AN: I'm going to try another attempt at a fan fiction because this plot bunny won't die. No matter how many times I stab it, it just won't die. The first chapter is the prologue. It's gonna be short..sickeningly so, but the rest of the chapters will be longer. Onto the review issue, I don't really care if you review or not, because I've already written the entire story, and so a lack of reviews won't stop my writing.

Edit: Sorry about the formatting issues.

Disclaimer for fic: Don't own fic, except for the plot. That's mine. And maybe an OC, but I'm not creative enough for that. But if I come up with one, IT'S MINE! Also, I don't own Oscar Mayer Meats.

My Sacrifice


'I failed.' He thought sadly, laying in my white hospital room. He had failed. Badly. Sakura would be forever mad at him over this. But it didn't matter. She'd eventually get over it. But he wasn't just beaten. No, he was destroyed. Sasuke still got away, while he lay helpless in the dirt, not even conscious. Having just woken up, Naruto was still a little groggy. He turned to look at his bedside table and groaned. And he was still sore. The vessel saw nothing there except for a bottle of Sake with a note for someone named "Oscar Mayer".

'I wonder who that is...they must have gotten the wrong room.' Nope. No flowers, no 'Get well' cards, nothing. Oh, the word demon was carved into the table. Ok, so someone visited him. 'I'll need to get that guys address so I can beat the crap out of him...or her.' He added as an afterthought. Looking around the room, he noticed that there was nobody else in the room. He had a window and a door with a window,both bulletproof and unbreakable glass, he noticed, from the wire running through them both.

'How nice of them. What, no steel walls or ten inch titanium steel door with time lock? Someone's slipping up.' He thought bitterly.

'Oh well...' Naruto thought and turned up the bottle. It burned my throat a little, but still didn't taste too bad. 'Naruto can almost see why baa-chan like this stuff so much.' He thought as he drank myself into a quiet oblivion, going back to unconsciousness.

'Note to self: I can't handle alcohol.' was his last coherent thought as the blackness from the corner of his vision took him over. He awoke knee deep in water. Standing up, the boy looked around before realizing where he was.

'I've gotta get my mind out of the gutter.' He chuckled slightly at my joke and started walking, looking for where he wanted to be. Finally he found it, the room of the all powerful Kyuubi. Naruto stepped in and immediately realized something was wrong. The bars weren't there.

'Konnichiwa Kit.' Came a voice to his right. He looked and saw what looked like...well, it looked like a female Kyuubi/human with a Santa hat on. His ears stuck out of two holes that were cut in the hat, and nine tails were swaying slightly.

'And Marry Christmas while I'm it." He said at he stuck a hat like his on Naruto's head.

'Kyuubi...why do you look like a girl?'