The Glass Walls of Limbo

Disclaimer: I do not own any Characters, Objects, Settings, and Spells that were placed in the infamous J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series... Nothings mine, so don't sue.

Full Summary: After Sirius' death, Harry gets a will from Sirius that changed his life. Can Harry cope just by being the same old 'Gryffindor Golden Boy', or turned into the 'Slytherin Bad Boy'? Harry Potter and Tom Riddle have many similarities, But just how many? Dark. Spoilers. AU Book 6.

AN: Oh yeah, the little quotes/lyrics/poems are all mine, so don't steal them please.

Thankies to the people who reviewed!

Chapter Four: Harry's Awaited Destiny

I can do nothing, life isn't chosen,
Destiny hates me, as do God or any other powerful being
And as time seems to have frozen
I begin seeing

Last Chapter...

As soon as they got there, Snape called for Harry.

"Potter!" Yelled Snape.

"Coming." Said Harry, as he descended down the stairs.

Harry, seeing Voldemort next to Snape, gulped.

"How nice it is to see you Harry..." Voldemort began.

Harry seemed a little nervous, but that quickly disappeared. 'This is only Voldemort' Harry thought.

"Er..Nice to see you too..ah, Voldemort..." Harry said.

Snape cringed, but knowing that it would be useless to comment, he kept quiet.

"It appears you got yourself in quite the predicament Harry." Voldemort said.

"Yeah, if you count Dumbledore fucking around with my life." Harry said without thinking whom he was talking to.

"Yes..quite." Voldemort said, turning around and heading to the front room.

"Master, Potter? Your wands?" Asked Snape.

"Ah yes, here you go Severuss.." Voldemort said, handing him his wand before retreating to the front room.

Harry handed Snape his wand.

Harry walked into the front room. A fire a lit magically, and Voldemort took a seat onto Snape's recliner. Harry took a seat on the couch, and Snape just stood at the doorway.

"Harry, it appears you discovered Dumbledore's true motive. Congratulations, it only took you five years, for me, it was six." Voldemort began.

"I found out because of Sirius." Replied Harry.

"Yes. Pity he was lost."

"Pity? It was one of your Death eaters who did it!" Exclaimed Harry.

"I cannot control their actions all the time Harry. Your godfather's death was not under my orders." Explained Voldemort.

"Then shouldn't you punish her?"

"No, she did nothing wrong. It was your godfather's stupidity to be dueling right in front of the veil of death."

Harry opened his mouth to object, but seeing that it would be useless to fight over the matter he just said,

"This isn't the time to talk about that."

"Agreed. Now, we have much more important things to discuss."

"If you haven't already guessed, Dumbledore is using you as a 'secret weapon' of sorts to fend off myself. It is true that he is paying your 'friends' to be friends with you. Much more than that though, you discovered this among other things you will learn of in the future."

"Like what?"

"That I do not know. The only thing I do know is about the prophecy."

"You know of the prophecy?" Asked Harry surprised.

"Of course I do boy!"

"Then why did you go to the ministry to try to steal it?" Exclaimed Harry.

"I was merely double checking. You never know what's the truth of word of mouth."

"You mean Sirius was killed for no reason other than double checking a prophecy you already knew?"

"Harry, we talked about this not two minutes ago."

Harry was fuming. Voldemort knew about the prophecy all along, but he was only 'double-checking' it. Sirius died for nothing.

"Regardless of that, we have your welfare to talk about."

"My welfare? I never thought I would hear that come out of your mouth Voldemort." Harry said, still angry.

"Yes. Obviously, you can not stay here. I have acquired someone to have you in their residence under the strict condition furthering your education of the dark arts, and the way of life. You can not go on prancing around with those ideas Dumbledore has put in your head."

"Okay, but who am I going to stay with?" Harry asked.

"The Malfoys. Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco all agreed on enlightening you about the aristocratic attitudes and beliefs of wizards that should of been made aware to you before Hogwarts."

"The Malfoys! No way!" Shouted Harry.

"Fine, don't go. It's your choice boy. Continue to be manipulated by Dumbledore into his perfect 'Gryffindor Golden Boy', or become aware of reality and the truth. Your choice." Voldemort said calmly.

Harry thought about this.

"I don't like the idea Voldemort, but it's the only choice I have right now. Fine, I decide of go to the Malfoys and 'learn' your ways. But. I am not joining you under any circumstances if that's what your going at." Harry warned.

"That's perfectly acceptable by me, but always know, the offer stands." Voldemort said, rising from the chair.

"Severus, I will inform Lucius of his future guest. He should be arriving around 7pm to gather Mr. Potter. I suggest you go over the basics with him before so." Voldemort said.

"Yes my Lord." Snape said, while bowing.

"Very well. It was good talking to you Potter, but I have duties to attend to." Voldemort said.

Before Harry could reply, Lord Voldemort apparated with a 'pop'.

"Very well Mr. Potter. We have quite a lot to cover. Follow me into the dining room. We can discuss proper manners you obviously don't have over dinner."

As soon as Harry was about to take a seat, Snape shouted at him.

"Rule one Potter. Never seat before the host!"

Harry nodded, then he waited till Snape sat down, then he followed the same suit.

Harry stayed still, paranoid that he would make a mistake.

"During this time, people usually make simple conversation before Dinner is served. Do you know the proper ways of handling utensils Potter?"

Harry nodded numbly, His Aunt Petunia made it clear to him how to use the varied types of forks, knives, and spoons when she invited Uncle Vernon's boss over to dinner.

"Good. Less of a hassle for me."

Harry rolled his eyes and sighed.

'This is going to be a long night.' Harry thought.

After dinner, and after a few shoutings from Snape, Harry survived dinner and was ready for the Malfoys.

Harry was surprised that there was so many rules regarding 'proper' ways, but nonetheless he couldn't expect any less from people like the Malfoys.

Around 6:30pm, Snape told him to get packed and ready to go over to the Malfoys.

After that, Harry hulled down his trunk and belongings down to the front room, and he was 'greeted' by one Lucius Malfoy.

"Well Mister Potter, A lovely turn of events now isn't it?" Lucius drawled.

"Er..yeah, I guess." Harry said.

Harry saw Snape rolling his eyes.

"Potter, how dense could you really be?" Snape asked.

"I'm not dense! I was being sarcastic!" Harry exclaimed.

"Potter, don't try to use something beyond your wits, you'll look even less intelligent than you already are."

Harry ignored Snape's comment.

"Well then, shall we get going?" Asked Lucius, clearly amused.

"Yes sir." Harry said.

"We are going to floo there. I'll shrink your belongings so it's less of a hassle." Lucius said, flicking his wand, making Harry's stuff the size of a few grapes.

Lucius took a handful of floo powder, and threw it in the fireplace.

"Malfoy Manor!" He shouted before being whisked away.

"You better be on your best behavior Potter. He would not think twice before severely punishing you." Snape warned.

Harry nodded, placing his graped-sized stuff into his pocket. He took a handful of floo-powder and shouted.

"Malfoy Manor!"

AN: Sorry for the short Chap, it was kinda hard to write. Yay, the Malfoy's are in the picture!

Next chapter!

Harry gets to see who Draco Malfoy really is, and Harry gets his first taste of Slytherin.