
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.


100 Ways to Get Rejected and One More
By: Eternal Love LJ
Chapter 1: 1-20


Summary: The first twenty lines from James's bleeding heart. Oh, woe is James.


James: "Miss Evans, you look absolutely ravenous today!"
Lily: "What!
James: "Ravenous. You know . . ."
Lily: "Do you mean ravishing?"
James: "Umm . . . maybe."
Lily: "You better."


James: "Me. You. Hogsmeade. Now."
Lily: "Potter, get a life."
James: "Fine. Me. You. My dorm. Now."
Lily: "Sheesh."


James: "Hey, Evans, feeling all right? Because I know that I'm not. See, I have a fever."
Lily: "That's wonderful."
James: "And the only cure is you!"
Lily: Walks away.
James: "Wait!"


James: "Evans, I have my head in a cloud. I'm thinking of you."
Lily: "I hope it rains today."


James: "Evans! Come here often?"
Lily: "What's that supposed to mean?"
James: "I have no idea, but some people think it's a good pick-up line."
Lily: "Black?"
James: "Yeah . . ."


James: "Oh! Where are my sunglasses?"
Lily: "We're in the common room. Why do you need sunglasses?"
James: "Because you are so luminous today."
Lily: "Give up, Potter."


Lily: "Don't even start today, Potter."
James: "But . . . all the time is a good time to ask you out."


James: "The string around my heart gets tighter and tighter every day without you, my beautiful Evans."
Lily: "Maybe it'll kill you one day."
James: "I love you too, darling."


James: "Hark! I have an idea!"
Lily: "Amazing."
James: "Let's pretend that it's opposite day."
Lily: "Let's start with you not asking me out."
James: "Damn."


James: "Every day without your love is like a day without air."
Lily: "I guess you'll die of lack of oxygen soon, then."


James: "Evans, you're full of sugar and spice and everything nice."
Lily: "You know why you have brown eyes? Because you're full of shit!"
James: "I have hazel eyes, thank you very much!"
Lily: "Yeah, I know, but saying you're full of shit because you have hazel eyes doesn't make all that much sense."


James: "You smell."
Lily: "Oh my God, like what?" Checks underarms.
James: "Good! You smell good! Merlin, Evans."
Lily: "Wow, you're really getting better at this, Potter."
James: "Why, thank you, Evans!."
Lily: "Sarcasm!"


James: "If I could chose just one word to describe you, I would chose 'supercalafragalisticexbealodocious'."
Lily: "Umm, and why would you chose that word?"
James: "Because . . . well, it's long, and it sounds cool . . ."


James: "Evans? I'm running out of pick-up lines."
Lily: "Already?"
James: "No! I was kidding!"
Lily: "Darn."


James: Five seconds later. "Are you wearing space pants? Because you're ass is out of this world!"
Lily: "Oh God."


James: "Evans! Are you free tonight, or will it cost me?"
Lily: "Are you saying that I'm a prostitute?"
James: "Well, I hope not, but if that's how it is . . ."
Lily: "Get lost."


James: "Hey, Evans! I can see you."
Lily: "That's great, Potter."
James: "Great! How about tomorrow?"


James: "Hey, Evans, hey! Come here!"
Lily: Walks over slowly. "Yeah?"
James: "There are 265 bones in your body. Want one more?"


James: "Evans, I have changed my name to Milk!"
Lily: "Why?"
James: "Because I do the body good!"


James: "You know, Evans, I barely even ask you out anymore. I just . . . say pick-up lines."
Lily: "Wow. No way."
James: "Do you wanna go out?"
Lily: "Yeah."
Lily: "No."
James: "Drat."


A/n: There you go! The first 20! I hope you liked it! Tell me your favorite.