Man About Town Chapter One: The Proposal

To Blaise,

I know it has been a long time since we have last spoken, and I know a lot of things have changed since then, but despite all this, I will always regard you as my 'best friend'. The point of all this is, is to tell—or, too remind you if you already have been informed—that I now own a highly successful chain of hotels all over the world and I will soon be opening a new one, where I know you happen to live. And seeing as this will be the end, and in some ways the beginning, of one of my biggest (and most expensive) projects, I would like to cordially invite you take up residence there for a matter of weeks. Seeing as you (like me) are a world famous business man and highly respected throughout the Muggle, and Wizarding world, it would be definitely boost my public image, if you were to stay there. Although you are not indebted to me in any way, and you may perceive this as another way for me to make some more money, I ask you, as your best friend, to take me up on this offer.

Yours truly,

Draco Malfoy

To Draco,

I am very flattered with your opinion of me, but your modesty about yourself has totally shocked me. You and I both know (along with the rest of the world's population) that you own the largest and most exquisite hotel chain, "Malfoy Towers", so do not to pretend that I am anywhere near your league of wealth and business status. Although it is very kind of you to offer me a place in your notoriously deluxe and extortionately priced hotel, like you said, it is only a way for you to get some money out of me. The only reason I am well known and "respected among the Wizarding and Muggle community" is because of that case I was in against the clothing label 'Witchi' that employed house Elves as their workers.

As I have been asked to tell the tale several times to many shallow fashion magazines who were intrigued by the whole matter, 'Witchi' made them wear uniforms while handling their products. I was then forcefully—I mean lovingly—encouraged by my girlfriend to make a case against 'Witchi', because technically, all their employees were free to go, since they were given clothing to wear. I received an offer of an extensively large sum of money from 'Witchi' if I were to drop the charges, which (with the approval of my girlfriend) I accepted. I then decided to buy a ludicrously expensive, but nevertheless beautiful mansion in (where I still take residence) Malibu. It is not a surprise that you "happen to know where I live", because the whole affair was blown out of proportion by the fact that I bought the mansion from the owner of 'Witchi' who could no longer afford the upkeep of the house after I had successfully, but unknowingly, made the company go bankrupt.

But ignoring all this, yes, I think that we might decide to take you up on your offer (which you will surely regret as the time comes nearer) but you will have to give me more specific details (do you have a pool, which would necessitate me needing to bringing swimming trunks?) but I will have to run this through my girlfriend. Oh and when is it?

Best Regards,


P.S. drop the formalities, and just email or message me, this whole letter writing thing takes much, much longer.

To: thedevilsadvocate

From: dmalfoy

Subject:I take offense...

'The Devil's Advocate'? Zabini, I hope that you are not referring to me, seeing as you do legally represent me, and for the money I pay you, I was expecting something a little more...worshipful? Grateful perhaps?

Although the whole 'Witchi' thing is highly interesting, I couldn't manage to ignore the presence of your 'girlfriend'. She seems like an Elf-loving simpleton, and if I were you, I wouldn't have dropped the charges if they didn't double their offer, because they know that if you had decided to sue them, they would have to pay a whole lot more than for what they were initially offering you. That is the subtle difference between us Blaise, and it has made me the most successful, and eligible "Bachelor of Witch Weekly" for the past five years. I push, Zabini. I'm a pusher. And it has gotten me where I am today.

I would have dumped her the day she tried to meddle into my business. Business and women don't mix.

Anyway, I have sent along a brochure about the hotel, and although it pains me to say this, you won't have to bring any money, because it's all on me. As an interesting fact, the last time I said that was when we were all celebrating the defeat of Voldemort in the Three Broomsticks, which is now about...three years ago? I was drunk, and wanted to get drunker by offering the entire bar free drinks for the rest of the night. I'm still getting bills from there.

But otherwise, the opening is a large public event, and because you aren't the only 'famous' guest, there will be paparazzi, newspapers, red carpet, etc...So wear something formal, or face the consequences. I know it may be short notice, but it's in three nights time (for you information, that is the 3rd of December). I'll arrange a limo to collect you from your house at 8:30 p.m. so be ready before that time.

Thanks a lot old buddy,


To: dmalfoy

From: thedevilsadvocate

Subject: Do I have to write a speech?!

Oh so this is some really big special event is it now? Is our little Drakie all famous now!? Ha...I wonder what your father would have said if he could see you now—disappointed?—understatement of the century. But I suppose your mother doesn't mind, I heard she permanently lives in one of your suites in Hawaii? (I've been thinking about doing the same with my own mother).

Actually, I take it back from your father. He would be proud about how you're taking ridiculous amounts of money from Muggles and wizards. I must say Draco, after only talking to you through emails, and letters, my Slytherin side seems to be kicking up again. I don't know if this is such a good idea—I don't think my girlfriend (and just to let you know, she is still the one from the 'Witchi' case) would appreciate me being all 'evil and cruel' again. You know Draco; she's had a really good effect on me.

I'm not such a cruel and heartless asshole anymore.

Well back to the point—Merlin! That hotel is stunning! How did you manage to create such a thing?! I don't think you're going to be able to keep me out of the hotel. You have taste, but then again, I always knew that from rooming with you for seven years.

Despite all this, I am rather—excited?—to see you again. It has been a long time, and we have always been friends through thick and thin. I have been in touch with a few old friends—well, only Pansy—but unfortunately, the rest...well, you know what happened to the rest.

I will see you in two days.

Blaise Zabini.

P.S. I will be bringing her with me.

To: thedevilsadvocate

From: dmalfoy

Subject:No. About the speech and the girl.

I would not put my reputation on the line for you. I know your literate skills are far behind my own, so writing a speech is not necessary. It is quite observant of you to ask, so I suppose your brain must be catching up with my own superior level.

Are you suggesting that I am cruel? No, like I said, I'm a pusher. Big difference Blaise.

I suppose it is quite cool that we will be seeing each other so soon. I'm sure we will have many amusing times together. The last time we got together was at the Hogwarts reunion, and if I rightly remember so, I think we ended up skinny dipping in the lake with two lovely Ravenclaw ladies—or were they Hufflepuffs?

I am quite gratified by your compliment on my good taste! However, truth be told, I have a good taste in choosing the right architect who has the good taste and skills required for building a hotel.

Yes, my mother does take up permanent residence in Hawaii but this is not a bad thing because she finally leaves me alone. After my father died, she had a huge "mother-son" phase, and would not let me out of her sight. Quite embarrassing really, people frequently mistook us for lovers instead of mother and son!

I do not make people pay too much, I have a lifestyle to keep up, and I too have to live like a normal person. And anyway, for the fees I have to pay on electricity, water etc..., it's cheap compared to the annual fees!

That girlfriend of yours is coming?! No, no, no, no, Blaise, if we are going to have fun, then you need to get rid of her. And in addition to that, have you seen the women who check in here?! Sexy, rich and thankfully, noncommittal. This is the life Blaise! You don't know what you're missing out on by being single!

See you in a few hours.

Draco Malfoy.

P.S. Christmas and New Year's here?

Looking at the mirror, checking out his own reflection, Blaise Zabini stood proud about where he had come in life. He straightened the chic red bow-tie on his pristine white shirt, and smiled at his divine-looking reflection. He had never felt smarter and superior than at the moment and despite his friendly connections with the boy, Blaise's schoolboy rivalries chose that moment to rear their heads and he had the insatiable urge to intimidate Draco with the mere sight of him. Not only Draco either, Blaise felt the need to intimidate and awe everyone around him.

Including her.

"Blaise darling!" Her lovely, lilting voice rang out through the open-spaced mansion, "Another email from Malfoy!"

"Coming baby," he replied, a cocky smile gracing his smooth features.

He couldn't have been happier.

He had everything he had ever wanted. He was successful in all aspects of his life—he excelled financially, had a gorgeous house on the water and an ever more gorgeous girlfriend that complimented it nicely. Blaise smirked to himself as he strode proudly through the exquisite house and into the study where she was seated behind his desk, typing away on his professional Mac computer. She smiled when she saw him.

"You look really handsome," she cooed appreciatively. Blaise beamed.

"And you look beautiful, my dear," he replied, walking around the expansive desk and turning the swivel chair around so that she faced him. When she tilted her head to stare at him he planted a kiss squarely on her forehead. "But then again—you always do."

She blushed at the compliment and stroked his cheek lovingly.

"Don't you think you should get dressed?" Blaise asked. She was wearing a flowing white dress that hung loosely over her slim physique and while Blaise enjoyed the dress immensely, he rather thought that helping her out of it would be all the more entertaining.

"I suppose I should," she considered, standing up from the chair. She paused for only a second to return his kiss with one of her own before she turned swiftly and strode out of the room. Blaise smiled at her retreating form. He couldn't wait to show her off to Malfoy.

"Oh, Blaise, must we stay for Christmas and New Year's with him? You know how we weren't always—well, the best of friends back then," she called from the next room. "And I thought we would be spending the holidays with my friends this year!" She reappeared in the doorway, her pretty pink lips turned into a stubborn pout.

"Oh, not the pout! You know how I seem to lose all sense of reason when you look so damn sexy!" Blaise cried in false horror, briefly tearing his eyes off of the smirking female to click open Draco's e-mail. "But, you know Draco doesn't have anyone who loves him, and although he has all this wealth, he's not happy. I think that it's the nicest thing we could do for him, don't you think?"

She laughed out loud, shaking her head in protest.

"Blaise, you're too good for him," she accused brightly, blowing Blaise a quick kiss before flouncing out of the room. Blaise smirked to himself.

"Oh, there's a surprise for you next to your dress," Blaise called at the last minute, smiling broadly when he heard the shriek of delight coming from her dressing room.

Stepping out of the limo, Blaise glanced around at the screaming photographers and turned back, extending his hand for his girlfriend—now fiancée—who followed quickly behind him. The cameras immediately began to click as the paparazzi all began to scream in delight as the socialites arrived at the scene. Together, Blaise and his fiancée floated down the red carpet, ignoring the chorus of "look this ways". Blaise couldn't help but smile, which the cameras loved. It was hard not to. She looked absolutely stunning in her silky red dress that clung tightly to her ravishing body and simultaneously made Blaise want to show her off and cover her up with the biggest blanket he could find, lest any other male dared look at her. For the moment though, Blaise seemed content to ignore his primitive urges and instead placed his hand on the small of her bare back, making her shiver pleasantly.

"You look beautiful," he whispered, "and the gift looks amazing on you too."

She smiled, briefly touching the exquisite diamond ring Blaise had given her earlier that day.

"No public display of affection Mr. Zabini," a flat, yet obviously jovial, voice said from behind them, and the pair spun around to face Draco Malfoy. Malfoy smirked broadly at the sight of his best friend, noting how he had managed to out dress him—again—before his eyes traveled to the beautiful women standing next to him.

"Holy shit," he whispered, his voice failing at the last moment. Blaise smiled.

"Meet my fiancée" Blaise began proudly, "Miss Hermione Granger."

Author's Note: Mina1011 is still in Switzerland so I (pink-levicorpus) have taken the liberty of posting the first chapter of her latest and greatest story, Man About Town. This one was however, written by her and only edited by me. I'm hoping that everything is how she wants it, but if not, there may be slight changes coming in the future. I hope you all enjoy this though, it is my favorite of hers so far and I've only read up to the first chapter! Any and all feedback is welcome! Thanks! Oh, and the "To" and "From" are supposed to be e-mail addresses, but the site won't allow at to show up, so I shortened it.