A/N: This is the last of this story. (at least, I hope it is) Uhm, for those who don't know, I have the habit of deleting my stories after I finish them, so don't be surprised if it's gone from your favorites someday. Thanks for reading!


It was his third attempt at tying his black bow and for the third time, it won't tie perfectly. His attempts looked ridiculous. He gave a little sigh and glanced at the mirror. He looked okay. Except for the bow, he looked impeccable as always. Just the way his father expected him to look.

Someone knocked at his bedroom door.

"Come in." He answered formally. His mother's brown hair appeared along with the rest of her.

"You're not ready yet Yoshi?" Haruhi asked, she walked towards him and knotted the black material into a perfect ribbon. "There." His mother said, "You look handsome like your Father."

"Arigatou, Okaasan."

"What's wrong? Aren't you excited for your party? It's your 7th birthday!"

"Hai." He answered vaguely. He never really liked parties; his family went to so much that he found it boring, frivolous and redundant. Guests rarely talk about important issues about the economy or life in general; all they care about is maintaining their family's circle and status. "What time will I go to bed?"

"Well, it's only quarter to 7 so you have until 9 to mingle with the guests." Haruhi smiled at him, aware that her son wasn't really a party person. She also knew that he inherited that particular trait from her. Not that his father is a party person, but Kyouya Ohtori thrives on parties, as it is the best way to make family connections.

Her son was quite mature for his age. She wasn't worried though. She learned to be independent at a young age.

Yoshi sat on his bed as his mother combed his black hair. He adjusted his glasses then fell silent.

"Anything you want to ask?" Haruhi prompted after a while.

"Will I meet Tamaki oji-san's daughter?"


"How come I've never seen her before?"

"Because she was born in France and was raised there. If I remember correctly, she's now 4 years old. Are you excited to see her?"

"Hn." He replied, Tamaki Suoh was his favorite uncle. He had lots, Uncle Kaoru was a fashion designer and Uncle Hikaru an advertiser. Uncle Mori taught him how to use the Katana while Uncle Huni is his martial arts teacher. But Tamaki Ojii-san was different; he was "the" fun uncle. He'd take Yoshi out for ice cream and bring him to parks and he was always understanding that Yoshi never felt as if he had to maintain his reserve, if Uncle Tamaki had a child, then he won't be the same uncle he loved. His time would be spent with his daughter. He suddenly felt sad.

"Until when is Otoosan busy?" He asked his mother, hoping that his father might have a little time to take him out. He didn't want a birthday party. He wanted his dad to take him out the way Tamaki oji-san did.

Haruhi wanted to cry. Kyouya wasn't a bad father but he was becoming more and more consumed with his work that he barely had time for them. This party was actually a business prospect in disguise. She gave Yoshi a hug. "I don't know sweetie, but maybe next month okay?" she replied, deciding that it's time to talk to Kyouya.

Her son stared at the floor. "It's okay. I know he's busy. Aren't we going down yet?"

"Hai." Haruhi took hold of Yoshi's hand and led him downstairs where the party was in full swing.


"Yoshi, meet Sasame, my daughter."

"Hime, this is Yoshi, Uncle Kyouya's son." Tamaki made the introductions. "Now, I'll leave you to get to know each other, if you need me, I'll just be with your Uncle okay?" The blond asked his daughter. She nodded and Tamaki made his way toward Kyouya.

He stared at the little girl. She looked like those dolls he sees in the toy stores, Sasame had blonde hair that reached her shoulders and lavender eyes like her dad. Her pink dress was made from silk and looked really soft that he wanted to touch it just to see if she was real. She even had a pink flower in her right ear.

"Nice to meet you." He bowed feeling himself blush.

The little girl smiled at him then handed him a brightly wrapped package. "Appy burtday." She said, looking happy when he accepted the gift.

"Thank you. Do you want to eat?" he asked, feeling confused. He never had playmates, not even in school. How will he go about a 4-year-old girl?

She took his hand and pointed towards the gardens.

"No. We can't go there. We have dogs patrolling that area." He tried to make her understand by making gestures with his hands of fierce dogs.

She nodded instead. "Dogs! Lots Dogs!"

"You like dogs?"

"Hai! Gold dog!"

"Ow. You mean a golden retriever? We have one but he lives in the kitchen. Do you want to go to the kitchen?"

Sasame jumped. "dogs!"

Yoshi took her hand and led the way to the kitchen where his dog Roof lives.

Their Nanny's followed them.


"Don't even think about it." Kyouya said dryly. He watched his son lead his friends' daughter to the kitchen.

"KYOOOUUUYYAAA!!! They love each other at first sight! They were meant to be together! We must plan the wedding as early as now!"



"From the way I see it, your daughter is every bit like you. Only cuter."

"She is isn't she? Her mother's quite worried and most especially, my grandmother." Tamaki grinned at him.

Kyouya smiled. "Your Grandmother is worried? Then Sasame will turn out okay."

"Ahh, Mon ami, don't be insulting."

"Forgive me." He inclined his head at his friend.

"No harm done." The blond smiled. "Your son is a lot like you."

"That's an odd comment as everyone seem to think that except for the physical features. He's Haruhi's all the way."

"Hmm. Maybe. Kyouya?"


"Don't end up like your father okay?"


"Goodnight Okaasan. What time will you leave tomorrow?" Yoshi asked his mother while she tucked him in bed.

"Early, but I'll be back the day after tomorrow so you won't notice that I'm gone." She kissed her son's forehead. "Did you enjoy your party?"

"It was alright, I spent the time in the kitchen with Sasame-chan and Roof."

"So I gathered." She caressed his face. "Goodnight Yoshi. Sleep tight."

"Night mom. Say goodnight to Daddy for me."

"I will."


He walked down the breakfast hall he next morning. Everything was quiet and both his parent's were gone.

"Good morning Sir Yoshi. What do you want for breakfast?" The maid asked as he sat down on one of the table chairs.

"Cereal please. Is Otoosan home?"

"He left an hour ago sir." His nanny said, giving him a pitying look.

He lowered his head. "Sou ka."


Yoshi opened the gift Sasame-chan gave him. A cheap coloring book of dogs. It was the first time he received such a gift. He had plenty of toys, but mostly people give him stocks and blue chips for his birthday, or things like, snow maker, Hot air balloon, motorbikes.

He opened it and started to color. Maybe his toosan will want to see it later tonight.


"Otoosan?" He called his father from his office doorway.

Kyouya was busy looking through contracts. "Hmm?"

"I colored Sasame-chan's gift today, do you want to see it?" he asked, hugging the coloring book to his chest.

His father didn't even look up. "I'm busy Yoshi, maybe later."

"Hai." He said then closed the door.


He lay on his blue bed and tried to stop himself from crying, He knew that his father was a busy person but he can't remember the last time they talked. It used to be, his father had all time for him but as Yoshi grew older, Kyouya became busier and busier that his family only sees him twice or thrice a week. Outside, rain started to pour. While Yoshi didn't mind the rain, he didn't like thunder.

"Toosan." He whispered, wiping tears from his eyes before succumbing into sleep.


Kyouya rubbed his neck as he closed the documents; thunder and lightning disturbed the calm inside the house. "When did it start raining?" He finally finished everything but something doesn't feel right. Tamaki's words during his son's birthday party are haunting him. He stood up from his chair and walked towards his son's bedroom. He opened the door.

Yoshi was sleeping. The coloring book was on the floor; he picked it up and skimmed through the pages then smirked. Tamaki's daughter was every bit like him. Both enjoy commoner things. He placed the book on his son's table and sat on his bed. Kyouya caressed his hair.

Yoshi stirred. "Okaasan? I'm scared of thunder." He whimpered, still asleep.

"It's me. Otoosan." Kyouya said softly.

His son opened his eyes. He noticed the tear stained cheeks. "Are you alright?"



Yoshi hugged him. "I don't like thunder." He said through Kyouya's shirt.

The brunet smiled, "You are your mother's son" He thought, "Do you want to sleep beside me?"

Yoshi stared at him, "May I?"

He lifted his son and brought him to the master's bedroom. Yoshi climbed inside the warm bed beside his father. He felt happy.

"I saw your coloring book. You color very well." Kyouya praised. "Do you want art materials? I'm free tomorrow if you need art supplies I can accompany you to the store."

"Really?" Yoshi asked, "I'd like that very much Father." He answered respectfully.

Kyouya rumpled his hair. Then leaned and dropped a kiss on his son's forehead.

"Goodnight Yoshi."

"Goodnight Toosan."


A/N: I actually wrote this just to see what kind on person will Yoshi grow up to be. I'm not satisfied with the way he turned out though..