Toph Gets "The Talk"

Earlier today, Toph tried to teach Aang earthbending. Everytime she came near him, he yelped as if she hurt him and ran a short ways off. This had been going on for a few days now. . .ever since Sokka took him off to give him some kind of talk. Toph, very angry by now, marched into Katara's tent.

"Katara!" Toph screamed.


"What did Sokka say to Aang? He won't even come near me anymore! How can I teach him earthbending when he avoids me?!"

"You'll understand when you get older." Katara was desperately hoping that Toph wouldn't push the issue.

"But I need to understand NOW! That is the only way I can teach Aang!" Katara thought about this for a few moments. Aang WAS avoiding her, and it was crucial for him to learn earthbending. Katara just really wanted to not give Toph 'the talk'. It was then that Sokka interupted, hearing every loud word that was said(or screamed in Toph's case).

"Yes Katara! Give her 'the talk'!" he smirked, remembering that she pushed him into talking about it with Aang. Katara sighed. There was no way out of this for her (even though she did consider smacking her brother and telling him to give her the talk, but she knew she would lose that arguement). She took Toph a short distance from the edge of the camp, out of earshot of the guys. She sat Toph down. Katara struggled to find the words to explain it, she was more nervous than Toph.

"Well, Toph. . .when a girl loves a guy. . ."

Meanwhile back at camp

Sokka smirked to himself, while he played with his boomerang and waited for the girls to return. He remembered giving Aang 'the talk', and how wonderful that went! Sokka was snapped back to reality when the earth began to shake. He could faintly hear Toph's screams. He could make out a few words. . .


"WHY WOULD. . ."


With that last scream, he felt the earth shake even worse. He then realized Toph was coming back into the camp. Sokka struggled to stay on the ground as he watched Toph stomp to her stone tent. She had her fingers in her ears screaming "La, la, la, I'M NOT LISTENING!" And soon she disappeared behind the stone door. Katara walked into camp as the earth stopped shaking. She was frowning on her face. Sokka looked at her.

"Blood?" he questioned.

"Well, I figured she should know about a woman's 'time of the month' while I gave her the talk. . ."

"So I'm guessing she didn't take it well. . ." Katara shook her head and walked back into her tent. Sokka stayed in his seat as he heard Aang coming to check on Toph. "Maybe I should tell him. . ." Sokka thought. Then a grin came across his face. "He'll find out sooner or later."

"Toph, are you okay?" Aang asked. Toph walked out of her tent, poked him, and smiled as she heard him run.

"I'm just fine."