Lirin: well here's another chapter. sry its on the shorter side. but i'm still trying to get back into it.

Goku: Lirin asked me to remind everyone that she does NOT own Saiyuki or any of the characters connected to it. and thanks to LiRiNCaNdY for reviewing.

Chapter 8: Goku's Mini Stand Against Sanzo

Goku smiled as Kimi slowly flew closer to the inn everyone was still hopefully sleeping in. The sun was just high enough to be peaking over the houses bring the earlier raiser out of their sleep.

"You can land us here," Goku told the blue scaled dragon.

She roared with delight at the idea of getting rid of her heavy cargo and then going for a nice long rest.

Once on the ground, Goku gathered Lirin in his arms and silently crept around the building to the inn. He poke his head up to the window, and much to his delight, saw no one moving in the kitchen. So smiling he slowly creaked the door open allowing him and Lirin to enter.

"Good morning, Goku."

The brunette stop dead in his tracks and turned to face his capture. "Hi Hakkai," he replied trying to sound as normal as possible.

"So what do you have there? Or would I be more corrected in asking who you have?"

Goku gulped and removed the blanket from Lirin's face. "I have a really good explanation. But can I sleep first?"

Hakkai nodded and watched the monkey head for the stairs again before stopping him. "Goku, you do realize that there is an extra life force coming from her."

"I know. But again, I'll explain later after some sleep." Goku left before Hakkai could say anything more to him.


Lirin smiled as she cuddled into the warmth that surrounded her. She could feel the sun light that shone through the curtain hit her back and the birds chirping outside the window. But that didn't matter as she pressed herself closer to the body next to her.

Goku smiled as he tighten his grip around the girl in his bed. For the first time in weeks he could finally say he was truly happy. Despite not getting any sleep so far.

"Lir, we should get up soon."

"Don't wanna." she mumbled back into Goku's white shirt.

"But the others want to know why you're here and not with Kougaiji."

Green eyes widened and looked at the boy she was with. "What do you mean that Nii-sama isn't here? Where am I anyway?"

Goku smiled as he ran a hand through messy orange locks. "You're with me. And we're in a small town several days east of Houtou Castle. You're brother actually entrusted you into my care."

"But why?"

"That one I have no answer to. I can only assume that Kousho had something do to with it. But enough of this, are you hungry?"

Lirin looked down to her hands as the fiddled with the blanket. "A little."

The monkey smiled again and kissed the top of her head. "Then shall we go downstairs or do you want me to bring it up to you?"

"Do you mind bringing it to me" Lirin reply not looking up. "I don't think I can face your friends right now."

Goku gently place a finger under her chin tilting her face up. "It's alright Lir. I'll do anything you want me to cause I still love you." He place a chaste kiss to her lips to prove what he meant.

Lirin smiled as he pulled away. "I missed hearing that. I love you too." She leaned into him for a side ways hug. "Now go get me some food."

"Yes hime" he replied with a grin.

Lirin scowled as Goku got off the bed and walked away. "You'll pay for that comment monkey."

"Sure I will" he teased and opened the door. Just before he closed it he saw the irked demoness throw a pillow at him.


"So Goku did you have a nice sleep?" Hakkai asked as he walked into the dining area of the inn.

The monkey glared at him with a sleepy gaze. He spent all his energy fooling with Lirin before coming down. "Maybe if I got any."

"Lirin that much of a bed hog?" Gojyo asked with a smirk.

Golden eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he remembered they could sense her demon energy. "Yeah right. I just couldn't sleep." He then turned he attention away from the kappa and back to Hakkai. "Hey Hakkai, do you mind making me a couple of plates? Lirin doesn't want to join us quiet yet."

The human turned demon smiled at his young friend. "Would you like the works?"

"That be great" Goku said returning the smile.

"Get rid of her soon." Sanzo spoke for the first time since Goku arrived down there.

The brunette whipped around and glared at his 'guardian'. "Why should I?"

"Cause she's trouble. And Kousho will have her minions on us in no time once she realizes where the pest is."

"Not good enough, Sanzo."

Gojyo and Hakkai stopped what they were doing to watch what was happening between the monkey and monk. Never has either of them seen Goku get this mad at the blonde.

"Are you defying me?" Sanzo asked.

Goku thought for a second. "Yeah, I guess I am. And as long as Lirin and my baby need me, I'll protect them no matter what anyone says."

"So that's the other demon power I've been feeling. Gojyo, Hakkai," Sanzo turned his cold purple gaze to them, "we're leaving after breakfast. We'll leave the happy couple alone."

Everyone stood in silence, too shocked at what the blonde said to move a muscle. They were so quiet that they all heard the quick rush of feet to the bathroom upstairs.

"Shit Lirin" Goku mumbled under his breath. "Will finish this later." He gave one more cold glare to the monk before dashing upstairs to his girlfriend.

"Of Sanzo," Hakkai called from the stairs, his arms full of food, "I'm not leaving them behind. So if you want to leave, then you can walk."

The blonde glared his friend as he continued up the stairs to Goku's room. "Why did I bother getting out of bed today?" he asked himself before lighting a new cigarette.

"I've I had to guess," Gojyo said from where he was sitting at the bar, "it was to get dissed by the monkey for once."

"Shut up you damn cockroach" Sanzo growled and pointed his gun at him.

After that the room fell silent for a very long time.

Lirin: so that be all there is for now. please review and if you have an ideas for this please send them thanks.