Disclaimer: I can only wish that I own Ouran.


Haruhi raised the bed cover and looked under it, "Where could it be?!" she thought, "I'm going to be late for class!" She scrambled around the room trying to tie her sneakers while buttoning her pants. She tripped on her own foot.

"AAHHH!" A pair of hands grabbed her bare midriff.

"Really, you still have about 28 minutes to walk to your school, there's no need to kill yourself in the process." Kyouya Ohtori told her sardonically helping her regain balance. He presented her a piece of fabric.

"Is this what you're looking for?" He smiled wickedly. Looking wonderful in his pajama bottoms.

Haruhi's eyes widened.

"My bra!" She tried to snatch it from his hands. He moved it away from her reach.

"Kyouya! I need that now!"

"Tsk. I still need to examine it for my data gathering. You'll just have to wait." He said seriously, walking away.

"Hand it over now!" She demanded. He ignored her.

She jumped on his bare back.

"What are you doing?!" He attempted to get her down, "Haruhi! Really! Don't be childish." He said peevishly.

"I'm childish?! Me?! Who started it?!"

The shadow king grinned inspite of himself and allowed himself to plunge on the bed. He fell on top of Haruhi.

She "oof'd"

"Kyouya! Get off me! You're heavy!" The love of his life whined like a kid.

"Sorry." He turned and trapped her between his arms. He let his eyes roam up and down her torso, Haruhi smiled at him.

"Like what you see?" she teased. Kyouya grinned.

"Oh yes, strangely enough, I actually do. I never though I would though."

"Gee. Thanks."

He sat up and positioned her in a way that she had her back turned to him. He helped her put on her undergarment. Then dropped a kiss her shoulder.

"Is law hard?" He asked while hugging her, her back to his chest.

"Not if you love it. And I love it." "Is medicine hard?"

"I find it challenging." He let go of her.

Haruhi stood up and wore her blouse, gathered her books then made her way to the door of his bachelor pad.

Kyouya sighed.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He voiced out.

"Oh." Haruhi returned and kissed his cheek. "Ja ne!"

The shadow king watched her leave and smiled, "Ah Fujioka Haruhi, there is merit in loving you."


A/N: I wrote it to satisfy my curiosity on how the pairing would be like, I know there's a slight OOC but I'm still trying to get the feel of it. it's either i continue it or erase it.

Why Kyouya would need to data gather.. I still do not know.