A/N: First of all I'd like to apologize for the length of time between updates. I've had too much crap going on, but I hope it'll soon settle down.

Next I'd like to thank the following for their reviews and inspiration, and for keeping me going in the first place: Amory Blackwood, RyousRayne, Lara, ThunderxShadow, Tsuyama Kasugai and Lil-Blood-Sucker. **You guys rock!

Also, to those who've only read I appreciate you as well as those who've reviewed past chapters. I thank you for your time! :) This is the chap you've all been waiting for...the chap where Alucard comes clean about why he chose Seras. I only hope I do it justice.

Disclaimer: Refer to chapter one. I'm too lazy and sick right now to type the damn thing out again. This is rated T for language and adult situations.

The majority of this chapter will be in Alucard's POV unless indicated. I've also decided to stretch this out for a few more chapters if anyone is still reading and interested.

Why I Said Yes

Chapter 6: Why Her?

Why did I choose Seras? Some time ago that question would've forced me to ponder my answer. From the beginning, she was a horrible vampire. Her abilities were slow to manifest, she was unwilling to harm another being, no matter that the creature or creatures had been deceased, no humanity left in their desicated, supernatural existence. There was also the drinking blood issue.

That problem has been a bane for not only myself but my master as well. Seras was a vampire, albeit a fledgling, but that didn't change the fact that she was a vampire; she needed to act it! We -Integra, Walter and I- experienced a somewhat small sigh of relief the day she'd been attacked, tearing those freaks apart with her bare hands. She'd allowed her inner creature out to play and the results were spectacular! The enjoyment, the thrill, the feeling of causing another pain pulsed in her veins, and I felt every emotion with her- every high, every rending, tearing sensation, every drop of blood spilt. I felt it all with her. Every last cold, mentally numb and dark moment; I enjoyed it more than words could describe. Had I still possessed a beating heart, it would have been pounding out a rapid rhythm, caught within her joy, my joy.

Seras in all her fragile, pale beauty swathed in blood, streams of it flowing down her arms, hands and legs, reminiscent of carnage galore, angry that I'd not been privy to the entire incident. Her once blue eyes, now crimson, burning with a fierce, cold delight; an exuberance that matched my own, twin flames of blood-lust burning, aching. She'd become what I wanted, what I lectured her to be. A killer. She'd become, however momentarily, an image of the No Life Queen I knew existed within. She only had to overcome her humanity, yet another thorn in my immortal side.

It wasn't as if I demanded she forgo her morals. I just expected her to lower them sometimes, adjusting them to fit the situation. One must have standards, even for a creature of the night. For those who discarded them...they are the true monsters- the blights on society, and my master considers it our duty to eliminate them. And so we carry out her missive.

Now...as to Seras. There's so much that needs to be said in this monologue. I guess it's providential I have all night to assuage your curiosity. Yes, I know. You're all dying to know why I chose such an unlikely candidate for my mate. A young woman constantly concerned with her human counterparts' well-being. For me, most of the time I couldn't give a damn, but Seras...she preoccupies herself with their safety, especially with those who were friends in her former existence.

That night, when we'd first met in Cheddar, running for her life, gun clenched tightly in hand. First, she'd run from her unfortunate colleagues, each turned to zombies; then that's when I saw her. Gun held chest high and held tightly in her fists as she aimed at the cursed female zombie approaching. Just before she could shoot, I struck. Thrusting my hand forwards with precise aim, I felt my white gloved hand pierce skin, muscle, bone and finally...her decayed heart. The once beating organ exploded with a pop and her body fell to the ground, forgotten.

Wide blue eyes stared at me cautiously, her thin waif-life frame trembled under my sadistic gaze as I chuckled. Her heartbeat called to me. A lullaby of blood, a pulsing cacophony, luring me ever closer. And the moment she pulled her trigger and the bullet flew through my shoulder, sending fragments of muscle, skin and blood to the ground, I grinned as my body automatically regenerated. The sound of her shocked voice as she exclaimed, "You're not human!", then she turned and ran.

I found myself curious. A mere human... One whose very life force beckoned with every beat, my own torturous siren's song.. A life force I wished to consume with all my black heart. I could only surmise how good she would taste-how good she would feel, wrapped in my arms as I took her blood. I was more than aware of her scent and it was scintillating.

Despite her fear that night she didn't allow it to preside over her. Held tightly in that sideshow freak vampire's grip, she faced us both knowing she was going to die. She obviously picked the better option- me, I thought, dark laughter spilling throughout my mind.

The very moment I connected with her mind as she was held prisoner, I felt her fear, her unspoken pleas. To be saved. Not to allow this evil creature to destroy her. For someone to save her. A hero. That's what she wanted. Poor, fragile human.. She was stuck with me. A hero I wasn't. In fact, most would say I'm the antagonistic sort, being a cruel sadistic psycho in my past. Ask Integra or Walter. They'll tell you, rather bluntly, too.

Back to that night, though. Seras faced down not one monster but two. And the entire time her blood was slowly driving me mad. Mad with the need to taste- to indulge my darker side and calm the violent want and need inside. The beautiful sound of her adrenaline-laced blood sang sweetly. I wanted to take her, yet I couldn't without express permission. Damn you, Hellsing! It's all your fault. Had I not been chained I could've done what the hell I pleased; no recriminations to consider.

I'll reiterate myself, but between Seras' large cerulean eyes, her looks, body and blood...there was no way I could not offer her the chance to live. I thought it befitting to reward her, offering her a gift rarely bestowed to any. A gift that I'd extended to a total of maybe five people in my entire existence. She didn't deserve to die, but shit happens, and at least this way she'd live on despite her human life abbreviated so soon..

After destroying her captor, and she lay there dying, I carefully lifted her petite, bloodied body into my arms. The sounds of her punctured lung, wheezing, her other lung working harder to compensate; the hole that my ammo created in her chest caused me to glance away for a moment in shame. However the guilt didn't last long. I'd known before firing my weapon that she wasn't one to give up. For whatever strange reason, I felt a small twinge of satisfaction flow through me, hearing her voice her choice.

From the second I ingested her blood, it took me over, seduced me as I'd enthralled her earlier. Virgin blood is always the best, but her blood had an added something to it. Maybe it was because of the way she'd lived life- to the fullest, never holding back. Maybe. All I knew is I was instantly addicted.

Her pulse thrummed as her life flowed into me, and I waited for the exact moment to give her mine. Her skin grew paler, breaths increasingly shallow and farther between.

Thump, thump.

I could feel her end nearing. It was only a matter of seconds. Now was the moment I'd waited for...Slicing into my wrist, I brought it to her pale, cool lips and urged her to drink. Several seconds passed before I felt and witnessed her lips moving against my cold ivory skin. The sounds of my blood sliding smoothly down her throat excited me like never before. It was then that I knew I was captivated by her, and would become even more so as time went by.

Holding her in my arms made me feel like I was home...something I'd never truly had. I just have to make her see it, believe it. Only then will she understand the reasons I chose her and why I can never give her up.


I know this is shorter than what you guys are used to, but I'm trying to update a whole lot of stories. I've been inactive for so long that the majority of my fics have fallen to the side; not to mention I've been really sick and also been subjected to a hellacious amount of writer's block. Hopefully, the next chapter will come soon. It depends on the reviews and how many people show interest. Have a great weekend all! :)