Title: Trying to Think (Part 4 of the Trying to...-Series)
Author: Zhiole
Disclaimer: Not mine, I make no money with it.
Fandom: Eragon/Inheritance
Beta: /
Language: English
Pairing: Eragon/Murtagh
Rating: G
Warnings: Slash, M/M-Relationship, Incest,
Author's note: Written from Saphira's POV.
Short summary: Sequel to „Trying to Forget", „Trying to Hide" and „Trying to Fly". It isn't that necessary to read them, but it makes this part more understandable.

Hi! It's me again, finally!

Sorry if this chapter is a little short for your liking, it's just that I, well, am not very interested in Eragon at the moment. I'm sure that will change sometime, but until this day comes, I won't spent that much time with my stories in the fandom. Sorry. I just didn't want to let my readers down finished this chapter. And I will surely write another one, too. (I'm halfway through it at the moment. It was originally planned to be the fourth chapter, but I decided otherwise...)

I also wanted to remind you of something: I am NO nativespeaker. And didn't find a beta-reader yet. So please forgive me my mistakes, I still have to learn a lot of things until my English is really well. If anyone finds mistakes, write me an E-Mail or a short message and tell me, it would help me to become better. If anyone wants to beta-read my stories, write me a message, too, please. Would love you for it. ;)

And now, have a lot of fun with this part of my series. Enjoy!

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It was that kind of morning. Again.

Saphira had been awake for over two hours by now, while her rider and his new „company" were still sleeping. She smiled while thinking about the two. It had been hard weeks with lots of tears, but it had been worth it. The two finally found each other, although their way – together – was still covered with stones.

They hadn't told anyone yet, as far as she knew. And it had been two weeks since they began to trust each other. Saphira sighed and decided to fly around a little. She knew it was dangerous, very dangerous, but she needed to think. And to decide.

She was unsure how the Varden would react if they found out. For the two young men, it was simply normal, simply love. Nothing strange, just natural, something that was suppost to be like that. But would it be the same for the others? She didn't know any dragons to ask them about that theme. And she couldn't talk to humans, so she had absolutely no idea how this relationship could affect both of the boys.

What would be about Arya? Well, she would be happy, maybe. Elves weren't as strict with such things as humans, she was sure, but love between Morzan's son and the hero of Alagaesia? Saphira could already imagine what kind of discussions would begin if anyone found out.

„He will draw Eragon to Galbatorix, I'm sure!", „There will never be a child of the Morzan-Sibling, which is good, but no child of the Rider? What if he dies in a fight or, worse, if the son of Morzan kills him?!" , „He should marry a good, respectable woman, not the son of a coward!" , „I knew he is no good, but I didn't think the boy would be that stupid!" , „Maybe he tries to help Murtagh, maybe he triest to pull him into the light!" , „We can't trust him anymore!" And so on.

Saphira shuddered. This thoughts scared her, beyond what she felt while fighting enemies or anything else that was dangerous. Her Rider wouldn't take these comments well, and Murtagh would surely break up with Eragon, to protect him and not to make any more trouble. He wanted best for the younger man. It wouldn't be the best for him, though, and Eragon would surely die on the inside from it.

Then Saphira thought about the Varden. Nasuada would stand by their side. She was a nice, beautiful girl, kind and tender. She would understand and would be happy for the two, even after she liked Murtagh very much. The boys were almost as important as brothers for her. She would protect them as far as possible. She wouldn't ask any questions. She knew that Murtagh wasn't a bad guy and wouldn't let Eragon down.

What would the dwarves do? A few of them already seemed to hate Eragon and would surely use his love for Murtagh against him. But there were enough who liked Eragon, enough to accept his choice. Saphira just hoped it would be enough – and the right ones – not to cause any damage to Eragon's status and popularity.

She shook her head. Status? Popularity? That were the last thing she had to be scared about. Eragon would survive without a crowd of children and young women running after him, without the several men and women asking him for advice. She wasn't even sure if he really cared about them, now that she thought about it. He wouldn't get hurt from a few snarled comments and would those who didn't trust him put aside.

But he couldn't stand to let them talk about Murtagh, she was sure. He loved him, maybe even more than her. He would try to argue, to make all of them understand that Murtagh wasn't – and never would be – a coward. That just being the son of one didn't make someone a coward too. Would the people listen? Surely. Would they believe him? Half of them. And would they keep trusting him? Saphira shuddered.

It was impossible to tell how the people would react, what the would do, what they would think and say. She was scared, everything between accepting/cheering/letting them be and hating them/no more trusting Eragon/killing them was possible.

That moring, it was the first time that Saphira really cried. She screamed and prayed to the whole world noone would ever find out. Noone ever. Never.