Disclaimer: Julez-xoxo-16 does not own Digimon in any way shape or form. If she did, she wouldn't have to be writing fan fiction. She'd be out writing the 25-year-old version of Tamers.

If anyone had looked outside on this particular sunny day in Kyoto, they'd have seen 21-year-old Ryo Akiyama fumbling with his keys frantically, as though he were in a race. Truth be told it was 2pm in the afternoon, much too early for Ryo to be home from work.

But this day was different. Ryo had felt all day that something was wrong with Rika and suspicions had almost proved true when he'd received a call from his nosy neighbours, the Nagasaki's. Mrs. Nagasaki had told Ryo that she'd heard strange noises coming from the house for about an hour. Quickly, Ryo had rushed home and now, was fumbling with the keys, desperate to get in the house.

'What if Rika's in danger?! It'll be all my fault if she gets hurt!' he thought as he frantically tried to find the right key. He finally found the right key, but soon realized the door had been opened all this time.

"OH!" were the first sounds he heard.

'Oh Shit! What's going on?' he thought as he put his stuff down and rushed to the door. On his way the screams got louder.



"Rika! I'm coming!" he shouted.


He got to the door and was about to slide it open when he heard a different phrase being screamed out.



Ryo had had enough. Without warning, he tore the door open, nearly ripping it off its hinges. There, in the room was something he did not expect to see. Rika was in her pyjamas eating an "Oh Henry" bar, moaning in delight as the contents went in her mouth.

"What?" Ryo looked puzzled and confused.

Rika was woken from her trance of the "Oh Henry" bar. She looked up to see her boyfriend, Ryo Akiyama.

"Oh, Hey Ryo!" she greeted him before going back to happily munching her chocolate bar.

Ryo was still looking puzzled.

Rika looked up at him and noticed that he was staring at her, or maybe her chocolate bar. "What? You want a piece?" she offered less than politely.

"Oh no. Sorry Rika. It's just that I didn't expect you to be eating a chocolate bar."

"What? Now that I'm a model I can't have junk food?" Rika asked annoyed. She never thought Ryo would be one to restrict her diet.

"No! No! Of course not! All I'm saying is that I heard the noises and you saying 'Oh Henry!' and I just figured-"

"That I was two-timing you?" Rika asked bluntly.

Ryo looking down, ashamed, nodded.

"Oh Ryo, you know there's only you for me." Rika said as she put down the chocolate bar and started making out with Ryo.

After about 5 minutes of said making out, Ryo broke off the kiss and said, "Ok. I'm going to go make dinner."

"Ok." Rika smiled up at him.

When she was sure he was gone, she turned to the closet. "You can come out now." She said. "He's gone."

And out of the closet came Henry. He pulled his shirt on then kissed Rika. With a smirk he said, "Same time tomorrow?"

End of the fic! Tell me what you thought! Did the last line kill it? Did you like it? All this can go in your review!