Disclaimer: To own, or not to own – was not the question…

I'm very tired right now, and feeling really down. The result of my last exams was not helping either; therefore this will be my last chapter for the time being, to give more room for my studies. I'll be disappearing again until the 16th of June – where I can finally rest this over working brain.

Again, sorry for the lack of creativity and superbness (is that even a word?), because I just have too much work cut out for me right now. And yeah, this is shorter than before, sorry.

Light in the Darkness

Chapter 8 – Fighting Against Darkness

Both beyblade collided with such impact, that it could shake the entire battle room.

The two bladers fall back. Kai continuously whispered a series of 'wake up calls' but apparently no respond from Tala. Tala has been attacking vigorously from the very beginning, not holding any strength back, while Kai has shifted into 'defensive-mode' which ironically not his style of fighting.

Boris was laughing looking at the battle below. He was enjoying every bit of it. His eyes trailed the figure of the confused Kai.

Gaining more momentum, Tala called upon his bit beast.

Hilary could only watch from her position. She desperately trying to get Boris's grip off the back of her neck but evidently reaching nowhere. The man is just too strong for her small girl energy.

But moreover, she couldn't stand the sight of 2 friends fighting each other. She could see that Kai's mouth kept murmuring something that she couldn't hear, but she knew he was trying to convince Tala to snap out of it. In the same time, he tried with full effort to not hurt his friend as well as himself.

Now, Kai had called Dranzer out.

Suddenly, one man – Hilary assumed to be one of the guards, barged into the observer room.


"What is it?"

"There are some people above, could be intruders. They've been wondering around for quite a long time."

"What?" a flint of panic was detected in the Russian exclamation. He pushed Hilary to the guard's reach and turned his attention towards the beyblade battle below him. He reached for the microphone.

"Tala, stop playing around! Crush his beyblade into pieces!" tension rising in his orders. Boris clearly fearing for the worst right now.

At that moment, the spin of Tala's beyblade got faster. Wolborg roared (A/N – hmm… I don't really know if that thing roared, just play it with me) and the blade jumped from the beydish, initiating an attack. Kai flinched, he prepared for the outcome.

It was to Boris's surprise when he saw Wolborg forced out – towards him.

There were the sounds of shattered glass.

Boris was furious.

He was bleeding.

"Darn, are you sure about this, Spencer?"

"Shut up and search, Ian. I saw them took Tala here."

"You mean you followed them from the police station?" now it was Bryan's time to ask.

Spencer hushed. They had been walking around in the thick layer of snow for some time now. Unfortunately, they were going in circles for the past hours. The three of them were at the abbey's site, obviously there was nothing there, other than a bunch of broken woods, and destroyed bricks resulted from the demolition, all covered in thick snow.

"Wait, this part here seems weird; the snow here is much thinner." Ian voiced out. They gathered at the place Ian was talking about. The snow did looked a bit thinner there, as if someone has been digging the snow out. They dug the rest of the snow out, and came upon what it appeared as a door, being it shaped like a square.

"Hey, it's the entrance to the underground part of the abbey" Spencer stated, remembering the times at the abbey. The underground part was specially made for researching and other 'illegal' stuff that Boris had conducted during those times. The other two of the Blitzkrieg Boys nodded and reached out to open the door.

"Hey guys!"

All three of them turned towards the sudden incoming voice.

Blood freely flow from Boris's cheek. He trembled as he stood shell-shocked. He stared at the blue eyes of Tala.

Tala on the other hand, was smirking – proudly.

"Why… You brat!!!" Boris screamed madly.

"Hmmph, did you really think you can control me twice? And using that cheap serum of yours?" Tala remarked with a slight chuckle, annoying Boris all the way.

Boris could not help but to quiver in frustration. He looked with a deathly glare towards his scientists and started to shout furiously. "What did you do!!?? I thought you said it would work!"

The scientists drew back. "Sir.. we… we were sure it would work… it was 100 percent confirmed"

"And what is that!? That brat just slashed me at the cheek! You called that worked!??" Boris continued to shout endlessly, pointing towards Tala.

Then he realized that Kai was gone.

The purple-haired looked at the door and saw that it was busted down. Tala was maintaining his signature smirk. "WHAT – WHERE IS HE!? WHERE IS – "

Another barged in at the observer room. This time, it was Kai.

Kai swiftly charged into the room and knocked 3 guys out – startling Hilary. He was now fully confronted with absolute rage. Another knock out at the guards – specifically the one that was holding Hilary. He managed to grab Hilary by the wrist as he mercilessly brought down another guard. Moments later, Tala followed into the room, heading for his beyblade that a while ago had ripped a souvenir at Boris's cheek.

Hell broke loose, as Boris's voice intrude the whole room again, ordering more guards towards the three teens. Tala grunted under his breath looking at the current situation.

The three of them were surrounded.

Tala counted. There could be like more than 7 guards making a circle around them and their sizes are at least the double of theirs. Kai was panting for air; he was running out of energy for knocking 5 guards without stopping, but his grip was still firmly at Hilary's wrist.

Hilary was way beyond terror right now. Her legs were shaking as she looked at the eyes of the guards – all of them without sympathy in it. The only thing that was calming her now was the warm hold of Kai's hand at her wrist. Then, she heard him muttered something to the worried Tala, but the words didn't reach her. She afterwards saw Tala looked at Kai with a disapproving look but nodded his head later on showing that he understood whatever Kai had whispered to him.

Out of the blue, Kai launched his beyblade. Dranzer hit the bull's eye; which was the guard in front of him and Kai moved forward and brought down the guard next to it. Seeing the sudden turmoil, the other guards were beginning to focus at the dual haired boy. All the guards charged endlessly. In all those mayhem, Hilary suddenly felt her hand was grabbed and she was out from the group of men.

Seconds later, she found out she was out of the room and now in the run for her very own life.

She discovered that the red-headed Russian had pulled her out – but then a look of terror fall upon her when she realized the most obvious fact.

She looked at her wrist – it felt cold.

Where was the hand that grabbed her a while ago?

She screamed when she knew who was left behind.

Kai hit the ground – he was finally brought down, face slammed against the hard rocky floor. He could swear he could hear Hilary calling his name from somewhere; the voice however was fading away. "Nice job, Tala" he smirked that his distraction worked.

Some of the guards started to head for Tala and Hilary but Boris's order stopped them.

"No need to catch them. They will only be a hindrance. I have all that I want right here." Boris's said in his evil tone, looking eerily at Kai below him. Kai glared at him from the corner of his eyes, trying to resist the hand pushing his pale face onto the floor.

"Now, now, don't resist Kai, it will only bring you no where."

"What are you going to do, Boris? Your 'precious' serum didn't work on Tala, and I think it as well won't work on me"

Boris let out a laugh. Kai growled in annoyance.

"Oh, I have other plans…"

"What…what are trying to do??!"

Boris grabbed hold of Kai's messy hair and pulled his head upwards, looking straight into Kai's crimson eyes. The blood on Boris's face had almost dried out.

"Now, I will make you obey"


Haha! Another cliffie! Hohohohohohohoho –maniacal laughter-

Sorry for the really really short chapter, I will redo this if I have time and idea. And you guys just have to deal with the cliffie. Oh, you know how I like to do cliffies. Hehehehe…

Oh no! what is Boris going to do? (gasp)

Again, sorry. (bowes endlessly). I also didn't proof read this. I need to get back on studying…