AN: This story takes place right after the events of Runaway Locomon, at Rika's birthday party. Before this story Jeri and Takato have already tried dating, but like most relationships at that age quickly ended with a minimal of hard feelings.


Takato's enjoyment of the party was lessened by the prolonged absence of their hostess, Rika. He knew that something was bothering her, but Renamon seemed to think that Rika wanted to be left alone, but it has been an hour. Complicating the entire situation was his growing feelings for Rika. She appealed to a different part of him than Jeri did. His feelings for Jeri were based on her crazy care free approach to the world. His feelings for Rika were derived from his admiration of her strength, courage and her kindness that she kept deeply buried inside her. Seeing her more venerable side today only increased his admiration. Seeing these softer emotions only made her strength throughout their adventures more amazing.

Rika felt pathetic. She could not believe that Parasimon had not only controlled her but now had left her so badly shaken up. Takato being here only made it worse. She could not stand looking weak in front of him. Dammit, she was supposed to be stronger than this. She knew that he had respected her strength, and that respect was her only hope that he would somehow return her feelings that she felt for him. She had almost lost him once when he started going out with Jeri. She was in pain whenever they were together. What was worse was that she could not bring herself to hat Jeri. Takato was better off with Jeri than the ice cube she had become anyways. It was hard not to be happy when their relationship ended. She tried her best to be sympathetic to Jeri in the week after the brake up until she got over it. Even after the break up the pain the pain did not go away. Every time he saw him, heard his voice, or even thought about him her heart would feel hollow.

Suddenly Renamon appeared besides her, "Do you want to talk about it."

"No" This was not something that could be shared even with Renamon. Her feelings were personal. The one lesson her father had stamped into her mind with her was to never trust anyone with the contents of your heart. Perhaps this is why she could never bring herself to approach Takato.


Renamon knew her tamer better than Rika suspected. She could tell that this was more than one of Rika's usual bad moods. Renamon also knew that she was not who Rika needed now, she needed someone different.

"Takato, I think its now time that you talk to Rika."

"What, why me. Can't you do it?"

"No, she needs to talk to a human and not just any human you." Renamon explained.

Takato was scared. He didn't know if he could help Rika. He also knew that sitting next to her and trying to comfort her would be torture. But he had to trust the Renamon knew best, and any pain would be worth it if he could make her feel even a little bit better. "Ok" He finally replied to Renamon.

He steeled him self as he opens the door to that back deck and sat down next to Rika. Seeing her in so much pain shot hot pangs of sympathy through out his entire body.

"Nice party huh." he tried timidly

She did not even bother to respond in words, but the look she gave him a look at that made her displeasure very clear.

Ok wrong approach thought Takato. He knew if he was going to help her he had to look deep inside himself and speak with as much honesty as words allowed. "Listen, Rika I know you're strong and you can handle anything, but if there is ever anything I can do to help you or if you ever want to talk I will always be there for you."

Rika kept staring at the ground, but her mind and heart were spinning. Would did she do to be worthy of such kindness. She had always been a so cold to everyone partially Takato. However, there was something about his voice that told her that every word was sincere and came from the depths of his soul. Perhaps, just maybe there was something that this goggle headed freak saw in her that she didn't know existed maybe if she talked to him she could find the part of her that Takato could love.

Takato was getting nerves sitting their in the silence. I really pissed her off this time he muttered to himself. He would be willing to sit their for ever if it would help Rika, but as the silence dragged on it became obvious to him that Rika wanted to be alone. Maybe Renamon was wrong he thought as he began to stand up. Suddenly Rika grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. "Please stay" she whispered. She resumed her old position in silence. Takato wish she would keep hold of his hands still he was happier than he could ever remember being that he could be of some little comfort to her.

"My parents were both teenagers when I was born." She started after a few more minutes of silence. "They didn't have planed to have children or even get married, but I came anyways. For a long time I was oblivious to the inconvenient nature of my birth. My parents seemed happy to raise me and even happy with each other. Then my father began to see other women on the side. At first we didn't know then even when my mom found out she pretended it wasn't happening. Then my Dad met her, Marie. He fell for her hard and was frustrated by the bounds a family imposed upon him. Then one day I came home from a school field trip early and caught him in bed with Marie. He was ravening mad and started yelling at me. He called me a bitch and told my birth and my existence was the reason why he was stuck as a clerk instead of really making something of his life, it was my fault he could not be with the woman he loved. He slapped me then and accused me of trying to wrench the last bit of happiness from he had by bargaining in on him. He slapped me again and again until my grandmother came home. I never saw anyone as angry as she was. Though my Dad was bigger and stronger she knocked him out cold. Then she basically forced my Mom to file for a divorce. I hadn't seen my Dad since."

Throughout this entire story she remained as cool as if she was talking about a stranger, but then suddenly she broke down into tears. "My father never loved me, my mother doesn't love me, she wants a girl who would be a good little model not an ugly tom boy like me no one wants me no one loves me. Everyone wishes I was never born." She then began to sob uncontrollably. Takato warped his arms around her and held her close. He was glad he could be there to help her over her pain. He was also amazed at the strength that it would take someone to function with that much pain inside of them.

Rika felt like each tear she shed was a part of the pain that had burdened her for so long. She then began to realize where she was, that Takato was holding her. She quickly composed her self and withdrew form his arms feeling ashamed that she had actually cried in front of him. She tried to get up, but this time Takato grabbed her and pulled her back to her seat. "Rika I never knew. Your father was a twisted man. All of his imagined losses would pale besides the joy and pride of having you as a daughter. And there are people who love you and are glad you live. Your Grandmother for one, Your Mom though she misunderstands you still wants what is best for you, even though she might not understand what that is, and Renamon will always be there for you. And well I love you more than anything and I will always do anything to make you happy."

They both sat there stunned by what Takato has just said. Rika's mind reeled. Did he really say he love her? Did he mean it the way she hoped he did? Rika slowly leaned forward.

Takato could not believe the words that he had just let slip from his mouth. Now she will hate me forever. How could he be such an idiot just when it looked like he was able to help her he had to go and screw it up? Then suddenly he felt her lips agents his. At first he was too shocked to react then he wrapped his arms around her and returned her kiss lost in the bliss of her tough. After they broke off they both stood up and walked away. Then Rika gave her first smile free of pain and fear that she had given in all her life. Then she gave a carefree laugh. Takato looked at her, seeing her smile he knew that he would never see anything as beautiful as long as he lived.