I hate explaining who everyone is in the middle of the story so here are the main characters:

Darien: Gang leader in charge of the heist.

Zach (Zoiscite): In charge of planning.

Jake (Jadeite)

Mike (Malachite)

Nick (Nephlite)

Are all friends of Darien. They grew up togethor and now live on Darien's family land in the mountains.
The other guys take care of the hostiges.

Raye (Darien's sister and she bosses everyone else around) Only girl that goes on the heist.

Amy (Doctor)

Lita (Cook)

Mina (Gardening)

Serena,26, is Dariens ex-girlfriend who he married after getting drunk and knocked up, but he doesn't know that.


If I had only known when I woke up this morning that my life was going to turn upside down by noon I probaly would have stayed in bed.

But I didn't know what was going to happen when I went to the bank or who would be there.
So now here I am, in an obscure place with my two year old son sitting across from a man I had hoped to never see again.

TWO DAYS AGO In the Mountains of Colorado.

"These are the updated security plans. Correct?"

"Yes, updated an hour ago. It seems that they got another big client come in, security has been raised substantnly. These codes will be good for one week." said Greg as he watched the leader of their group,Darien Shields, scan over the security details.

"Fine it'll just make it harder, but I'm not afraid of a challenge and I don't see anything we can't get past, do you?

No, we'll just have to be faster.

"Not a problem."

"Where are we planning on going this time?" asked Darien sister, Raye, as she and the entire group walked into the room for the final meeting before the heist.

"Holcomb, Nevada."


"You heard me." Darien said as he looked over the blueprints again, not even sparing his sister a glance.

"You know that's her home town, and thats where she's living now." The entire group watched on as they saw a their leader camly look up at his angry sister.

"It's also has a small town bank with some big time clients that like to keep their money close by when the go skiing in the winter."

"I'm not risking my neck so you can go see her!"

"I'm not risking anything or anyone, and I am not planning on seeing her. I'm just using a valuable piece of information."

"You're sure that's it?"



"So does everyone know their positions?" Darien asked as he blatantly stared at his sister.

"Yeah, I got it."

"Well, then we leave tomorrow at 11:00 p.m. it's a three hour flight to Holcomb. We'll scout the area, and at 7:30 Raye will go in. At 8:30 we all go in at once wearing ski clothes looking like some frat boys. I want to be done by 9:00. Is that it, Zach?"

"It sounded like everything"

HOLCOMB,NEVADA Two days later 7:00 A.M.

"Come on,baby. It's time to wake up."

"I don't wanna."

"I'll take you to Uncle Andrew's later."


"Promise." Serena said, as she watched her son take the pillow off his head. It was scary to her that at two years old, he was an exact replica of his father.


"Yes, Kenny?"

"Are you going to make breakfast?" He asked. "Yes, I am. But you have to get ready on your own, cause I've got to go to the bank before I drop you off at Uncle Drew's at 8:30." Serena answered him, thinking about how she was going to get everything done before she picked Kenny up at noon from Drew's.

"Mom, I need to get dressed."

Serena try to keep a straight face at the barely potty-trained two year old's modesty, but couldn't help but giggle as soon as she left his room.

SERENA 7:30 A.M.

"Okay, you got everything?" Serena asked, as she buckled Kenny in his carseat and put his backpack in the front seat.

"Yes, Mom. Gosh, I'm not a baby anymore" Kenny said with indignation. "I'm sorry. I keep forgetting that your grown up now."

"Can we go to the bank before you drop me off so I can get a sucker?" "Of course, My big boy."

RAYE 7:45 A.M.

"Ms. Chiba if you would like to make a deposit the slips are over there." the teller, Beatrice said.
"And if you would like to transfer funds there will be another slip its the yellow one."

"Oh, I am so sorry for wasting your time. Thanks for helping me." Raye said as she ran a hand through her blonde hair.

"No Problem. NEXT!" Raye jumped as she turned her back to the tellers booming voice.


"Ms. Chiba speaking."

"What ya doing, babe?" Jake said on the other end.

"I'm just filling out some forms. I felt so stupid when I waited in line and the forms were right under my nose. Thankfully there aren't many people here, so the wait in line won't be so bad. Are you going to the market today? I want some apples."

"So what? about 15?"

"Only get about half a dozen."


"Since its a slow day, boss said I could come home early. (AN: They're moving the time of the heist up.)

As Raye ended the phone call, she was startled by voice behind her.

Raye turned around only to be looking at her best friend from school.


"I knew it was you! Your hair is different, but the face is the same. What are you doing in Holcomb?
And why didn't you call me? What is with your hair?" Serena started rattling off questions a mile a minute.

"Well, I can see you haven't changed much. Uh, I gotta go." Raye said trying to get to the exit before the guys came in.

"Raye! Where are you going? Can't we have lunch or something? I haven't seen you in forever."

And that's when Raye started to see things upside down.

"Momma, who is she?" Kenny said as he came back from getting a sucker from Aunty Beatrice (Serena's Aunt.
"This is an old friend of mommy's from school." Serena said as she suddenly remembered Kenny, and picked him up.

"Yeah, a real old friend." Raye said as she looked at a smaller Darien.

"Can you say hi to Ms. Raye?" Serena said with fear in her eyes.

Kenny wouldn't look her in the eye as he smashed his face in his mother's shoulder.

"Raye, please don't tell D..."


"Oh, shit. Time's up."