AN: OK so I have a new story, that came to me one night and now I really love it. If you have read my other story then you know on that one I update really often, almost every day, well it won't be that way with this one. It will be about maybe once a week at most, but the chapters will be longer, I think. I have written so far in advance the other one, so I want to get it up, but I'm not that far on this story, but I will try to update as often as possible. I don't think I really need to give much background on this story; most everything comes out, but if you have a question, ask me.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 1

Rory laid in bed staring out her window. It was late; she had school tomorrow, or really today. She just couldn't fall asleep. It was raining. Rain didn't bother her, it was the thunder and lightening that did. It was a very childish fear and she knew it, but she knew what, or rather who, was coming. He would come and open her door, slip under the covers, wrap her up in a hug and start that old familiar conversation every time it was storming outside. It had been the same since they were eight. Though when they were younger, they didn't share a bed, but a sleeping bags side by side, and he couldn't drive to get there, so it would often be on the phone, that was until he had discovered the car service. But none of that mattered now, they were sixteen and he was coming. She knew it. He would find the turtle outside and take the key, unlock the door, walk silently to her room, open that door, crawl under the covers, molding perfectly to her body, putting his arms around her waist, and start that familiar conversation.

"Are you ok, Ace?"

"I hate storms," She replied, a smile played on her lips. She had a necklace he had got her five years ago in her mouth, slightly biting it with her front teeth every time there was a clash of thunder. She loved the necklace; it was actually half of a locket. Her half had 'Oh My, My, My, Ace,' engraved on it. And she knew under his shirt he had hidden the other half saying 'Oh My, My, My, MAC'. He had it hidden because he found it girlish, but still would never take it off. He would hear no end to the mocking he would receive from his friends.

"Why, it brings water, which brings life."

"I don't like it, it's violent."

"It's..."Logan hesitated, counting to three in his head, this was all a part of the game, "Exciting."

"Exciting?" Rory let out a soft laugh.

"It's the best I could come up with," Logan grinned.

"I still don't like it."

"You aren't this way with snow."

"Snow makes everything pretty."

"So does rain. It brings water, which brings flowers, which are pretty."

"And it makes everything wet, soggy, and muddy."

"So does snow."

"Only on its way out. Until then it is beautiful, it gives everything a new coat, a second chance."

"Go to sleep, Ace," Logan kissed her head and closed his eyes. And they were finished. And no matter what, even if it was during the day it ended in go to sleep. Even if they were on the phone, nothing changed.

It offered a sense of security Rory needed. They had been friends since they met at one of Rory's grandparent's Christmas parties. Then it was the only time Rory saw her grandparents, was at Christmas, or at Easter, until now when she saw them every week at Friday night dinner, since they started paying for Chilton.

Logan had been to some many schools he couldn't count them. He moved from boarding school to boarding school with his friends. They got kicked out all the time, and half the time it was because they were bored of the school and didn't want to go there anymore. Logan always called to tell Rory the story with in the day, no matter if it was boring or an idea they had done many times before. Rory dropped almost everything to listen, even studying some times. That night they fell asleep with the sense of everything being perfect.


Lorelai knew it stormed the previous night. So when she got up the next morning she wasn't surprised to see a familiar black Porsche in her drive. She walked into her daughter's room and there was the familiar sight of two sleeping teens. Lorelai turned off her daughter's alarm. Yes, it was Friday, but it was end of quarter, there was no school. Something that Rory had obviously over looked. Lorelai had thought about playing hooky from work, but now that Logan was here there was not really a reason for her to stay.

She walked around the empty house with a cup of coffee in hand. There was not a sound around her except for her footsteps. But it didn't feel empty. Lorelai could see so many memories playing around her. All of them involve her and Rory, and so many of them involved Logan too. She headed to Luke's; she would be back around 10:30 to make sure they were up, though she knew they wouldn't be. She would in the mean time have some fun and she grabbed an extra set of keys and drove Logan's Porsche to the diner.

"Logan's here?" Luke asked as her poured her a cup of coffee.

"Did it storm last night?" Lorelai asked in a 'duh' voice, "And I want pancakes."

"Some times he calls."

"He had midterms at whatever school he is at and is in Hartford to see his parents, though I am sure he will use this as an excuse not to go there."

"How many schools has he been to?"

"I have no clue, Rory could tell you, he always tells her the story of how he got caught and kicked out."

"I doubt they are ever boring."

"Never, even if he has been kicked out for that reason many times before, like being caught with a girl. He finds a way to make it interesting."

"His parents ever consider an all boys school?"

"They get kicked out even faster."

"Too boring with out girls there I am betting."

"Exactly, ok, I've got to get to work, bye Luke," Lorelai walked out and then drove to work, right down the street. Around 10:30, closer to a quarter to eleven she told Michel she was going on a errand and would be back soon. She drove the whole thirty-seconds home and walked up the steps. Lorelai made some coffee thinking that it might help get her daughter up. And if that didn't work, then the doorbell that just rang would. "Hi Dean, how are you?"

"I'm fine Lorelai, where's Rory," Dean said politely coming in.

"She's asleep."

"Really? We had plans today since she didn't have school," he said just a little uncomfortably."

"It stormed last night, she always sleeps in," Lorelai said pouring herself a cup of coffee as they walked into the kitchen.

"Why?" Dean asked.

"She hates them, loses sleep," Lorelai said.

"Who's Porsche is in the driveway?"

"Um, a family friend," Lorelai was telling the truth, she liked Logan, even Richard and Emily liked him, she just wasn't exactly sure how to answer, and Logan would probably not meet Dean's idea of a family friend, but she said it.

They sat there in silence.

The silence quickly disappeared as a Rory shrieked, "You didn't!"

This was followed by a man's chuckle, and "I did."

"What's going on in there?" Dean asked suspiciously, there was some guy in Rory's room.

"The same old conversation," Lorelai smiled.


Earlier that morning around 10:20 in Rory's room she awoke. She looked at her clock, her eyes widened, 10:20, she missed school, and she cursed her mom silently. And then she felt very foolish as she remembered she didn't have school. She rolled over and looked at Logan, he was still asleep.

"Just going to stare or say something, Ace?" Logan whispered. He had been awake for a while, just thinking about his answers to this conversation that happened every morning they woke up together.

"I thought you were asleep," Rory whispered back, smiling.

"I wasn't."

"Thank you Captain Obvious."

"Shut up."

"So tell me about the last girl you woke up beside."

"Her name was Taylor."


"No, I'm kidding her name was Bob."

"I didn't know you swung that way."

"Do you want me to continue?"


"Taylor was a blonde."

"Of course, and long-legged?"

"Duh, you should know that by now Ace."

"My mistake, tell me more."

"What do you want to know?"

"How did you meet her?"

"I met her when she was in the same detention as me."

"That's the ground work of a wonderful relationship."

"Shut up, what else?"

"Why were you in detention?"

"Me, Colin, and Finn had a huge party, we had to celebrate the end of midterms."

"So this was recent."

"Yes, yes it was."

"Why was she there?"

"She skipped classes to go shopping."

"You kind of girl."

"Yep, what else?"

"Tell me about the ask out."

"After the detention, and Colin had woken me up because I fell asleep, I found her in the halls."

"A classic ask out spot for you."

"No interruptions. I go up to her and ask if she like French or Italian food better. She was confused by this, and I told her I wanted to find the perfect place to take her to dinner."

"Very smooth, MAC, very smooth."

"I thought I said no more interruptions."

"I haven't had coffee, small mind lapse."

"Ok so what else do you want to know?"

"Tell me about dinner."

"She liked Italian, thank heavens."

"Because you still hate France."

"I am never going there again."

"Until Colin or Finn says lets go to Paris."

"Until then. We had a nice little chat, or tried to, she was a bit of an airhead. But I had some really good spaghetti, I don't remember what she had."

"You were already drunk."

"Only on my fifth glass of wine."


"Then I took her to my dorm and ravished her."

"You didn't!" Rory shrieked.

Logan chuckled, "I did."

"I love this conversation," Rory went back to whispering.

"Me, too."

"I get insight into that head of yours and your life."

"I have fun telling it."


"We don't want you to have another mind lapse."

Logan and Rory got up, "Hey you remembered!" Rory said as she saw Logan turning off a little device.

"Finn just believe that you say 'Of course and long legged?' Now I have proof," Logan said. Every time Logan came back from Rory's house and Logan was telling him and Colin about it Finn would never believe that Rory said such a thing. So every time Logan tried to remember to record it, and usually forgot, until now.

"We'll show that Finn," Rory laughed walking out of her room.

"We'll show Finn what?" Lorelai asked.

"That our innocent little Rory says 'Of course, and long legged?' because Finn just won't believe me," Logan said walking out too.

"So we recorded it this time so we have proof," Rory said.

"Thanks to me," Logan added.

"Whatever, what matters is that we have proof," Rory shrugged.

Lorelai smiled evilly suddenly and took out her phone and took a picture of Logan giggling gleefully.

"Lorelai really, don't you have about ten boxes full of pictures and videos of me by now?" Logan asked annoyed.

"This one I am sending to Finn," Lorelai grinned. She sent it, put away her phone, and the waltz over to Logan overdramatically and tucked his necklace into his shirt.

"NO!" Logan shouted.

"Yes!" Lorelai screamed as she ran away up the stairs with Logan chasing after her.

This was about the time that Rory noticed someone else in the room, "Dean! Hi, I didn't see you there," She said pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Obviously," He said moodily.

"So, I guess you have now met Logan, sort of."

"Your mom said he was a family friend."

"He is, I've known him since we were 8 when we met at one of my grandparent's Christmas party. We grew up together, except he is always gone at boarding school," Rory explained.

Logan came running down the stairs back into the kitchen, red in the face. Rory was already in her room. She came back out and tossed him a paper clip. He disappeared up the stairs again. Rory saw her mom run passed the back window of the back door. She heard Logan tear down the stairs and out the front door as she also heard a car door slam and the engine. "They go through this every time. If Logan would figure out that she has already climbed out the window be the time he picks the lock, he could beat her to the car," Rory laughed.

"Since when do you guys have a set of keys to my car?" Logan asked wondering into the kitchen again. He jumped on the counter and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Since Finn made a copy and sent them to us," Rory grinned; she took Logan's full mug, as he was about to take a sip and replaced in his hand her empty one.

"I should remember that happens," Logan said pouring himself more coffee in Rory's mug.

"But you never do."

This is when Logan noticed the other guy in the room, Dean, who had been very quiet during that exchange. "Boyfriend?" Logan asked excitedly as he nodded to him.

"Yes," Rory smiled.

"Hey man," Logan walked up to him, extending a hand, "Welcome to the brethren of the Gilmore Girls." Dean shook his hand uncomfortably. "We finally out number the girls between you me and Luke, though Luke still won't admit he is a part of it and totally in love with Lorelai. We are the majority."

"And by the way your all mightiness Logan, the Queen Lorelais swore in Colin and Finn too, we thought we had to equal your power. That's just a head's up," Rory cut in.

"I prefer to think of them as court jesters rather than knights in shining armor as the ones I swore in are."

"Well Oh my, my, my, MAC," Rory stuck out her tongue in a childishly.

"Oh my, my, my, Ace," Logan stuck out his tongue.

Rory thought for a minute, "Take me back to the day at the theme park and what was her name? Amy?"

"Take me back to my first winter carnival."

Both Rory and Logan smiled, holding in laughter, "Oh, my, my, my," They finished together.

Dean was really uncomfortable with this guy now. He needed out, now, "Rory, the reason I was here was we had plans for this morning."

"Of course! I forgot, I'm sorry, let me get changed really fast."

"I'm off to try and not go home, so I will have some fun with Miss Patty," Logan winked, "Stay beautiful."

"Stay gorgeous," Rory laughed before entering her room, and Logan left. Rory came out of her room a few minutes later, "Let's go!"

Dean, unsure, took her hand and led her out and to the movie theatre. The talk on the way there made Rory cringe, "So what do you think of Logan?" Rory asked.

"I don't know, I don't really like him, but I really don't know," Dean said. Actually, he was very sure that he did not like this guy.

"Hmm, well, I wish you did, or would try. I would really like if you gave him a chance, he's my best friend after my mom, even though I see at most once a month most of the time. It would mean a lot to me," Rory said. She really wanted them to tolerate each other at the very least. Logan was a big deal in her life, but she really like Dean. And he was also a big deal too, he was her first boyfriend. She didn't want to choose, some one would get hurt.

"What was with the oh my, my, my stuff, it was weird," Dean asked after an uncomfortable silence in which Rory mulled things over.

"When we eight at the Christmas party and we started playing together in my grandfather's study my grandmother said 'Oh my, my, my' and we don't know why, but it stuck. Then the whole take me back thing were two memories, whatever we think of first, and we try not to repeat.

"Mine was when we were 12 and we went to a theme park with Colin, Finn, and Steph. Logan saw a girl while we were on a roller coaster and thought she was pretty so he looked for her all day. He finally found her at the end of the day when we were waiting in line for the roller coaster we had been on when he saw. He walked straight up to her and kissed her. We later found out her name was Amy. Secretly, I was the only one who knew that it was Logan's first kiss. No one else knew. That morning I had told him to find a pretty girl and kiss her. I think that he told them about a year ago in some drunken game of truth or dare. I wasn't there so I don't know how drunk they were, but I am willing to guess, they probably don't remember that confession.

"Then his memory was from when we were nine and he came to the winter carnival. Just minutes before he rolled into town it started snowing. Mom and I now think that it was a sign of all the good things that came that winter. Like I got to see my dad, and he told us that he was leaving, not sneaking out in the middle of the night. And that day we had a snowball fight at the carnival. It started as me and mom versus him and his sister, but it turned into a raging war totally dividing the town. My team won, we had Luke on our team, and he was actually festive and participated, then gave everyone discounted coffee, which is something for him. It was one of the best days of my life," Rory smiled. She remembered it clear as day.

"You guys have a lot of memories," Dean said, he felt very out of place.

"The reason we make relationships is to make memories."

"Yeah, I guess you are right."

"Don't guess, it is a know thing. You don't guess, so you know."


AN: So that was the first chapter. Please tell me what you think. I wish it was longer, but I can deal with it for now. I would love your feed back on what you think, so please drop me a review.