The Quiet One

By Lyris Mendax
Rated T ( for violence, and language )

Disclaimer: I do not own Hana Yori Dango and do this for the readers and my own enjoyment.

Part 7 A Sweet Ending

True to his word Rui never pushed Tsukushi to do more than what she was ready for, because of that she became a stronger woman.

He learned that she could find joy in quiet moments, that she had a way of being as graceful as a dancer with one step or as clumsy as a duckling the next. That everyday with her was something real and new. He showed her that he loved her small thoughtful frowns, and worked to earn even a hint of a smile.

She learned that he could say more than most men with a simple kiss, that even in the middle of a mess he could still hold some measure of control. That his sad songs held heartbreaking beauty, and the sound she loved the most was his laugh. That he would only give an honest smile to only a trusted few, and that she was one of them.

They had to live with Tsukasa, trying to push his way into their lives, almost openly fighting for the place he had once held and lost. Rui put his plan into action, it took half a year for the Domyouji corporation to fall. What surprised many was that Japan did not fall with it, that a rival company proved strong enough to keep the country alive at the same levels that it had been. Tsukushi did not know this but Rui has seen Tsukasa the last night he had been in Japan. He had given his former friend a stack of papers.

"This is the same as last time Domyouji. If you will not let us be then you will lose all." Rui didn't even try to hide the bitterness in his voice.

"She was mine first." Tsukasa started to say a hint of a smirk, as he tried to think of away to hurt the man that had taken so much away.

Rui shook his head, just a hint of a twisting of his lips, then he leaned in close, a heavy hand placed upon the others shoulder. "When your on the plane, going to the only home you have left remember this, I was the first one her heart started to reach for." With that he walked away and hoped that part of their past would take the hint and keep away this time.

After that they had not heard form Tsukasa again, just rumors about him. Some had said that he had stopped fighting, that laws in the US, had made him learn some level of control. They had no way of knowing if the rumors where true, both wished they where.

A few months after Tsukasa was gone, that Rui found a shaking Tsukushi in his room, she look so child like as she sat in the middle of his bed, hugging the pillow he would use most of the time. He could see just a hint of a tremble in her arms. "Tsukushi," he climbed upon the bed next to her and slowly worked the pillow from her tight hold. "Are you ok?" that was when the sky seemed to crack and the young woman tossed herself against him. Rui could not hide his smile or the fact that he loved the idea of her wanting to hold onto him, in his own bed of all places. What man would not want that from the woman he loved?

He started to work his hands over her soft hair and hum a light tune one that he knew would help her relax. Tsukushi never told him why she was in his room like that, or why she had clung to him so desperately, from that night on she would sleep in his room. It was a test of their will not to make it into something more until both where ready for it.

When they had married at last it was a quiet affair, with only a handful of people as guest. All of them agreed that bride was lovely, the groom was handsome and never had they seen two people that seemed so perfect together.

Years passed one slowly bleeding into the next and what Rui promised came to pass. The two of them became so entangled with each other, that they had a hard time keeping apart.

They lived for many years, growing in their love, living the live that had almost been lost, all because of stubborn pride and an unwillingness to disappoint others. They had two days that they would celebrate, claiming both as anniversaries, one was the day of their wedding, the other was from when she showed up at his door, shivering from cold.

When old age came to lay claim to one, the other was soon to fallow. They had become like a pair of love birds, and the heartbreak of being alone was just too much to live with. When people spoke of Rui and Tsukushi, they would do so with a happy smile, the love they showed the world was quiet, yet it touched many.

It was their children that would say the simplest yet fitting thing about their mother and father. "You know it's the quiet ones you need to watch because you can never tell what they are thinking, and you never know, it may be the quiet one in your life that will completely change your world." When pressed for more of an answer they would ask a question of their own. "Haven't you ever been touched by love?" Then walk away to leave the person to think upon their answer.

The End

I know you would have loved more details about how they got closer, what else might have happened in their lives. As much as I love telling this story, that part of it just did not feel like it was mine to write about. Who knows I might write another story for this couple later on.

Right now my muse is pulling me between two other stories of mine. I will be working on either Only in Dreams or Demon Rock next. I love both stories and the ideas I have for them but as it stands that wicked muse of mine is pushing for Demon Rock. I guess for my muse music and demons is winning over goblins and magic at least for now.

Thank you Calindy, Chayaderyn, DragonFire Princess, Faith Slays, Fujiwara Tofu Shop, Genzo Wakabayashi, JennyLunaR, Milena, Milisant, Muteki Otaku Musume, Quirkysotong, Robynn, Soujiroh, XxDawnxRiderxX, animelovervt, quietgurl, skytears9, tsukushi, yingying89 for marking this story as a favorite of yours.

Thank you Kura-sama, XxDawnxRiderxX, yui/alex, tsukushi, Milena, skytears9, Genchou, aikawa/tsukushi, WishingStar436, emii-chan, mangadreams, Mia, and Cerulean San for your reviews. Because of them I felt the need to keep going with this story and improve upon my skills.

To any others I might have forgotten, Thank You for reading and hopefully enjoying this story.

Lyris Mendax