Title: I Missed You

Summery: Gabriella is at NYU with Taylor and Sharpay. What happens when a certain boy happens to be on her mind all the time and she never got over him. What will go on in New York when the rest of the gang shows up? Troyella

Okay well First off I would just like to say that I have been majorly busy like crazy busy and have not had the time to update. Secondly this will be the last Chapter to this story!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything HSM or anything Related to HSM

Last time:

"So I gusse this is it?" she asked looking him in the eye. "Nothings over Gabs, we can still call each other and maybe after collage we can get together" he said and once again sadness taking over his voice. Gabriella could tell that he didn't want to leave, she didn't want him to leave either.

"I have to go, we leave tonight" he said and then hugged her for one last time. "Good-bye Gabriella" he said and then walked out of the gym and out of her life once again.

Gabriella was sitting at her desk staring off into space. It had only been a couple days after Troy had left and she was miserable. The girls tried to take her to do stuff whether it was going to the club or shopping but Gabriella was still miserable. She missed Troy.

He had called her once but then the phones got disconnected and she hasn't heard from him since. The girls were worried when the tried to talk to her it was like she wasn't even there...it was worse then last time.

Gabriella had decided to head down to Starbucks, get some coffee and some fresh air. She passed the fountain and noticed Alex there with a girl but then she noticed another girl approach him. Gabriella stopped to watch. The girl yelled at him for a few minutes then pushed Alex into the fountain.

Gabriella laughed and mumbled "he deserved it" she continued her way down the street to Starbucks. She got her coffee and took a seat near the window.

Her mind wandered off to Troy, how he suddenly walked into her life again and then just as quickly walked right back out. Gabriella was heartbroken, she knew he had to go but she thought they had a whole week before that. Gabriella finished her coffee and slowly made her way back to the campus to go to her next class.

The class was soon over and Gabriella started to make her way back to the dorm when she passed the deans office. She had an idea and opened the door to go talk to him.

With Troy

Troy was in the middle of his basketball practice. He kept missing shots and every time he did the coach made him do more. The only reason he was missing those shots were because of Gabriella. Gabriella...he thought.

Chad and Jason could tell he was miserable, he barely ever talked anymore and didn't have that spark he had in his eye like he did when he was in New York. Basketball Practice had soon ended and everyone had gone to the change rooms.

Chad had walked up to Troy before he left the gym. "Troy what's wrong, your not playing like you normally do" Chad had asked with concern in his voice. "Its...its...its just I miss Gabi, I wish I never left New York. I love her Chad and now, I probably won't see her for like 6 or something months and what if she finds somebody else. What if she forgets me?" Troy said quietly while looking at the ground.

"Dude Gabi loves you trust me, she won't forget you." Troy smiled at his best

friend "Thanks man." and with that they left the Gym.

With Gabriella

Gabriella had returned to her Dorm after she had talked to the dean and began to pack. For the first time in a few days she had a smile on her face. She had most of her clothes and books packed when Taylor had gotten back from her classes.

"Gabriella? What are you doing?" Taylor asked. "Tay...im...im moving. Im sorry I didn't tell you I just met with the dean, he's transferring all of my information. Im sorry Tay, its just I need to be happy and this is the only way I can be right now." Gabriella finished as she looked at her best friend with tears in her eyes. "Gabi, I understand but...can I come with you, I need to get out of this place." Gabriella nodded and the rest of the afternoon was spent packing

Gabriella had already booked her flight before Taylor so Taylor was coming the next day and bringing the rest of the stuff that Gabriella couldn't take. Everyone had offered to take her to

the airport. There were many tears as Gabriella gave everyone a hug each person followed by a "Take care of yourself or remember to call." Gabriella had soon boarded her flight and waited nervously for take off. She was always scared of flying but before she knew it the plane was up above the clouds.

Gabriella was thinking if what she was doing was the right thing to be doing, if she should catch the next plane back or just take the risk. She soon decided on taking the risk and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Gabriella was soon being shaken by the flight attendant saying that they had landed and were now getting off the plane. Gabriella got up grabbed her bags and exited the plane.

She walked out to the inside of the busy airport and walked towards the baggage claim. She grabbed her phone and made a quick call to Taylor to tell her she made it fine then went out to catch a cab.

With Troy

Troy was laying on his bed after another hard day of practice. He didn't feel like going out with Jason and Chad so he just stayed back, basically what he has been doing ever since he left New York. The only reason he would go outside was to go to classes and to go to basketball practice.

Troy had nearly dozed off when his phone had started to ring. He jumped up to answer it and smiled when he saw the caller id. He flipped his phone up and...

(Troy, Gabriella)


Hi Troy

Gabs! How are you sorry I haven't called basketball practice is like ALL the time!.

Oh its okay I just wanted to see how you were...I miss you

I miss you to Gabs...A lot Troy said as there was a knock on the door

I wish I was there with–

He opened the door and there stood Gabriella.

you. he finished and closed his phone.

"Gabriella! What are you doing here?" Troy asked surprised. "well I...uh...kind of dropped out of NYU and I transferred to UCLA" Gabriella said shyly. Troy had the biggest smile on his face and walked closer to her and leaned in and so did she. They were inches apart before Gabriella closed the gap and they kissed each other passionately. "I love you Gabriella" "I love you to Troy" Gabriella said as she smiled and he smiled back.

Gabriella had soon brought her stuff into his dorm while she waited until 5:00 to go see the dean about hers and Taylor's dorm. The two were now sitting on the couch, Troy had his arms around Gabriella as her head was lying on his chest.

"Gabi?" he asked. "Yeah?" "How come you moved and switched schools?" Troy asked as he looked down at the girl he had fallen in love with at the ski lodge on that one New years eve.

"Well firstly because I love you and secondly because I missed you" she said smiling at him and with that there lips met for an earth shattering kiss.

The End!

Well thank you to all that reviewed (I loved them all) and also thank you for all your ideas they were very helpful! This last chapter wasn't the best but I know you had waited long enough for it. So for one last time please Review! And maybe look out for more of my stories in the future :D
