Author's Tired Mumblings of an Insane Mind Verging on Collapse due to an Overdose of Coca-Cola, Manga and Chocolate but not Quite Beyond Functionability: Oops. Sorry, that kinda got away from me there.

Anyway, are you people as excited as I am? It's kinda sad, finishing a story… But hey. Maybe this chapter will push my counter past two hundred reviews? That'd be so awesome, and a definite milestone for me.

Now seriously, you should go read some of the absolutely bizarre reviews I've gotten over these past six months… I must say, I liked the one about my own bad break-up. And the one I got way back for chapter one from "Tight lyka tiger". The only one to criticise my story… Still food for thought though. Obviously, they shall never know the loveliness of this chapter, number 24.

And Hikari of the Moon, my most steady reviewer. You had better review this final chapter, Hikari. And since you're my 180th reviewer, I have a present for you. (Gives Hikari a life-size Sora plushie and the rights to the movie of the story "Mr. Pinecone".) I'm expecting a good movie.

Okay, reminisce later! Guys and gals, let's have a blast!

One final note: It probably won't be that believable and wouldn't likely occur in real life… but then again, that's what fanfics are all about, no?


Final Chapter

Riku, Riku, Riku… Sora's mind was singing all day long. He could barely keep his eyes off of the lovely sight of his boyfriend; regardless of the circumstances surrounding the silver-haired prince's return, Sora was simply ecstatic to be near to the boy again.

Naturally, the prince himself was as cool and calm as ever. Even in front of the odd stares that kept coming their way after the brunet's little display in homeroom, Riku acted as if nothing was amiss. He acted much as he always had, greeting the astonished Axel and nearly-fainting Kairi with a smile and a wave, winking at Larxene mischievously before slipping a slice of tomato down the back of Demyx's shirt, and generally acting as if he hadn't been excommunicated.

Even at lunch he completely avoided the topic; when the group of friends eagerly pushed for details the prince simply shook his head and said nothing, changing the topic to anything but what had happened to him for the past two weeks.

Eventually the end of the day arrived, and Sora was still no wiser as to the royal family's apparent change of heart. The brunet strolled down the path to the boarding house alongside Riku, chewing on his thumbnail. There had to be some way of making the silent prince talk!

Well… he could think of several. A few of which he might consider doing. They might even be reasonably fun, and if the whole reason for the 'interrogation' was lost, all the better. His mouth slipped into a grin. Unless Riku spilled, tonight was going to be damn interesting…

It took forever, simply getting through the boarding house. Every few steps someone would stop them to say hello to the prince, a 'welcome back' or a 'how was your holiday'. They didn't really like the lack of answer to the latter, though.

It's amazing how different this is to last term, Sora thought. They all know he's a prince but they're not sucking up anymore. It took a while, that it did. The brunet's smile was small and fleeting, but he knew a victory when he saw one. Even tiny ones like this were worth celebrating. It's probably the fact that he hung around me… and started pulling pranks.

Sora sighed happily when they finally made it to the stairwell, past the throng of boarders who were all busy meeting each other once again, clapping backs and telling raucous stories about their holidays. The brunet grinned and quickly undid the three locks he had locked at the beginning of the day, opening the door.

He threw his bag onto his bed and spun on the prince, who was busily putting away his schoolbag under his bed. "Now," Sora said menacingly as he grabbed Riku by the scruff of the neck and pulled him into a desperate hug. "It's so good to see you…" he mumbled into Riku's shirt. "I can't believe you're really back!"

Riku's arms wrapped around Sora's shoulders, squeezing him tightly. "I can't believe I'm back either…" Sora's head nuzzled against his sternum gently, the boy's tears making his shirt damp. Finally, Riku pulled away slightly. When Sora muttered a "no!" and pulled closer, Riku sighed heavily. He pinched Sora's ear until the brunet looked up at him, annoyed. "Lemme sit down, silly."

Abashed, Sora let go long enough for the prince to sit on his bed and lean against the wall, then he was curled up next to the boy, resting his head on Riku's thigh. He rolled over and grinned up at Riku. "I love you, Riku," he mumbled. He had never told the prince that before. It had never felt like quite the right time. "I love you so much… The past week hurt so badly 'cause I couldn't see you."

Riku nodded, smiling softly. "I love you too, Sora," he admitted, kissing the boy on his nose. "I love you more than life itself."

It was about an hour later; Sora and Riku were still there on the bed, simply enjoying the other's presence. Sora's eyes were slowly drooping shut when they snapped open. He pushed himself up with his hands, looking into Riku's eyes. "Hey, you never told me why you came back," he stated. "Are you going to tell me?"

Riku grinned for a moment. "Okay, I'll tell you. But I don't want you to tell anyone else; it's gotta be a secret for at least another two months," he instructed, raising one eyebrow. "Can you keep a secret?"

Sora sat up straight and pouted. "Hey, I kept you and me a secret… except from a few people," he corrected himself, looking away. "Besides!" he yelled, turning back to the prince. "I had a whole plan to get the answers out of you 'cause you were going to be your usual quiet self!"

The silver-haired boy laughed. "I should have expected that," he murmured. "Ah well. If you want, we can do that afterwards," he offered slyly, grinning at the brunet.

Sora snorted. "Yeah, right. There'll be no point in it if I wait till afterwards," he muttered, shaking his brown spiky hair. "Besides… I've been waiting all day to do this!"

Riku barely had time to blink once before Sora roughly grabbed him by the shoulders and shove him down onto the bed, throwing himself on top. The prince winced as Sora's elbow went by mistake into his arm, then the pain as gone as the brunet's cherubic lips pressed up against his. Everything was gone, except for his precious boy.

Warmth spread through his body like liquid fire, igniting passion and intense desire in its wake. His arms slipped by themselves around Sora's tiny form, meeting on the other side and pulling the boy closer. The brunet's little hands clasped around the back of Riku's neck, his thumbs just in front of the boy's ears.

Eventually Sora broke the kiss, gasping for breath. His face was red all over, making his large, sky-blue eyes stand out all the more. Riku smiled and caressed the boy's chin, marvelling as he often did at his extraordinary luck at finding such a sweet boy.

The brunet licked his lips, his eyes glazing over for a second. Suddenly they snapped back to Riku, a look of mock-anger gliding across his face. "You… taste like cinnamon," he muttered, raising an eyebrow. "Last night, while I was asleep… did you-"

"Come in here?" Riku asked, his eyes twinkling. "Steal a kiss from your lips? Most certainly!" he finished, winking. "How could I not? After all," he murmured, running a thumb over Sora's cherubic lips, feeling their tenderness. "I couldn't resist."

Sora rolled his eyes before settling his head on Riku's chest. "So, mind telling me now why you were able to come back?" he enquired, letting his eyes sink shut.

"Hmm… I think I might need a little more convincing," Riku answered sagely, looking thoughtful. After a second, he grinned down at the fuzzy head resting on his chest. "What do you think?"

"Hey, Sora? You in there?" Roxas' voice sounded from outside the door. "Hey, it's unlocked." The door cracked open, and the blond kid's face appeared on the other side. "Hey, did you get an answ-Oh dear God…"

Riku glared at the boy. "A little privacy, please?" Roxas nodded thoroughly, his cheeks aflame. His face disappeared and the door slammed shut. The prince waved and all of the locks set, preventing another interruption. "You knew that was coming, didn't you?" he accused, poking Sora.

The brunet's head popped up, nodding enthusiastically. "Yup!" Then the nodding stopped, and a malicious grin formed on his face. "Now… about that convincing…"

Half an hour later, and both boys were panting for breath, faces red. Riku sat up, gasping. Sometime in the past thirty minutes his shirt had ripped, and it hung off him in tatters. That… that was certainly convincing, he thought, his ability to breathe normally slowly returning.

Neither he nor Sora were unfit, but after their little session, anybody would be gasping. Riku grinned, glad he could have this again. He had missed his Sora for the past week and a bit; but thanks to his mother – and his father, as odd as it was – he could once again be here. He blinked, looking at Sora. The poor brunet couldn't even see straight; he looked as dizzy as hell. Riku was secretly pleased with his ability to do that to Sora.

The brunet in question shook his head roughly before grinning cheekily at Riku. "You look convinced now," he murmured, his eyes twinkling. "So, let's hear that story."

Riku nodded, his face dipping into a serious expression. "Well… I'm sure you remember our last day together. What with the mob and Dill and all that, it's a little hard to forget." Sora nodded grimly, muttering darkly under his breath about Dill. "Anyway… as it turns out, the people of Radiant Garden decided that they really didn't want me for a king," Riku said, a hint of relief entering his voice. "As the largest group of homophobes on the planet, having a homosexual king would be downright weird, so they made a huge fuss over it."

Sora blinked, confused. "But… then, who's gonna rule after your dad?"

Riku's face lit up into a huge smile, perhaps even a proud smile. "I'm gonna be a big brother in about seven month's time!" he yelled, bouncing up and down in an uncharacteristic display of emotion. "How awesome is that!"

The brunet's jaw dropped. "You're… kidding. You've gotta be kidding me. Your mom's…" Riku nodded, his eyes sparkling. Sora smiled, hugging his lover. "That's great!" he cheered excitedly. "Can I-?"

Riku nodded quickly, getting up and pulling the remnants of his shirt off. "Let's go tell blondie one and blondie two."

Similar reactions stemmed from Larxene and Roxas. Larxene hugged both of them, crying tears of joy, mumbling something about 'lucky them' and something about not electrocuting Riku anymore; the second of which made him twitch nervously, anxious to be far away from the crazy girl. Roxas slapped the prince on the back as hard as he could, making the silver-haired boy stumble forwards. Within seconds he had returned the favour with interest, knocking the blond twin flat on his face.

The two lovers walked down the corridor, Riku massaging his hand thoughtfully. "So… Now what?"

Sora glanced at his watch. "We have a couple hours till dinner. Why don't we go find some way to fill that time?" he asked slyly, glancing sidelong at his boyfriend.

Prince Pinecone grinned and winked. "That sounds like a good idea," he anwered, opening the door to their room.

There was a click as all twenty locks engaged behind the two lovers.


Author's Final Ramble: Well, thank you for reading my first BL story. I enjoyed writing this, especially the challenge of writing about two of my favourite characters. Thanks for reading, and to all of you who reviewed, thanks a bunch for reviewing.

Now, don't be afraid to spread the word about my story!

(Ties Riku to a chair) Now, let us bring forth reviews! (Puts on a Billy Joel CD)

You know the drill!

Goodbye, my faithful audience. I hope to see you all reading my next story.

And for the final time this time… Author out.