A/N: Here's a POTC story! Yay! It's my first, but I think it'll be fun. When you review, be sure to ask some questions that you want answered! Here you go!

Disclaimer: Yay for a different disclaimer! I don't own Pirates, but I wish I did!

Important note! I was reading mangamadde's story Ask a Sayajin and I thought it would be cool to have one for POTC, so be sure to go check out her story too! It's really funny.

Chapter 1

(The cameras begin to roll and the people who control the lights aim the spotlight on the brown haired girl who is walking out onto the stage. She waves at the camera and people begin to clap.)

Angel's Star: Hi and welcome to Ask a Pirate. I'm your host Angel's Star. (people clap) Thank you. (smiles) This is only our pilot episode, so if you want to see more, be sure to ask us some questions!

(Director says something from off-camera.)

Angel's Star: Ah, that's right! For those of you who did not read the important note above, mangamadde's story Ask a Sayajin inspired me to make this for POTC, so be sure to go thank her and review her story! It's really good. Honest! So, with out further ado, here are the stars of our show!

(Angel's Star looks to her right to see Jack, Will, and Elizabeth making their way out onto the stage. The audience claps wildly and crazed fan girls shout out to their favorite man. They all sit down awkwardly in the chars labeled for them, but there is one left over.)

Elizabeth: Who's the other seat for?

Angel's Star: We might have Norrington on here in an upcoming episode. I'll let you know when.

(Elizabeth nods, not quite understanding how she ended up on this show. Will waves at all his crazed fan girls, making each of them faint with joy. Jack simply drinks some of the rum he brought with him.)

Angel's Star: Ok, so how are you guys?

Will: Other than you trapping me in this story, I'm doing fine.

Angel's Star: (sweat drop) Any one else having a better day than Mr. Grumpy Pants?

Random fan girl: I AM!!!!!

(Jack and Will ease away from her, even though they're still seated.)

Angel's Star: Ooookaaaay. Thanks for that. (mutters) Security.

(Two big men quickly escort the screaming girl out of the studio.)

Angel's Star: Ahem. Anyway! How are you doing, Jack?

Jack: Better since the lass is gone now.

Angel's Star: I think we all are. Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: I'm fine, thank you.

Angel's Star: Good! So we've established that we're all doing good, except for Will who's grouchy.

Will: I'm not grouchy!

Angel's Star: (to Elizabeth) See what I mean?

(Audience chuckles)

Elizabeth: I'm still curious. I know you claimed you would pay Will and I a lot of money for being on here, but how did you manage that with Jack? He doesn't have much use for money.

(Angel's Star looks off thoughtfully into the distance)

: Flashback :

(Angel's Star and Jack shake hands after negotiating how much rum he would get for being on the show.)

: End flashback :

Jack: The power of persuasion, love.

Angel's Star: That's it!

Will: What exactly are we doing here if you have no questions for us yet?

Angel's Star: You are the grumpy one, aren't you?

(Will scowls)

Angel's Star: You're here so people can see that I'm not using imitations. Plus you have to be here for the pilot episode. Your contract said so.

Will: What contract?!

Angel's Star: The contract you signed! It says you agree to do this show with me along with any future shows I might do. Including fan fictions.

Will: (sweat drop)

Jack: So long as there's rum, I'm in.

Angel's Star: See? Why can't you be cooperative like Jack?

(Elizabeth chuckles to herself)

Will: How did I get tricked into this?

Angel's Star (shouts): I didn't make you sign the contract in your sleep!

(Every one stares at her)

Angel's Star: Umm…yeah. Hypnosis works surprisingly well in your sleep.

Will: I don't even want to know…

Jack: Poor eunuch… (laughs)

(The audience laughs too)

Elizabeth: It'll be alright, Will.

Angel's Star: Yeah, 'cause the first show's over!

Jack: See? That wasn't bad.

(Will gives Jack a withering glare)

Angel's Star: Yup, but you three will be back whenever I get some questions!

(Audience cheers, Will groans)

Angel's Star: And next time we might not pick on Will as much.

(Audience and Jack laugh)

Angel's Star: So that's it. If you want these three back and possibly some guests later on in this show, you have to send me some questions! Bye!

(Audience claps as Angel's Star, Will, Jack, and Elizabeth chat for a few more moments)


A/N: Alrighty! Please review and ask some questions if you want to see more! And I know I've said this before, but I want to make sure she gets the credit she deserves. Be SURE to go check out Ask a Sayajin by mangamadde! Ok. That's it. Go review!