Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters affiliated with the series.

Warning: UCHIHACEST! YAY! No likey no ready! That means Sasuke and his hot brother Itachi in a relationship! That means incest and yaoi. Meaning this will have multiple lemons, because you know that they can't keep their hands to themselves or off of each other.

The Shop

Uchiha Kinks

In the underground they were the two most respected 'shop' owners and 'displayers' out there. Many spoke of the two brothers as almost a legend, and newbies could only dream of connections to the two entrepreneurs. On the street side they were respectable children that had received their parents inheritance when they had crashed head first into a pole and died immediately on impact. They owned a business where you could buy exotic pets and items from across the world, but they sold other things as well.

Uchiha Itachi, the oldest brother, ran the business. With his fast knowledge and good business skills he managed to rake in profit and spread their name to all the right people.

Uchiha Sasuke, the youngest by five years, greeted guests and helped them find something to their need. Whatever that need may be. Visiting generally required an appointment, especially if you wanted to view special wares.

Another thing that they happened to provide, to well paying customers, of questionable reputation but sure wealth, was entertainment. They were lovers and, also, displayers.

The store known as Uchiha's Exotics was well known in both worlds. In one as having the most exotic in pets, pottery, and other items found worldwide. From handmade Italian rugs, to Ming Dynasty vases, panthers found in South America, they had the finest, and most expensive, exotic creations to be found in the world.

In another world they were well known for having any variety of outfits, toys, and 'pets' to be found anywhere. These were not of an ordinary variety either. The outfits were hand made by Sasuke himself. Tailored to fit, and fit well. They ranged from French maid costumes, to anime cosplay, to anything you wished and fantasized about. The toys were of a sexual variety, and they had the best one could buy. The pets could range from a cute little schoolgirl or boy, to a cat girl or boy, to any sex slave you could ever want.

Yes, on one side the Uchiha's were respectable, on the other they were barely even legal.

--Chapter one—

Master and Servant

"Sasuke! What have I told you about wearing your work?" The oldest scolded.

"But, Aniki, don't I just look good enough to eat?" The youngest retaliated. The older looked Sasuke up and down. The tight little maid outfit fit his feminine form snuggly, and ended abruptly at his upper thighs with a tiny frill. The little apron tied around his waist further showing off his almost feminine curves. For any boy to look that good in a dress should be illegal.

"I have work today…" Itachi warned, but whether he was telling Sasuke or reminding himself he didn't know.

"No, you don't Nii-san. Today is a holiday, so I called all our appointments for today and rescheduled.

"Sasuke! You can't just do that, and since when is today a holiday?"

"It is Aniki's birthday… and his otouto wanted to make it really special for him." He added a little extra whine to his voice. A small pout and some slightly hurt eyes. He looked like a damn kicked puppy. "Aniki needs to take more time off anyway… He never spend any time with his poor neglected otouto."

"Oh, poor Otouto, well what's done is done I suppose. I will spend today with you."

"Yay!" Sasuke shouted and crawled onto the bed his Aniki and he shared together. "Since today is such a special day I'll do anything you want," he paused holding out for effect, and then in a voice way to sultry for a twelve-year-old boy, he whispered, "Master." Itachi felt the involuntary shiver rack his spine. He was getting hard, not that seeing his adorable younger brother in a, what had to be, sinful outfit didn't do the trick. That definitely did the trick. "I made you breakfast, Master. Just like you like it, and afterwards I'll do anything you ask." He said lifting himself off of his older brother. He walked out of the room, hip's swaying, skirt lifting ever so slightly to show that the boy was also wearing lacy girls underwear. Damn, he could feel the nosebleed coming now.

Not long after the boy returned with a tray. Pancakes were piled high strawberries and blueberries decorating the top syrup poured all over them. On the side, there was a little bowl of perfectly peeled grapes, sliced mangoes, and strips of star fruit and kiwi. A glass of orange juice with, what Itachi knew to be, a lot of pulp. Everything just like he liked it. He sat the tray down on the bedside table and sat me up to a comfortable position. Placing the tray on his lap, Sasuke smiled. "Please enjoy, Master."

"I will Otouto." He picked up his fork and knife and cut down into the pancakes to find that they were filled with crème. Itachi was in heaven. "Sasuke, did you order this?"

"No, I made it." That frightened Itachi a little. Though he knew it was probably true. His brother was never one to lie, and only did so if Itachi informed him to do so. He never lied to his brother, ever. Itachi took a bite and was pleasantly surprised. It tasted delicious. It was definitely not store or restaurant bought. The fruit was fresh and so was the crème. Sasuke reached forward and wiped a little crème off of his cheek and stuck the little finger in his mouth. When he pulled it back out, Itachi grabbed his hand to affirm his suspicions. There were tiny burns and cuts on the normally perfectly manicured hands. Itachi scowled. "What have I said about hurting yourself for my benefit? Have you eaten? Sasuke, you better have fed yourself."

"Master, I am fine don't worry. I am perfectly okay. It doesn't hurt, I ate some, and I feel perfectly fine."

"If you are talking about those damn breakfast shakes that is not food."

"No, I ate all the mess ups of your breakfast. Believe me I am full." Itachi eyed him; his welfare was about the only thing he would lie to his brother about, but continued about his breakfast. Sasuke took the tray off of Itachi's lap and bounced off in that tiny little maid outfit, showing little lacy girls underwear all the way. He heard the clink of dishes being cleaned and put away. He decided that for the moment it was okay to fantasize. He stood and walked to the bathroom, deciding to shower and brush his teeth.

Sasuke knew Itachi had a dominance obsession. He loved it when he heard 'Master' spill from the others lips. For that matter, it didn't matter the role-play he loved to be the dominant one. Sensei, sempai, Master, Itachi-sama, and even the usual, aniki, all boiled his blood and then sent it south. He loved the slight whining quality Sasuke's voice. He was known to hate that, except Sasuke. On him it was just another form of spoken coercion; it was just another way to get what he wanted from Itachi. It just so happened that Sasuke loved to be dominated. Though Itachi sometimes felt as if Sasuke dominated him. Sasuke was going to be the death of him one day. Whether it was from too much awesome sex, or from jumping off of a bridge because the boy asked with a bashful smile, he didn't know. Toweling himself off, Itachi stretched a looked in the floor length mirror. Little bite marks littered his body, and he knew Sasuke's body looked much the same. Except Sasuke's marks would be deeper and more in number. Among Sasuke's few friends, Itachi had gained the nickname of 'vampire,' and Sasuke would reply, 'I left just as many on him.'

Itachi slipped some clean boxers on, and walked silently out of the room.

"Sir, the store is not open today. Please leave."

"Is your brother here? Is he asleep?" Itachi could tell from the voice that it was Orochimaru, his least favorite customer. He began to walk down the stairs silently, like a panther on the prowl. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he saw Orochimaru push the door open and pin Sasuke to the wall. "Hmm… you naughty little boy. Wearing a little maid outfit, why you look absolutely delectable. Come on, I bet I'll be better than your brother."

"I wouldn't bet on that Orochimaru-san," Sasuke replied. "One more thing before you go…" Sasuke said batting his lashes in a seductive way. Orochimaru smirked as if the boy had just willingly submitted to him. "You don't get to touch me," Sasuke punctuated with a kick to the groin.

"You little,"

"Orochimaru-san, I am going to have to ask you to leave." Said Itachi, coming out and steering the man to the door. "You do not come to this store without an appointment. "Fuck you, Goodbye."

"Eat shit and die bitch!" Sasuke yelled from beside me. "Oh, and have a nice day!" I slammed the door shut, and turned to my otouto.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I am fine, Master." He said falling back into his role-play flawlessly. He was the perfect actor. "Now, what can I do about your needs?" He said stepping close and wrapping his arms around me.

"Hmm. Do you like it fast and rough?" the boy asked. "I can take it. I may be a virgin, but I will do anything for my master." Even though Itachi knew that the whole thing was a play those convincing obsidian eyes were drawing him in.

"I have to admit, Otouto, that though you look beautiful in this little hot maid outfit, I believe you would look much better without it…"

"Bedroom?" They both asked at the same time. Itachi leaned down and kissed Sasuke. The boy acted perfectly clumsy in the attentions of his tongue. When his tongue pressed against his lips, he acted as if he was momentarily confused. They stumbled towards the bedroom. Itachi began to look for the way to get that blasted outfit off. Sasuke carefully showed him the ties in the back, all the while never speaking, never breaking his perfect act he had arranged. Itachi pulled on the tie loosening the whole dress. Sasuke 'eep'-ed and struggled to keep it on. Another tiny character trait of his careful assessment of what would turn Itachi on. A blush covered his pale cheeks. He pushed Sasuke back onto the bed and watched as he scrambled to maintain some form of decency. Or at least his character did; this was beginning to confuse Itachi. He pulled the little outfit off.

"You know better than to act with me, Otouto." Sasuke looked up at him through lidded eyes. "You know it isn't the blushing virgin act that gets me hot." Sasuke smirked.

Itachi knew that Sasuke knew that it wasn't the fact that a young virgin maid was submitting to him. The thing that really got him hot was that it was his brother, his little brother, lying under him. "You know it is only my little sexy otouto that gets me hot," and with that the act was dropped. His eyes weren't as lidded, and his legs fell open like a whores would. Gone was the embarrassed blush. Gone was the innocent little façade. The only act that Itachi really like was-

"Aniki… touch me please, I'm so hard."

-The flawless act that was his little brother. The reason that Itachi loved him so much, wanted him so much, got so hard when he saw him, was because it was his precious otouto stretched out underneath him, safe, happy, and completely turned on.

"Let's see what we can do about that." Said an obviously turned on Itachi, and with that he swooped down to claim his prey.

A/N: Review me!!! Now, please tell me if you like it!