chest only to have a cloud appear around him. I had substituted to behind him and before I could strike him, four arms took hold of both of mine, two on each arm. 'What the hell? Wait… Those senbon from earlier… He was giving a signal.'

"Cheater," I whispered, not struggling as of yet.

"All is fair in love and war," the shinobi with the hood laughed as he turned to face me.

'If he thinks all is fair then we'll see if he believes this to be fair as well.' Cracking my knuckles by making a fist, I forced chakra into my arms and pushed the other two ninjas into the one in front of me. Upon being free, I smirked with some amusement.

"Catch me if you can, mist ninja. I don't give up easily!" I said before running across the

Hokage mountain to jump to the buildings.

'How am I gunna get rid of these guys? I'm running out of things to trick them with.' Suddenly the ninja with the hood appeared and was running beside me, his hood falling down as he ran. Across his face was a long scar, one he blamed me for happening.

"Why don't you just accept the punishment?" he asked me, going in to punch my stomach.

I jumped to the left and then to the ground. Landing in an alley, I waited for the shinobi to jump down. Once I saw him, I gave him a cold look.

"Because," I started, dropping down to my hands and kicking upward into his chest, "It's no fun being like that!"

I watched as he flew upward and I quickly got to my feet before continuing my escape. 'Damn, I can't use my summon in the middle of the village. It would draw too much attention and my summon would be upset with me.'

"To the right," I whispered to myself before going left and jumping to the roof of the building.

The wind was blowing a little rougher than before and I could see that rain was on its way. 'Darn… If I don't get rid of these three ninjas by the time the rain falls then I'm really screwed. Hidden Mist ninjas can manipulate water of any sort.' Some sort of water was thrown into my face and as I tried to wipe it from my face, shackles were placed on both of my wrists.

"What the," I whispered with confusion.

Two strong hands took hold of my arms and then the once hooded ninja appeared in front of me.

"That was a pretty good kick that you used on me. I think you might have even cracked one of my ribs," he laughed slightly.

"Too bad, and here I was hoping to break some," I mocked.

My words got me a strong punch to the stomach. I coughed, feeling the wind being knocked out of me.

"You should learn not to be so arrogant," the ninja said with a smirk.

'I need to substitute, but they'd see. Better try anyway.' Putting my hands together, I did the signs for substitution. The hooded ninja pulled out some senbon and dug them into my stomach. Another cloud of smoke appeared, leaving the senbon stuck in an old log. I took the chance to try to run away but another ninja teleported to beside me and ax kicked me on my shoulder. I fell to the ground with a deep pain flowing through my shoulder. 'Damn… I forgot that there were three of them…' I cursed with gritted teeth.

"Did you really believe that I would go after someone like you unguarded? Do you really see me as that foolish?"

"The punishment is death for what you've done," said the ninja who kicked me.

"I believe that since I've been after you for so long, I'll let you live after beating the crap out of you for all the things you've done to me," the hooded ninja laughed as he cracked his knuckles.

I attempted to get to my feet, only to be pulled up forcefully by the back of my shirt. 'I can't do anything to get away from them… I can't do the summon and I can't use my special technique without some sort of shadow or nighttime.' I got punched across the face and then a kunai sliced across the side of my right arm.

"You bastard," I whispered, wincing with one eye and giving the shinobi a cold glare with the other.

I got kneed in the back by the ninja who had lifted me to my feet and felt the air leave my lungs.

"Show some more respect!" he demanded with a smirk.

"Why…? Just because he's a… a right hand man of the leader in the Land of Waves, I should show him some respect?" I mocked as I tried to bring in more air.

There was a round kick to my ribs that caused me to fall to my knees. The ninja behind me stabbed my left shoulder blade with senbon and then grabbed a tight hold of the back of my head by my hair.

"This should teach you about killing a respectable sensei of another village. If you ever come to the Land of Waves, you will be killed and I being the one who killed you," the hooded ninja said coldly before kicking me in the stomach and punching my other cheek.

I felt all strength leave my body as I was picked up and thrown off the roof to the ground below. My back collided with the solid ground and the senbon stabbed even deeper into my shoulder. On my arm, I could feel the blood slowly drying and fresh blood coming from my back. 'Damn it, they're so cheap. I would have won if there weren't three of them.' I tried to roll over but failed horribly at it.

Rain started to fall from the sky and land on my face. Closing my eyes, I fell into unconsciousness. A lot of people passed the alleyway and only one person stopped to see the hooded ninja, with his hood back over his head, appear from almost nowhere.

"Remember my warning Suzu. Otherwise I will be forced to kill you," the ninja said before disappearing once again.

The person that had seen the shinobi vanish walked into the alley with a worried face.

"Hey Hinata, why'd you stop?" a girl's voice asked before a girl with brown hair in buns came into view.

"Tenten, we have to get a sensei quick!" Hinata said with worry as she turned around to look at her friend.

"Why? What's going on?" Tenten wondered as she came a little closer.

"Suzu's really hurt! Get Iruka Sensei or someone!" Hinata said urgently, feeling that there was something wrong.

"Alright, I'll be back!" Tenten shouted before running away.

There was the quiet sound of beeping and it started to annoy me in my sleep. 'Where am I? Why the heck am I so sore? Wait… I fought those three shinobi and got the crap beaten out of me… But where am I now? Did someone find me?' I rolled onto my left side and opened my eyes. The room was completely dark and I could only hope that no one else was in the place with me.

"A hospital," I whispered with some annoyance.

"Huh… Suzu? Are you awake?" a girl's voice asked me.

"S-Suzu, are you alright?" Hinata's voice asked.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness more and I could see both Hinata and another girl with two buns on her head. 'I really hope that they can't see my eyes right now…'

"What's… What's wrong with your eyes?" the kind girl asked me.

'Damn they can see them!'

"It's… It's nothing. Nothing at all," I said quietly, closing them halfway.

"How do you have them? The entire Uchiha clan was slaughtered years ago. I only know of one being alive," Tenten said with some interest.

"Really?" I wondered with surprised, sitting up really fast.

'I'm not the only one alive? There's still someone else?!'

"The Uchiha clan?" Hinata wondered.

"It's the pass down of the Uchiha clan with each generation. My father was the Uchiha and my mother was a regular ninja. That's the reason my eyes change with the amount of darkness they see," I explained before cracking my left shoulder from sleeping on it.

The senbon had damaged the shoulder muscles, but I knew that they would heal in due time.

Hinata watched as Tenten turned on the lights to the room. The red of the Sharingan vanished only to be replaced by golden orbs. 'I hate this stupid hospital already. Looks like I'll have to make sure to train so I won't have to come back here again.'

"Alright, I feel better now. Let's get out of here before someone comes to check on things," I said with a wide smile.

"W-what?!" both Tenten and Hinata shouted.

"Ah, not so loud. Don't tell them that. It's not like I'm gunna go off and almost get killed again. That's a one time thing until I become a real ninja," I pulled off the beeper thing and then quickly jumped off the bed.

"You know, they're gunna think you're dead, and or dying right?" Tenten said with a laugh.

"Yeah I know. That's why I advise you to run away with me before we get caught and you two get blamed for letting me go," I laughed as well.

"That's cheating!" Tenten yelled at me.

"Bye," I said with a wide smile on my face before I jumped out the window.

"She's crazy!" Tenten said with astonishment.

"S-sure looks that way," Hinata said with a smile.

Tenten put a hand on her friend's head.

"Life would be boring if everyone was normal, wouldn't it? Like if Neji or Naruto were normal," she laughed.

"Or if Suzu had grown up with her parent's," Hinata finished with a kind smile.

"Well I guess we'll just have to find that out the hard way, won't we?" Tenten laughed before they both turned as someone opened the door.

"Where is she? Where did that girl go?" a nurse asked with urgency.

"She left while Tenten and I were asleep. We're sorry for letting her get away," Hinata said with a slight bow.

"What she said," Tenten said as she pointed to her friend.

"What a strange girl. When you two were eating, she kept saying 'can't summon llama' in her sleep," the nurse said with a shrug.

"Not the llama!"

End of Chapter 1

Well there you have it. :D :D I really, really, REALLY hope that you all enjoyed it. If you get bored and or are interested in reading Grace's version of this, go ahead. Lol. Fate's Calling by Shining Silver. I suggest that you read it because I think it's totally awesome, and I'm not just saying that because she's my friend, but because it really is awesome. :D:D So I really hoped that you all enjoyed my fanfic, and that you'll go read Grace's version with Hinata, Tenten, and Suzu. :D:D Please R&R and I'll try to update as soon as a I can. :D:D