This is something completely different to anything I've wrote before. The idea popped into my head and the plot bunnies have been working overtime since. I hope all who read it enjoy it! It's an an AU in the way that no beyblades are involved.

Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade

Murder, She Cried

Kai Hiwatari's hands trembled on the steering wheel: not out of nervousness but of anticipation. Excitement, even. Beside him sat his loyal friend Tala Valkov. His ice blue eyes stared straight at the road before him in deep concentration and his lips where in a mischievous smirk. Good. Neither of them could back out now. They couldn't. That bitch had to get what was coming to her. A little revenge wouldn't go wrong. Then the 'princess' would know that she can't treat people the way she does. It drove him insane that fact that they used to be best friends only a short while ago. But two weeks ago that all changed. Two weeks ago she crossed two people she shouldn't have. Two weeks ago they knew something had to be done about her.

Kai felt a bit excited, and a bit was an understatement. He was finally going on a date with his long term friend Garnet Granger. The girl was perfect. He couldn't believe he'd never saw that before tonight. She really was an angel among humans: sweet, pure, beautiful. A goddess in the flesh. Words couldn't describe the way he was feeling at that moment in time. Everything was just so perfect. Even he was looking perfect.

He'd chosen to wear some smart but casual clothes on the first date. He wouldn't have to impress her, he knew. That had already been done in the past. However, this was a time old tradition of his. He always dressed to impress on a first date. He continually tweaked and pulled at his clothes until they sat perfectly. Then he tweaked an pulled again. He was getting antsy and he knew it.

He checked his watch. If he picked her up now, he would be almost an hour and a half early. But, hey, it was Garnet Granger. His best friend, no, his date. She wouldn't mind however early he was. She never did in the past. Perhaps this was different, though. In the past they'd never gone out with each other. Should he change or act the same? The drumming of his fingers on the wall told him the latter option.

"I'm going out," he told his roommate. Always short and simple. That was the way he liked it.

Ray Kon, the roommate, said something but he couldn't hear him well enough to interoperate his words. Something like 'good luck'. Like Kai Hiwatari needed good luck. In all his twenty-two years, he'd never needed an ounce of luck in his life. He'd always gotten by. Tonight would be no different, he figured.

He revved up his four by four and sped away to Garnet's sorority house. The fact that his fraternity and her sorority were brother and sister only proves that they were meant to be. There was no other way around it. It was a fact. Sure as the sky was blue and there was a fly on his window. A fact.

He pulled his car up outside the magnificent looking house. It was pure white. It had to be pure, with Garnet living there. Smiling, he checked his reflection in the car mirror. He was looking good and he knew it. Confidently, he strode up the stairs and into the house. Kai Hiwatari never needed an invitation to get into any sorority house. At first, some of the girls looked alarmed. Then they just looked plain uncomfortable. Kai's suspicions began to heat up.

"Maybe you should go back and pick her up later?" One of the girls suggested. A blonde, and very good looking.

There was something in her voice that told him there was more to that suggestion that meets the eye. If his suspicions were big then, they were in overdrive now. He noticed none of the girls could meet his eye.

"Where's Mariah?" He demanded. His cousin would tell him the truth, provided she knew it. If there was foul play, chances were she didn't. She kept nothing from him.

"Out," Said another girl. "Look you should really go. Garnet's not ready."

Kai narrowed his eyes as he tuned in his fine hearing. He knew Garnet's room location like the back of his hand. He knew they sound that people make when they're having sex. He knew that both of them had welded together. He then knew anger.

The girls said nothing as Kai Hiwatari bolted up the stairs in speed that rivalled a race horses. He was faster. His feet stomped along the floor, making the house shudder under his rage. When he got to Garnet's room, so innocent looking from the outside, he froze with his hand on the handle. There was definitely some one in there with her. Taking a deep breath, he burst through and the betrayal was intense. There, on her bed, Garnet Granger was having sex with Tala Valkov.

"Jesus, Kai!" The red head screamed. "What gives?" Tala immediately covered up any indecent exposures and glared at his 'friend'. He'd just interrupted the best single moment of his life. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"That would be my date you're fucking," he said with all the fury of a lion. His crimson eyes had gone a shade darker and they never wavered from Garnet's baby blue. She was sorry, he could tell. But only because she was caught in the act.

"Look, guys." Garnet pulled her quilt over her body so that she was completely covered. "I can explain."

Tala shook his head. "I don't want an explanation. You played me."

"You played both of us." Kai added.

Tala began to pull his clothes on. His actions were jerky. He was pissed off. Seriously pissed off.

Tears began to well up in her baby blue eyes. "I'm so sorry."

Kai knew her well enough to know that she wasn't sorry at all. Maybe because he found out, but apart from that she was pretty damn proud of herself. She was desperately trying to hide a smirk. His angel had turned to the dark side. He knew that she loved to wrap people around her finger. He knew she loved to take advantage of people she deemed weaker than her. He never though for an instant that he would be one of her victims. His angel had betrayed him. She would regret it.

Tala stormed out of her room in a deafening rage. Kai followed just after, slamming the door behind them. Garnet wasn't finished though. She had to take this to her full advantage. She couldn't let people think she was an innocent victim. She was never innocent.

"God, if only you saw the look on your face, Kai." She followed him down the stair with her quilt still wrapped around her perfect tanned skin. "It was priceless. How does it feel, huh? How does it feel for people to use you for a change?"

Kai stopped. Either was insane or she had a point to make. "What are you talking about?"

She laughed. It cut his heart. She was laughing at him. "You've always used me. You've used me to get so many other girlfriends and then when you do you leave me on the side until you spilt up with them and have a sudden need fro little old Garnet Granger. Now you know how I feel. Now you know the rejection I feel."

He couldn't be sure wither she was telling the truth or not. There was perhaps an element of truth in her words. He didn't care. She could play innocent all she wanted. He wasn't going to believe her. Without another word, he and Tala left her and her sorority. They got into Kai's car and both slammed the doors with such vigorous force the doors almost shattered.

"We've got to pay that bitch back." Tala's force sounded calm but there was a hint of burning rage mixed with fury and a little added hurt. "We've got to get even."

"We will get even. The Saturday of the Spring Fling, we'll get even then." He smirked cruelly. Kai could be cruel when he wanted to be. "I have a plan."

A thump on Kai's eyes jolted him from his thoughts with a start. He glanced at Tala who casually tapped a finger at the car's electronic clock. It flashed seven thirty. It was time. Turning the keys in the ignition, his car came to life with a gentle hum. A soothing noise, to Kai. He changed the car's gears and drove away from their fraternity house to pick up their cargo. Along the way, he shouldn't help but smile at the genius – sheer genius – of his plan. It was great enough to give any comic book villain a run for their money. What they were going to do was pick up Garnet with the promise to 'talk things over'. The girl was so in love with herself she probably through the boys would throw themselves at her feet and beg for her forgiveness if they could only just be friends ago.

Sorry, G. But that's not the way its happening.

They would take her in the car to a secluded spot, tie her up and then put her in the trunk and drive her to the Spring Fling in 'style'. A quiver of anticipation ran through his back. The beauty of it was that Garnet couldn't do anything. Their sorority and fraternity were old prank rivals. And that was, essentially, what this was. A little revenge prank. Garnet would know that if she wanted to keep her high esteem she would have to laugh it off as a prank or face an entire college life of snide jokes behind her back. Well, more evident ones.

The car pulled up right outside the sorority. The windows of the house winked at him. They would keep their secret. They'd probably had enough of the girl looking lustfully out of them while she scouted for new prey; new meat to eat.

Garnet was leaning against the wall impatiently. They were two minutes late. Kai almost laughed. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that showed off everyone of her flawless features seductively. If it wasn't for his bitterness he would even have admitted that she looked amazing. Tala looked over at him and smirked before getting out of the car to open Garnet's door for her. A bit of chivalry never went a miss. She moodily got into the four by four and fastened her seat belt.

That's right, sweetheart. Buckle up. It'll be one hell of a ride.

"Where are we going?" Garnet asked. Her voice was calm and confident as always. There was a touch of uncertainty though as she saw they'd passed the dance hall. "The dance is back that way." She jerked her thumb behind her.

"We're going for a talk." Tala turned around and smiled at her innocently. "We want to make things right again."

She made a huffy sound but didn't say anything else for the remainder of the five minute journey. The car stopped just outside of a forest and along a track that only a vehicle like Kai's could travel without any hassle. Garnet winkled her nose. Out of all the places in California, why did they stop here? Her eyes scanned the ground. It was dirty. Not good for her white satin shoes.

"I'm not getting out her." She folded her arms snootily. "The grounds disgusting."

Kai and Tala looked at each other and grinned. Kai opened the door and Tala loosened Garnet's seat belt before dragging her out of the car where she landed roughly on the ground with a grunt of pain.

She glared up at them infuriated. "What's the big idea? My dress is dirty. You can pay for this, you know."

"Hold her." Tala could no longer contain his pleasure at he barked his demand at Kai. This opportunity was too good to be true.

Garnet struggled against Kai's strong hold. She tried to kick out but Tala wound roped around them so tightly that she couldn't feel them. She screamed. It did no good. Her hands were then tied securely behind her back. She turned her head and looked at Kai pleadingly. Her baby blue eyes were rimmed with tears. And fear. It almost made Kai rethink this whole thing. She once again looked so innocent, like a child in need of protection. Tala wrapped a piece of cloth around her eyes rendering her sightless. Immediately, Kai was torn away from her spell. They couldn't turn back now. Not when they were so close to revenge. Kai let go of her body and watched it smash to the ground with satisfying pleasure. He was about to gag her but Tala stopped him.

"I want to hear her scream."

Kai laughed as Garnet whimpered, "Please don't hurt me." She could be so dramatic sometimes.

Together, they hoisted her body into the trunk of the car and slammed it shut. Immediately, Garnet started screaming as loud as she could. Kai could sense the fear in her voice. Something inside of him stirred. Surely she didn't deserve this? What she'd done to them was cruel, sure. But did that mean they should do something crueller?

He shook his head and reminded himself that it was only a prank. Their fraternity had done worse than this to the girls. This was just playtime incomparison. He climbed into the car and started it up.

Garnet still screamed.

As soon as the ignition had started, Tala cranked up the radio. A nice heavy metal song started, completely drowning out her screams and pleads. Kai slammed his foot on the pedal and the car started on the journey back to the school. The drove down the dirt track along the edge of the woods. The trees seemed to lean over the car. There were judging him. Condemning him. Their looks of disgust lingered in the rear view mirror. Kai watched them as they went by.

"Kai watch out!" Tala hollered.

It was only at the last minute that Kai saw the deer. He turned the car sharply and it missed the beast by a fraction of a centimetre. The car continued to swerve. He tried to regain control but it was futile. It spun several times and collided into a tree.

Kai's hand shook as they latched onto the steering wheel. He looked over at Tala who nodded weakly: his indication to show that he was unharmed. Kai tried to start the car again but stopped. Garnet had stopped screaming. The only sound that could be heard was the occasional hoot of the owl.

He suddenly felt sick.

He almost fell when he stepped out of the car. His legs were like jelly. He clung onto the side as he made his way to the trunk. Tala met him on the other side. Neither of them could look at each other. Why wasn't she screaming?

"Garnet?" Kai ventured. "Are you alright?"

No answer.

Tala banged on the trunk several times with a clenched fist. "Come on, this isn't funny."

Still no answer.

Kai could feel vomit rising up within him as he slowly opened to trunk. Then the vomit escaped in waves.

Tala couldn't care for his friend's sickness. He couldn't care for anything because his entire world was focussed on the body of Garnet Granger. Her face was amassed with blood that had leaked down onto her dress. It was as if they had desecrated an angel, albeit a dark one. They were unholy, blasphemous. His hand shook as he raised it to her open mouth. It hung open in mid-scream, cruelly twisted out of shape, betraying the horror that she had just gone through. There was no breath coming from it. He put a hand on her wrist to see if he could feel a pulse. He tried to ignore the limpness of the cracked bone. There was nothing. No pulse, no breath, no sign of life. Garnet Granger was dead.

They'd murdered her.

Just to let you know, this is strictly NON Yaoi. It's more a friendship fic, if you could call it that.

Please review!
