Rotwood the Villain. Wait What?

Summery : Rotwood said he would expose Jake and it looks like that is coming true. But what does Rotwood plan to do with the magical creatures.

Disclaimer: I don't own American Dragon Jake Long. I own nothing got that nothing.

Jake felt his muscles move his wings up and down and finally thrust him into the air. He was on a patrol of New York City tonight. It was more for pleasure than his duty. Jake loved flying. It had become part of him this past year and so had his other powers. He loved that he was a dragon and loved that there was something magical about him. Not everyone was so accepting of his magical qualities.

Principal Rotwood was a strange to say the least. He believed in magical creatures and even knew some. He didn't want to make friends with one, but to capture one and show off to everyone that he discovered magical creatures. Rotwood was adding a few last touches to his huge robot bug then he let it fly out his window. "tomorrow they will know. They will all know," mumbled Rotwood as he drifted off to sleep.

Restless students squirmed in their seats watching Principal Rotwood talk in a huge school meeting. Trixie turned to Spud. " hey have you seen Jake today," asked Trixie.

" No I think he has dragon business to deal with," answered Spud.

Oh if Spud knew how right he was. Jake's casual flight turned duty when Rotwood's giant bug came into the picture. He thought it was a magical creature and began chasing it all night. Now he was tired and intent on catching that bug. The bug took a sharp turn and flew into the school. Jake to tired to relies this flew in after it. The bugs flies into the auditorium and Jake flies in after it in front of the whole school. Then the bug turned on Jake and shot him with a strong electrical shock. The shock combined with exhaustion sent Jake falling to the stage. He hit the stage with a sickening thud. Jake felt his claws become fingers. His red scales become clothing and his wings and tail disappear into nothingness. He hadn't intended it , but he had turned human in front of the whole school. A gasp from the student body was the last thing Jake before he blacked out.

So how do you like it. Please respond I don't care if you hate. I just want to know what other people think of my story.