I've been reading FanFic's were Naruto cuts himself, and im lovin' it… no im not emo…

Well this is one of those :3 enjoy!!

Disclaimer: I didn't own it in the last fanfic… so I don't own it now!!




Those hurtful words rang through Naruto's mind, they wouldn't leave him alone… even if he had his mind on something else, he could still hear and see the painful scorn's and looks from the people he passed, sometimes he didn't want to be there… He didn't want to live with all this pain and neglect all his life…

Naruto had always hid behind his mask of happiness and clumsy attitude, but behind that mask he was a fragile soul getting ready to break any minute, no one had really known the real Naruto, Naruto always complained that Sasuke acted 'Emo' and was one, but the truth was… he was the real emotional person.

Naruto sat on the end of his bed staring at the floor, he had woken up early for some reason; he just couldn't ease his soul enough to sleep any longer that morning. Naruto looked at him self lazily in the mirror; brushing back his bangs to take a better look at his sleepy face, he sighed and let them flop back down on to his face. Naruto slightly yawned and walked down into his lounge and flopped on to the couch, smugly completing the look of his lounge. He decided to skip breakfast that morning, he couldn't be bothered finding the cereal to eat, and strangely he didn't have the taste for ramen.

"I've heard…" Naruto spoke to himself "…doing this will make me… feel... better…"

Naruto pulled up his sleeve to show his tanned arm, he licked his lips nervously. He turned his arm over to get a clear view of his wrist; he was ready to do this, beside him were a small hand towel and a sharp shuriken. He nervously picked up the shuriken and placed it above his wrist, he slowly dug one of its sharp ends deep into his skin and he winced at the pain. He removed the shuriken and quickly placed the towel on his wound. When the blood dried into a scar on Naruto's skin, he did it again; digging deeper this time, he continued to do it until 5 scars were visible on his wrist. Blood poured from the gashes as they re-opened when he moved his wrist.

"I was right…" Naruto smirked as he watched the scars close up again "It does make me feel better…"

Naruto rushed back into his room to find a new 'long-sleeved' shirt to hide his scars, after his orange jump suit was now stained with blood, he pulled out a black shirt with dark blue under-sleeves. He reached for his headband and tightened it, as if it would run away. He left his room and wrapped a few bandages around his wrist incase any one would notice the scars; he was now standing at the door, his forehead rested on it and he was mumbling words to himself.

"Ok… you can do it Uzumaki… put on that mask…" he mumbled, scrunching his eyes "just… one more time…"

Naruto looked up with a large goofy grin placed on his lips "That's what im talkin' 'bout!!!"

He opened the door and marched out, forgetting to lock the door. He smiled to the villagers, who would just mumble hurtful words to him or send him death-glares, the words that rang through his mind soon became reality; he hated it, he hated everyone, but most of all he hated himself; he pulled down his sleeve's a bit more, hoping no-one would notice. But his smile never faltered

Naruto arrived first to wait for their mission; he began thinking about why he had done what he did, all the scorn and neglect he got from the people… why they did it he didn't know why… of course he had the Kyuubi, but he had not chosen his fate, he didn't have a choice to be the vessel for the Kyuubi.

"Naruto!" Sakura's loud voice had finally gotten through to the blonde

"Oh—Hi Sakura-chan!" he said, smiling nervously

"Dammit Naruto… you can't just… space out like that…!" Sakura whined, placing a hand over her eyes

"Gomen... Sakura-chan" Naruto blocked his ears as he heard Sasuke's footsteps, preparing himself for Sakura's voice

"Good morning, Sasuke-kuuuun!!" Sakura latched herself to Sasuke's arm; he pulled her arm away from her death-grip

"Hn." He said flatly, he looked over to Naruto who was unusually quiet.

"Oi what's with you dobe?" Sasuke asked, hoping to spark a fire

"Nothing…" Naruto whispered "…Of course nothing's wrong teme!!" Naruto countered hoping to not draw attention to his whisper before

"Hn" Sasuke turned around and ignored him after

"Yo!" Kakashi appeared next to Sakura, frightening the heck out of the poor girl

"K-Kakashi-sensei!! Don't do that!!!" Sakura screamed at the man whose hands flew up in defense

"Ok, Ok sorry…" he sweat-dropped

"H-Hey… you're early…" Sakura said, almost not-believing it

"Your right, Sakura-chan!" Naruto agreed, grinning

"Is this a problem? Because I will come back later…" Kakashi whispered

"No!!" Sakura and Naruto screeched, Kakashi grinned

"Okie dokie then!" Kakashi said "well… we have no mission, so you can spar today"

"Hai…" they all agreed in unison, although Sasuke just nodded

(Lazy author a.k.a me! Couldn't be bothered writing their whole sparring session… so lets just skip it shall we?)

"Ok... that's enough sparring you can go home now, Ja!" and with that, Kakashi had disappeared in a clad of smoke

"Im going now, see yah's" Sakura left, but before she did she turned around "Good Bye Sasuke-kun!!!!!!" waving her hands, hysterically

Before Sasuke could make a sound of disgust Naruto bet him to it, Sasuke would have stared at him in shock, if he would show his emotion that is. Naruto just shoved his hands deep into his pockets and let his bangs fall over his face.

"She disgusts me…" Naruto murmured but loud enough for Sasuke to hear, he lowered his head so his bangs covered his eyes.

"And so does everyone else… you all disgust me…" Naruto began to walk away from Sasuke

This… isn't Naruto… Sasuke grasped on to Naruto's wrist, causing Naruto to stop

"What's with you, dobe? You'd never talk bad about Sakura" Sasuke's eyes narrowed, Naruto smirked

"First time for everything Sasuke…" the smirk was still plastered on his face

"What's the hells wrong with--" Sasuke tugged on Naruto's arm showing the bandages "—you…"

Naruto ripped his arm from Sasuke's grasp; he sent Sasuke a glare before walking back to his house

"Jeez… Dobe… sometimes you worry me…" Sasuke mumbled before turned on his heel and walking towards his own house

Naruto slammed his door, making the whole room shake. He kicked off his shoes and chucked his head-band on the ground, yes later he would regret it, later he would be scolding himself for his behavior today, but now he didn't care at all.

He flopped on the couch, next to a shuriken that was covered in dry blood, and a hand towel that had red blotches marking the soft material. He picked up the shuriken gently as if it would break, his index finger played along the edge of the shuriken, its spikes digging into his skin but not enough to bleed.

"It did feel good… before…" he bit his lip, pulling up his sleeve; he unraveled the bandages to see 5 deep nasty scars

Naruto placed the shuriken above his wounds; he scrunched his eyes as he felt the sharp metal pierce through his skin and wounds, reopening them and creating a large gash through the middle of them. Blood poured from them and dripped down his wrist making stains on his pants and couch.

"Jesus…" Naruto cursed, reaching for the towel he instantly placed it on his wrist "so... much blood…"

Naruto winced, but it then turned into an evil smile "But... it feels really… really… good…"

Naruto not much later fainted on his sofa; the blood loss was far too much in one day for him. The painful scolding's that rang through his mind when he had cut himself, made the process fell a whole lot better to him.

Naruto woke up early in the morning, he had decided to skip breakfast again, the blood stains weren't too visible through his deep navy blue sleeve's so he didn't bother changing it, he changed his pants to a pair of black baggy jeans. He chuckled to himself as he thought he was turning into a real 'emo' he placed on his headband and left early again, so he could think over his actions from the previous night and last night again.

He took another way to avoid the villagers; the way was slightly quicker so he got there a lot earlier than the rest of their team, Sakura came not far after Naruto had arrived and began complaining about him spacing off again, Sasuke arrived after her and he was… well acting his usual snoody self.

"Yo!" Kakashi appeared behind Naruto this time, knocking the boy out of his thoughts

"Ahh!! Kakashi-sensei don't do that!! AND YOU'RE LATE!!!!!!" Naruto wailed, flailing his arms

"Sorry! Some fairies needed me to help repair their spaceship!" he held up his hands in defense, he still kept his book clutched in his grip

"Liar!" Naruto yelled at the predictable man "anyways… what's our mission…?"

"Mission… oh… well… we have no mission again, Ja!" Kakashi disappeared in smoke

"Wha—oh… once of these days… Kakashi…" Naruto murmured evilly, under his breath while clenching his fists

"Urgh… I swear that man…" Sakura mumbled walking off without saying good-bye

Naruto shrugged it off and resorted back to his gloomy state, trudging off back in the direction of his house. Sasuke didn't leave until he was sure Naruto couldn't see him; he pounced around the tree's still keeping a clear view on Naruto.

He watched Naruto's pace quicken, getting up his speed Sasuke tried to keep up with Naruto but also stay hidden.

Why should I care about the dobe anyway…? Sasuke halted as Naruto ran into his house, slamming and locking the door behind him

"He locked it?" Sasuke said to himself, in confusion

Sasuke approached the door and knocked, there was no answer and no sound. Sasuke knocked louder, still no one answered the door; aggravated Sasuke went for the window that was surprisingly open.

"Hn. That dobe will lead him self to an early grave" Sasuke smirked, stepping in the window

Sasuke walked through Naruto's room and into the main hall, he took small baby steps; something worried Sasuke, it all seemed out of place. Pushing all those thoughts aside, he looked around to see if he could find Naruto.

"Dobe…?" he bit his lip when he got no response, why was he so worried.

"N-Naruto…?" Sasuke walked into the lounge "what's this…?" he picked up a small glinting object that was on the ground, it was a shuriken covered in fresh blood

"Naruto!?" Sasuke was getting worried; he chewed his bottom lip nervously

"Naruto…" Sasuke switched on the light in the living room, Sasuke was horrified "Naruto!"

Blood was pouring from a wound on Naruto's neck, it was long but not very deep. Acting quickly Sasuke grabbed the bandages from Naruto's arm and wrapped it around his neck; he threw Naruto on his back and nearly broke down the door as he ran towards the hospital.

Don't die Naruto…

Aww so kawaii… HAHA NOT!!! I hope you like that start to it…
And when Kakashi said "Some fairies needed me to help repair their spaceship!" Oh… I was in the zone that minute… or maybe 12 seconds…
Ahhhh!! It's almost midnight!! Oops… maybe I should be sleeping… Ja Ne!!!!

Sweet tragedies