The White Room

Disclaimer- Alright people. There's too many chapters to this thing, and I'm only doing this once. I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters. If anything, I might own this plot, but even still... I might not take claim to it.

Chapter One-

"It's been a while." The remaining Uchiha muttered to himself as was walking through the streets of Konoha. So much has changed here. It's too quiet...

"It's been four years."

Sasuke stopped walking, but made no move to turn around to greet the one who was talking to him. His eyes narrowed. "You make it sound as if you care."

"It's my job to. But did you really think that it would be easy to just come back after all this time? What about Naruto?"

That name wasn't one that Sasuke wanted to hear. "What about him?" He all but yelled, turning to face Tsunade. "Why should I care?"

The Hokage sighed. "I didn't expect you to. I just thought that since you're back, that he'd be the first person that you wanted to see."

"I never want to see him again."

"Do you really mean that?"

Sasuke didn't answer, and Tsunade figured that he wouldn't. "Right well. Sasuke. There's one thing that I ask you to do."

He watched the Hokage expectantly.

"I want you to see someone of my choosing, everyday for a week for an hour at a time. This person has professionally trained under me, and has a degree in Human Relations."

"So in other words you want me to see a shrink?"

Tsunade nodded. "More or less."

"Forget it." Sasuke said simply.

"It's the only way to prove your alliegence to Konoha after what you've done."

Sasuke looked livid, but eventually agreed to these terms.

"Oh and don't worry," Tsunade paused to choose her next words carefully, "-She's just like you. In the end, you'll realise that doing this isn't all that bad."

But Sasuke wasn't listening. He brushed past her and made his way to the Uchiha Estate.

"I expect you at Hokage Tower tommorow morning at nine am sharp!" Tsunade called after him. not that well hidden amusement in her tone.

Someone slipped from the shadows and came to stand next to the Hokage. "You know as well as I do that there are other ways to prove alliegence to Konoha after betrayal."

"And Hello to you too Kakashi!" Tsunade greeted sarcastically. "But no. I have a plan. One that will prove to be therapy for both of the boys. I feel that this is needed to strengthen their ties to eachother. Though at the same time, it could also sever them completely... Even I know this."

"Not only do you gamble with money... but now you're willing to gamble the happiness of those who truely deserve it?"

"I never did like that serious side of you." Tsunade mumbled. to which Kakashi grinned underneath that mask of his. "But you know both of them are hurting inside. Maybe this way, if everything is all out in the open, then they can both find internal peace, and maybe something more."

Kakashi nodded. "I'm sure everything will work out just fine. After all, they're both still hormonal teenage boys."

"Brat! Open this door! If you value your life, then you'll have it open in three seconds!"

"Goodness old hag! I'm coming! Sheesh!" Naruto yelled through his house, soon coming to throw the door open, grumbling all the while. "You know, one would think that after as long as you've been around, that you would have learned a thing called 'patience'!"

Tsunade hit Naruto upside the head. "Watch your tounge brat." Naruto rubbed his now throbbing head.

"What are you even bothering me on my day off anyway?" Annoyance was evident in his tone.

"I have a special request for you, and you're the only person who can do this." Tsunade sounded more serious that she probably should have, but she wanted Naruto to know that this wasn't any joking matter.

Naruto eyed her curiously. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to meet up with someone everyday for a week. It's only for an hour per meeting. Try to get him to open up and come out of his shell. You're the only person who can pull him from his reclusive state."

A bright smile came to him. "Sure thing! No problem at all!"

Tsunade ruffled Narutos' spikey blond hair. "That's great to hear! But there's a catch, and you must follow through with it no matter what." Naruto nodded and she chose to continue. "For the person you're going to be meeting up with can't know who you are."

"Why not?" Now Naruto was a bit confused. But even though he was older now, confusion was to be expected.

"You'll know soon enough I promis. But you have to change your identity completely. Can you do this? It's important that you do this."

"It can be arranged I suppose."

"Great! You'll meet him tommorow!"

Authors Notes- Okay, I'll admit it. I'm a horrible person. I've had this whole story completely written out on note book paper, but I've been way too lazy to actually sit down and start typing it out. And on that note, I don't know when I'll get around to typing up the next chapters because of my laziness, even though they are more than finished... Well... I'll try to sit down and atleast type some of it out later tonight...