A/N: Well looky here. See, I start a new fan fiction and the others all slowly start to get updates as well. Actually, I have had the idea for this chapter for quite a while now, but I have been so busy with work that I never really had the time to jot it all down. But I do apologize for taking forever to update. I really feel horrible. Now onto chapter three, basically, it is just filler but will help with the rest of the story. And I don't know if I mentioned this, but this story is, or is now, being slightly AU. I am using the original storylines, but just putting my own twist on them. And like always, please leave me a review. I do realize that most people don't like to leave comments and reviews, which is cool because I sometimes do that myself, but I really wanna know what you guys think. Your opinions actually help me with my writing of the next chapter so leave me one, good, bad, or indifferent. Now onto the next installment in Love Lies Bleeding...

Brooke awoke about a half hour later in Peyton's bed, coming to the realization that she was still alone. Boredom was becoming of her, so Brooke decided to preoccupy her time with doing something for both Peyton and Lucas. She decided to make dinner, which to Brooke was calling in take out and setting up herself and set up some balloons and a banner to celebrate Peyton's father being home and Lucas for being there for Peyton when she needed him the most. That was what she loved most about him; that no matter what was going on in his life he still took the time to be there and support his friends and loved ones in their time of need.

After getting all of celebratory items in order and set up in the kitchen, Brooke plopped back down on the couch, still wondering where Lucas and Peyton were and wanting to see the boy she loved again, to hold him in her arms and know that he was okay. But until then all Brooke could do was wait.

In reality, the car ride home only took about forty-five minutes from the hotel back to Peyton's house but for some reason it took about an hour and half. That reason being Lucas stopping to make out with Peyton ever five minutes on the road.

Finally they made it back into Tree Hill, and pulled into Peyton's driveway. They exited the car, holding back the fact that they wanted to be in each others arms. Lucas mouthed 'I love you' to Peyton and got a smile in return. As soon as the car doors shut, Peyton's front door flew open as Brooke rushed out and jumped into Lucas' arms, planting a firm kiss on his lips. Peyton subtly looked down, not wanting to see the man that she loved, kissing another woman. Lucas kissed Brooke back, not wanting to let on anything too soon. He wanted both he and Peyton to tell Brooke that they wanted to be together. He knew that Brooke wouldn't take it well but thought that if they explained everything to her together, it might ease the pain a little.

"God have I missed you Broody. Was traffic that bad that it took you almost four hours to get home?"

Lucas quickly looked over to Peyton whom looked at Brooke and responded for Lucas, further backing up his cover up story. "The traffic was horrible Brooke. I dunno exactly what caused the accident; they had it all cleared before we drove past, but we sat for hours on end. But Luke made it fun. We blared the radio and sang car karaoke at the top of our lungs. We even got a few stares from the other cars beside us." She smiled over at Luke, who gave her a sheepish grin, both know that none of which had really happened, but what Brooke didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

"That's my man." Brooke beamed as she wrapped her arms around Lucas and kissed him briefly again.

"Yeah, if there is one person I know I can count on to entertain me with his horrible rendition of "I Want You To Want Me", its Lucas." Peyton teased.

"Hey, it wasn't that bad." Lucas retorted, glad that Brooke had actually bought their story,

"Yeah, well all I know is that I am glad that my father is safe and that he is coming back home." Peyton said walking over closer to the couple. Brooke unattached herself from Lucas' side and walked over, meeting Peyton halfway before embracing her.

"I know you are P. Sawyer. We all are. Believe me I was scared to death that your dad wasn't going to make it. But now that he is safe and coming home, we don't need to worry anymore." Brooke draped her arm across her best friend shoulders. "Speaking of Papa Sawyer being okay, I have a surprise for you two inside the house." Brooke grinned.

Both Peyton and Lucas' face filled with confusion as Brooke walked them into Peyton's house and into the kitchen, which was filled with balloons, a large banner with the words, "We Love You P. Sawyer" and a lavish dinner spread out on the dining room.

A broad smile lit up Peyton's face as she walked farther into her house to look around at all that her best friend had done for her return, "Brooke, you did all this? It's, it's,"

"Amazing," Lucas filled in the last word, looking around.

"How did you come up with all of this Brooke?" Peyton said turning to her.

Brooke simply smiled, her dimples on full display, "Um, hello, I was alone in your house for just about four hours straight. I had to do something to occupy myself from the boredom that overcame me. By the way P. Sawyer, you house is really creepy when you are all by yourself. I dunno how the hell you do it. I mean I swore that there was a maniac serial killer upstairs and no one was up there. If I lived here, I swear I would go crazy."

Peyton just laughed at Brooke's banter, "Well between you and Lucas, I am rarely actually alone in this house." Peyton walked around the table that was filled with every food imaginable. "And I'm guessing that in this time you learned to cook? Really Brooke, you made all this, the girl who messed up cereal?"

"Hey!" Brooke yelled, trying not to laugh, "That was one time when I was like five. I didn't know you were supposed to put the cereal in before milk!" Lucas and Peyton held back their snickers, "Besides, I really didn't make the dinner for you Peyton. The banner and balloons yes, but dinner was for Lucas for being such an awesome friend and boyfriend. He didn't have to go with you to see if you're father was okay but he did anyways. He is a great guy and I am so lucky to have him, and as for the food, courtesy of Karen's Café." Brooke looked over longingly at Lucas would just grinned sheepishly, a little embarrassed but also ashamed realizing that he was going to break the heart of a girl who had just planned a whole dinner for him.

"Thank you baby and I'll have to thank my mother later for making the food for you." He walked over, kissing Brooke's forehead.

Brooke smiled, knowing that she had done good, "So, I believe this food is getting cold, and I am starving. You guys must be too sitting in that traffic for that long. So, let's eat." Brooke walked with Lucas to the table, followed suit by Peyton. Lucas looked over at Peyton and gave her a look, which was quickly followed by the same look back. It was killing them that they could be together right now to celebrate. Looking over, all Lucas wanted to do was walk over and kiss Peyton, hold her, be with her. But with Brooke being in the same room with them that would be next impossible.

They all went over to the table, and sat down. All the food was passed around and as the three talked, laughed and ate. Suddenly Brooke jumped up, "Damnit, I forgot about the dessert, courtesy of Betty Crocker of course. I'd better go check on it." And with that Brooke was up and in the kitchen to check on the cake that she was baking, leaving the two lovers by themselves at the table.

Lucas looked down at his plate. This was eating him up inside. Here Brooke went all out and got dinner for him and in the meantime, he was busy developing his new found relationship with Peyton. He felt like a complete ass. He slowly picked at his food, not really that hungry considering that he and Peyton had just eaten not even an hour before.

"The cake is safe, now all I need to do is ice and decorate it and dessert is ready." Brooke called out from the kitchen as Lucas looked up at Peyton, a saddened expression filling his face,

"I can't do this." His voice was hushed so that Brooke wouldn't hear of their conversation and become suspicious.

"Can't do what Luke?" Peyton asked looking him dead in the eye.

"I can't tell her about us, not right now." He looked toward the kitchen where his girlfriend was still busy getting dessert ready, "I mean, she did all of this for us. She spent all this time worrying about us and planned all of this for us, and now what? We are going to tell her that I'm sorry that I need to break up with her because I want to be with her, her best friend? This isn't the right time. I- I just can't right now."

Peyton sat back and looked back at Lucas. How quickly the tides had turned. Before Lucas was so adamant about wanting to be with Peyton and now he was saying that they needed to wait to tell Brooke that they were in love and wanted to be together. Peyton sighed, "Luke, we need to tell her. It isn't right and fair that we are sneaking around behind her back. I'm not going to do that. Luke, I want to be with you. I need be with you," her tones hushed, "I love you."

Lucas smiled a bit after hearing Peyton say that she loved him. And everything that Peyton was saying was true for him too. He wanted and needed to be with Peyton. "Peyton, I know. I love you too. I want everything with you. But now, it isn't the right time. She did all of this for us. It is too soon for us to tell her. That would crush her. I mean to hear that her boyfriend is breaking up with her to be with her best friend, after she did all of this for us? And the way she talked about me. It's just too soon. Give it a day or two, and then we will tell her, I promise."

Peyton smiled back. She was happy to know that Lucas wasn't going to give up on them being together just when she realized how much she wanted and needed Lucas to be with her. He was the only steady thing in her life and she would be damned if she lost it because she was afraid of going after her heart's desire, "Okay, but we do need to tell her, and soon. Brooke kinda needs to know Luke."

Just then the brunette walked in from the kitchen carrying the cake, "What do I need to know?" She said slowly looking back from her boyfriend and her best friend as each of them just stared at each other in silence.