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In Denial

Chapter one: Oh, Baby!

"That's it, Mr Mutou, push!"

"I can't!"

"C'mon, hun, you can do this!"

"I hate you!" and a big push he gave, and tightening his grip on Seto's hand

"I hate you, too," he said sarcastically, wincing the pain off his hand. "Now push!"

"I am pushing, you bastard! Ugggghhhh!"

"It's crowning!" the doctor told them and Yami stopped pushing. "Just a couple more pushes, Mr Mutou and it's all going to be over."

"Easy for you to say…you're not the one pushing a watermelon out your…somewhere down there…" he panted as Seto helped him up in a pushing position and he gave a push, with the pain searing through his whole body like fire. Blood on his thighs and the sheets under him, the head of the baby putting loads of pressure on his hips, sweat on his face, a whole day of labour and more than an hour of pushing, he was certain he won't let Seto knock him up ever again.

"That's it! The head's out!" Yami slumped back breathing heavily. "Now push as hard as you can and that should get the whole baby out,"

"I hate you!" Yami yelled at Seto. "I swear! I will never let you fuck me again without a condom!" he gave one last push; giving all the strength he had left, just to hear a little cry of a newborn.

"It's a girl!" and an awe inspiring cry of a newborn baby filled the room

"My baby girl…" Yami whispered

"Mr Kaiba, will you do the honours of cutting the umbilical cord?" and the scissors were hand to Seto and he cut it

The baby was wrapped in a big white cloth and was handed over to Yami. "My baby girl…my baby girl…" tears of joy ran down Yami's face. "She's perfect…" the baby calmed down in the hands of her mother…?

"Perfect," said Seto

"I told you she was a girl. You were insisting she was a boy!" said Yami looking at the newborn sleep

"I know, I'm sorry," the nurse took the baby to the nursery and another went in to clean Yami up. "Rest, you'll need it when we get home."

"Ok," and he dozed off

Seto left him to be cleaned up and he went to the window by the nursery, where there were many people, wanting to see the young Kaiba. "Move," he told the people in a cold, monotone voice. They moved and backed away, but not too far from the window, as so they can see the young Kaiba. He saw his kid being placed by a nurse on a crib, with the crib having the label "BABY KAIBA". People smiled as they saw the new member of the Kaiba family. After seeing the baby, he went back to Yami's room, where he was peacefully sleeping his exhaustion away. He smiled at the scene. Yami's sleeping form softens his strict visage, making his face very cute. He proceeded to the sofa far right of Yami's bed and sat down, also dozing off himself.

The next day, Yami, Seto and young Kaiba were set to go home. Although they weren't married yet, they already have a child. Of course, the child wasn't planned. They weren't expecting her. She was conceived and they can't do anything about it. Termination was certainly was not the solution. So even though Yami and Seto weren't ready to be parents yet, they will try to raise the child well.

They got safely in the limo, despite the press that got in their way, trying to get the young Kaiba on film and on photo, obviously to put on the paper, magazines, on the net and on TV.

"The kid ok?" Seto asked Yami, who was supporting the baby's head on the crook of his arm

"Yeah, she's fine." Yami said, putting the baby's cap on her head to protect her from the shining sun. He was sitting by the window, and it was noon when they left.

"Home. Now." He told Roland, his driver.

"Yes, Sir."

As they went home, Yami spoke up. "Seto, we haven't thought of a name for the baby yet." He looked at him

"I'll think about it." said Seto

"Thank you," Yami smiled, he turned back to admiring the sleeping baby in his arms. It was Seto's job to think for a name for her. He did all the pushing. Now it's Seto's turn to think and find a name for her.

Noriko was beautiful. She had the main part of her hair black and had blonde bangs, just like Yami's. She had Seto's nose and lips, and amethyst eyes with Seto's complexion.

"Noriko." Seto said a few moments later

"Excuse me?" Yami looked at him confused

"Noriko's her name." he told Yami

"That's beautiful!" he said. "Where'd you get it?"

"Made it up." He said. He was thinking about how Mokuba was doing at home. Had he done his homework? Was he playing with his consoles again without studying yet? Man, that boy's stubborn.

"Seto? We're home," Yami told him softly

"What?" he looked at Yami

"I've been calling your attention for the past minute. You were spacing out." He said, kissing Seto on the cheek. "C'mon," they went out the car and in the manor

"Big brother!" Mokuba welcomed them home

"Mokuba, uf!" Seto was embraced by the kid and Mokuba looked up at him.

"The baby!"

"She's with Yami,"

"She? You were insisting she was a he." Said Mokuba and he saw Yami with Noriko. He let go of Seto and went to Yami. "What's her name?" he asked excitedly

"Noriko. Kaiba Noriko." Yami answered, Mokuba was touching Noriko's hand that was clenched.

"She's so cute…" Mokuba whispered. "She looks like Yami at the same time she looks like you, big brother…"

"Can I go up now? I'm really tired." Said Yami, almost yawning

"Yeah, sure," said Mokuba and he went back to his tutor in the living room

"I'll be in the lounge if you need me." said Seto going up the stairs with Yami. "And Noriko's stuff is in our room for the moment. I haven't chosen a room to renovate for her yet."

"Thanks, Seto. I love you," said Yami turning to his and Seto's bedroom door

"Yeah, love you, too," Seto gave him a kiss on the lips and Noriko with a chaste one on the forehead.

Yami entered the room and laid sleeping Noriko on the crib opposite the king sized bed Seto had. He went to the bed and lied down. He did some thinking.

Yup. I don't want to experience that again. Ra, who would?! If Seto ever wanted one more, he'll be the one carrying it and I will be working away in Kaiba Corp with no worries. Now he'll be one throwning up all the contents of his stomach and still gain weight!

Ra, I am soo fat! How much weight did I gain? He went to the bathroom and on the weighing scale. Twenty pounds?! I soo have to lose that! I'll be at the gym if Seto wants me. Wait. Gym? There's a gym here! I remember Seto working out two weeks before a photo shoot. I am so there. I'll just have to drink one of those chocolate protein shakes Seto drinks after working out. And Gatorade while he works out.

Yami was sure he'd work out and lose the twenty pounds he gained.

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