Summary- This is some thing I thought might be cool in an honor to the New Year. It's sort of like a bunch of compiled (but not randomly compiled) one-shots, one chapter/letter per sister. I'm not expecting it to go any where but some reviews would be nice. ) Thanks and Happy New Year to all!

Disclaimer- I don't eat--err-- own, Charmed. Or eat it. know...I feel like it.

Month/Date/Year/Time of day- January/1'st/2002/7:30am

Takes place- The first New Years after Prue died. This is basically just a bunch of letters to her from the sisters, or at least Phoebe and Piper- I'm not sure if I'll do Paige or not. ) Enjoy.

Title- Love; Piper.

Piper paced as she looked at the time. 7:30am. She'd wanted to be -with- Prue already, but so far hadn't seemed to be able to write any thing on that piece of paper. Eventually, she just decided to write what ever she thought. She could improve later... she supposed, any ways. So she sat down, grabbed her pen, and started into the letter.

Dear Prue;

I can't seem to find the right words to send to you today. It's our first New Years without you, and oddly, we have no idea what to do. Although maybe it's not so odd. You've always been here with us, Prue. For every holiday, every thing- every place that we can possibly've been there. You protected us, even in those situations when you would've lost your life. But you did eventually leave us...trying to save an innocent. "The Charmed Ones come first" you used to say, but I knew you felt differently. You believed that the innocent came first... even before your own life.

I can't help wondering what it would've been like if we knew. If we could've gone back in time. But either way, I know, a life would've been lost. Of course, talking about death isn't really the best way to spend a perfectly good New Years letter...I'm just trying to tell you how amazing I've always thought you were. But I took you maybe it was a lesson. A lesson not to take life forgranted. You never know what can happen. Or what will.

The only reason I'm actually writing this letter is to wish you a Happy New Year. I hope you don't think Paige has taken your place... we love her, don't get me wrong... but she's just not you. You'll always be in my heart...I promise. And what ever next generation comes will know of you. We will teach them to love you, despite the fact that they don't really know you. It's possible...I know it. Almost every thing else is. Almost.

I hope you have a Happy New Year up there, and the one thing I need you to promise me is that you won't forget our bond. Even if you forget me, Prue, just remember the bond we had. As sisters, not only of blood but of soul. I'll see you some day. And then maybe we can celebrate New Years together.

