Chapter 7

Theresa and Jared sat side by side on the floor with sprawled papers and almost finished Chinese takeout in front of them.

"Are you kidding? I love that band too! When did you see them in concert?" Theresa asked excitedly.

"They came to Madison Square Garden in May. I guess not too many bands come to Harmony, huh?" he said smiling.

"No, they don't," she smiled back.

"You know, you can fly to NY or wherever you want, on a whim?"

"Ya, I guess I've kind of forgotten how to just have fun. I was always too focused on something."

"Something or someone?"

"Let's just say that I'm focusing on my present, instead of my past."

"Well then, here's to the present," he says, as he holds up his soda can.

"To the present,"she replies as she raises hers. They clink and smile at one another.

"Hey are there any egg rolls left?" he asks.

"One left. You want it?"

"Ya," he replies as he reaches for it.

"Here," she says, holding it out, before pulling it away teasingly.

"Hey, give it to me." He reaches around her.

"No, I want it now," she says laughing. Playfully struggling, Jared grabs her wrist and their eyes meet in a serious gaze. They each slowly move in. They are just about to kiss when a phone rings. They pull back.

"Oh, that's mine," she says nervously.

"Uh, hello? Um what? Oh, o.k. thanks for calling. I'll be right there."

"Um, who was that?"

"That was the nanny. My son is asking for me so….Wow, I didn't realize how late it is," she says, standing up.
"Ya, I guess we lost track of time." He looks up giving a little smile.

"Ya. I think we're done for tonight, don't you?"

"Ya." He gets up, throwing the empty containers in the trash.

"O.k. well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow for the presentation."

"Bright and early," he replies.

"Ya." She starts walking towards the door.

"Ms. Crane?"

"Theresa," she replies, turning.

"Theresa," he repeats as he walks towards her. He holds her chin and gives her a gentle kiss. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," she manages to utter. A little dazed, she walks out.