Stand by Me

Maddy and Emily had met in the first grade they were like sisters. Emily was the quiet one yet she was very imaginative. Maddy is the outgoing one.

"Emily? When are we going to get there?" said Maddy in her annoyed voice.

"We should be there anytime now.." said Emily looking around for the street named 'Galliger Herrin'

"But im hungry and we have been walking around in circles- see! We passed that street like 15 minutes ago!!" said Maddy pointing to a sign under the light post

"Madds, we just passed the school, come on lets go!"

They started running. They're parents switched them to a different school, they were supposed to go to this privet school for girls, it even had blue and white uniforms! yuck!!... But no offence to those of you who have to wear.. blue & white.. uniforms

"Ew.. it looks worse than our old school, Camatchi Central…" said Maddy, she had a very keen sense of fashion.

" I agree.. but hey look! The symbol for this school is a- what is that? A siren?"

"Ya looks like it"

A lady in black came up to them. "Are you Madeline R. and Emily K.?" said the lady.

"Yep that's us" said Emily stiffiling a laugh.

"Um, I don't mean to sound rude, but my name is pronounced Mad-Eh-line not Mad-uh-line."

"Oh, well I'll have to change that then." Said the lady, marking something down on her sheet.

"Well follow me, ..Hmm it looks like you two have all the same classes." She said pushing up her glasses as she walked in a funny looking way toward the double doors.

Maddy and Emily like to call that the "butt" walk

"This is such a snotty school" said Emily once the lady was far enough away that they could talk privately.


"Why no Mrs. Butt walk.. We don't want to be late." Said Maddy; apparently she was very annoyed with this lady.

When they caught up with her she was holding the doors open. "By the way, my name is Mrs. Allemister."

The girls looked at each other.

"Come, come this way, I'll get some girls to show you around later." She said signaling the girls closer.

"Is this our first class?" asked Emily

"Why.. Yes I believe so.. looks like you two have the class to your selves, enjoy!!" said the weird old lady as she shoved them into the room.

They herd a lock working then footsteps going farther and farther away.

The room was completely black, they couldn't see anything but they new they were standing next to each other.

"Well this is a waste, we could be bugging Troy right now!!" said Maddy.

"Shhh, quiet! I hear something." Said Emily sticking her head out and turning her head so her ear was in front of her.

"Very good Emily, I thought your friends gabbing would of cut off your hearing, my name is Mr. Conner I will be your first period teacher. Hopefully this class wont happen to be your last." Said the voice

Maddy leaned into Emily and they both stood there.

They herd a whooshing sound and Emily pushed Maddy down and jumped up -high- she came down with a crash.

"That sounded like it hurt." Said the mysterious voice.

"Ya well if you weren't pushing stuff at us like, hum I don't know big metal bars, she wouldn't have done that!!" said Maddy.

"Yes I believe so, you might want to see if your friends ok," He said

"Oh and by the way, you have to follow my voice and get to me, if you make it you are in my class, if you don't, well lets just say you will be spending a lot of time in the hospital"

"Dude, you have like some freaky weird issues" Said Madeline, helping Emily up and brushing her off.

"Yes, most people tell me that (sighs) yet most people don't get the way I teach.."

The girls could just imagine him leaning on his chair with his cheek being propped up by his hand.

"Lets just get this over with…. Oh, god I have blood on my leg…. And I cant feel my butt.." said Emily, running her hand down her leg which only she could see because the room was pitch black.


"JUMP!!" yelled Madeline

"I CAN'T!!" Emily was no sooner shoved to the side of the room when a big glowing medal pole come out of nowhere and zoomed inches in front of her face.

"M-Maddy?" said Emily, slowly turning around. She wasn't able to see her protectors' face but she knew instantly it wasn't Madeline.

"Emily! Where are you??" came a voice from far away.

"Im over her- ouch!" she yelled being dropped onto the ground.

"…. You're going to have to be more detailed than that!" yelled Madeline, her footfalls becoming louder.

"Ugg, I'm next to the wall.. no not that one!.. aug!" yelled Emily feeling herself being pulled up by her armpits.


"OOOWWWWWWW!!!" yelled Madeline, she had connected her face with the wall.

Emily heard some rustling behind her. She blushed, feeling her saviors' hands still holding her up.

"Ok, who is this? Because this is getting freaky weird." Said Emily squirming.

"Who's who?" said Maddy, the girls eyes had finally adjusted to the dark. She looked over at Emily who was squirming uncomfortably, she saw a shadow like figure behind her.

"Oh.. right.. who are you and why are you next to my best friend?!?!" yelled Madeline, apparently this person wasn't a girl, and the outline was too stalky.

"Oh, I see you have met my apprentice, girls this is Damian, Damian, these are the new girls." Said the mysterious voice, it sounded closer than before.

Nobody could see Emily blush uncontrollably, but nonetheless she did.

"Um.. so.. that's a guy… holding Emily?" said Madeline, trying to grasp the fact that a guy had just saved her -some what enough for a guy- best friend.

"Yes.. what of it?" said the kid, who was apparently Damian.

"Well I just, uh, this is a bad time for this.."

"Yes.. it is… um.. Mr. Conner? Can we start up the lesson thing now?" said Damian, shifting awkwardly.

"Sure thing my little apprentice!" said Mr. Conner. They heard a beeping noise then some gears cranking.

"Ok, is it just me, or did he sound, like, happy freaky evil clown-ish?" said Madeline slowly scooting over to where Emily and her new –friend- were.

"Eh" said Damian slowly letting Emily go.

"Ow.. it doesn't matter to me what he sounds like as long as I can feel my butt again."

Said Emily putting one arm out in front of her and her other hand on her forehead.

"Good luck" said Damian. They heard his footfalls echoing across the room – which sounded like it was 5 miles long- then they disappeared all together.

"Yeah, like that's gonna help us!" yelled Madeline, grabbing hold of Emily's hand.

"Wwaaattcchh ooouutttt!" yelled the teacher. They heard another beeping sound.


"DUCK!" the girls jumped up a little then landed on their stomachs.


"TO THE LEFT!" Madeline ran to the left as far as she could while pulling Emily along side her.

ROLL!  - I personally don't think –roll- is a sound, lol!

The girls looked at each other, confused, the jumped up.

Emily screamed.

"What?!? What happened? Emm? Where are you?!" yelled Madeline.

"Oh my gosh! Yesss! We made it Madds!! We made it!" yelled Emily. Madeline covered her ears, turned out Emily was right next to her.. -.-.

suddenly hundreds of blinding lights came on. The girls covered their eyes in pain.

"What is that?! I think im like, blind now!" yelled Madeline rubbing her eyes and trying to open them.

"Ok yeah, everything is black.. geeze, my eye doctor isn't going to like this.." said Emily, blinking about fifty times a second.

"Who cares about your stupid eye doctor? Were blind for gods sake!!" Madeline threw her arms up in emphasis, then remembered that only she and the crazy guy knew what she was doing.

"Well, well, well, look who made it through? But I guess you're going to be temporarily blind.. that's not good.. your progress report is going to have to show this.. oh well, not my problem!" said Mr. Conner. "to the infermerary with you!"

"… We can't see!!!" yelled the girls in unison.

".. Right… ok well I'll call in a couple girls to show you, good day children."

The girls heard his footfalls getting farther and farther away until they were no more.

"Great.. now were BLIND AND HELPLESS!!" yelled Madeline Ramming into Emily who was sitting down picking at her hair, -which only she knew she was doing unless someone else was in the room-.

"Hi guys, miss me?" said a mysterious voice

geez, you guys don't know how long it took me to plan that out.. well follow the two r's

read and review! Please?.. Eheheheheheh