Disclaimer: In no way do I own Resident Evil, or Delta, or anything else I'm writing about. The only thing that belongs to me are Delta Ten and part of the story. Yeah, I know, everyone wants to own Resident Evil. Read and hopefully enjoy!

P.S. Im gonna refer to the 'creatures' and 'things' as zombies now. However, because Delta is human, they'll still refer to them as things and creatures. Also, school's starting so I'm gonna update alot slower.

"Holy SHIT!" Rick yelled.

Delta Ten had run all the way to an abandoned warehouse and tried barricading it. However, before they could finish, the zombies had caught up and started to ram the door to try to get another meal.

"Not gonna happen!" Mike yelled. He charged at the door and pushed it in, causing the zombies to withdraw and regroup. Delta Ten boarded up the door with wooden blocks before finally sitting down onto the boxes. Kite looked around. The warehouse was quite blank, with just some boxes and wood every here and there. There was a second story window, but it was already boarded up. Kite then proceeded to look at his team. They were all horrified by the zombies and how gruesome they killed. Nathan was still trying to puke, but to no avail.

"I wonder why they gave up," Alex wondered. He put his guns down and stretched his arms and legs. Kite simply said, "Don't complain, and just enjoy what you have." Alex looked at Mike, who just shrugged and put on his music player.

Nathan was glad to see, and hear; that Mike was putting the music was on low volume. He looked at his watch. 2345. Still at least 6 hours until daylight. He sighed, and lied down to have some rest. Alex, Rick and Mike noticed, motioned to Kite and went to sleep. Kite, however, was wide awake. He was having a flashback, the same one another soldier was having a mile away…


"Fire!" Todd yelled. Everyone opened fire at the creature. Akens was throwing grenades which were absorbed by the creature and firing with his SMG. Kite was throwing his knives like a boomerang, but none of the blows seemed to daze the monster. Marco fired an RPG at the monster, but it swallowed it up and a small Boom! was heard. Frost shot at the eyes with his sniper rifle, and everyone else continued firing. Every now and then, they would throw and explosive and reload.

The creature just stood there, mocking them. Then, to everyone's surprise, it seemed to vomit. Out came a Tyrant.

"What the hell?" Marco screamed. He could hardly be heard in the continuous hail of gunfire. The Tyrant charged with its claws outstretched. Suddenly, a spike went flying at Todd's face. Fortunately for him, he took a step forward and tripped on debris, the spike missing him by a string's width. It stretched back and Todd got back up, thanking to God he lived after that and continued firing. Everyone fired at the claw and eyes, and after a few more seconds, the Tyrant lay dead near their feet. However, while their attention was focused on the new Tyrant, the parasite was actually moving one of its spikes closer and closer…

BAM! Braig and Akens was suddenly impaled on the spike. They coughed blood, tried to grin, and died as the spikes went back into the ground. The others watched in horror. Finally, someone managed to utter the fatal cry.


The survivors of the S.A.B.S ran as quickly as they could. The parasite followed with its spikes. The spikes seemed to gain on them, but no one noticed. All the S.A.B.S could see were the stairways leading to the outside. Once they were outside, they could get reinforcements from the U.S.S and the U.B.C.S.

BAM! Frost, the slowest runner of the group, was stabbed in the back. The spike went back into the ground. The others turned around for a moment to see Frost, but it became a huge mistake. Another spike flew out of the ground and sent Frost flying towards the others. Marco and Dilan were hit by Frost's body and sent tumbling away. Marco cried out to the others to run and save themselves. The last two looked with regret and ran as fast as they could to the stairs. Marco fired a RPG and Dilan threw a flashbang in hopes of slowing the creature down, but its tentacles grabbed the two prejectiles and threw it back at the two.

Marco and Dilan looked at each other one last moment before their deaths. They remembered the 12 years they had with the others. They remembered the harsh training they received and the missions they were ordered to do. Each one ended happily, with monsters dead and people alive, and the S.A.B.S more rich than before. Now, in less than one day, it would all end.

They closed their eyes.


The last two survivors ran up the stairway, tears in their eyes as they heard their brothers die. A spike came right in front of one of them and made him stumble back. "No!" the other screamed. However, he was yanked up by a U.B.C.S and told to get out. He looked back, but saw nothing while he was pushed back by a mob of U.B.C.S rushing to stop the oncoming creature.


The other S.A.B.S ran up the stairway and made it out. He ran and ran, hoping he could find the other. However, he heard a closing of doors, an earsplitting scream and then a bunch of guns clicking. He looked, and dozens of U.B.C.S had their gun pointing at him.

"Sorry, but the supervisor said you have to die so you don't yap about this," one said. They raised their guns.

He looked at the U.B.C.S with anger, hate, sadness, and fury in his eyes. He grabbed his sniper rifle and screamed out "DIE!"


The soldier sighed. He never found out if the other S.A.B.S that got out with him survived the assault. He had survived with luck and skill, but mostly luck. He hoped the same would go for his friend.


Kite sighed. He never found out if the other S.A.B.S that got out with him survived. He hoped that he did and he would one day reunite like those corny movies he watched, but that was highly unlikely. All he heard was gunshots and screaming while he was being pushed farther and farther away.

"Wake up, fools," Kite said. He shook the rest of Delta Ten awake. Mike yawned and asked how long they slept. "35 minutes or so," Kite said. He shrugged.

The zombies outside clawed and pushed at the door. They tried again and again to get inside. Finally, a large figure came. It stretched its claws and…

Boom! The claws went straight through the door. Delta Ten shook off their surprise. Kite immediately recognized the claws. "Move to the window and jump out!" he ordered. The others jumped back a little and started to object, but another blast at the door made them run. At the second story, they broke down the wooden planks and looked out the window. As if God loved them, there was a mattress truck just below them. They raised their eyebrows and smiled, but Kite's voice and another blast at the door made Rick jump down. He landed on the mattress and jumped off, checking the area for threats. He gave an O.K signal and Mike jumped down. Nathan followed suit.

Right when Alex was about to jump, the door flew apart and a hideous figure walked in along the mass of zombies. The figure was large with claws on 1 hand. It looked humanoid and wore no clothes. It roared and rushed up the second story.

"JUMP!" Kite yelled. "No, I'm not leaving you here alone against that thing," Alex said. He was about to take out his gun when Kite said "I lost my team a year ago and I'm not losing them again!" and pushed Alex out. Alex went plop! on the mattress.

"Kite! No!" Alex yelled. Mike and Nathan looked worriedly at the window while Rick looked at the streets. "Come on, we can't let his sacrifice go to waste!" Rick screamed. Everyone took one last look at the warehouse their sergeant was trapped in, and ran off to the streets.

Kite looked at the Tyrant. He took out his 2 special knives. "Bring…it…" Kite smiled. The Tyrant rushed forward and the zombies watched in anticipation of their next meal…

Alex took one last look at the warehouse window while turning the corner. He heard a splat! followed by a ripping sound, a groan and the moaning of the creatures. Now, he was sure Kite was dead.


"How's the radar coming to?" the soldier asked. The Lieutenant looked at him and said, "Good news, or bad news?" The soldier thought for a moment before picking good news.

"Well, good news is that the radar's working and we're close to a handful of survivors. Bad news is that one of the Delta Ten signals was lost, and a few R.P.D signals were lost as well."

"Do we have enough guns, ammunition and vaccines?" the soldier asked, pointing to the back of the Humvee where there were crates of items.

"Of course we do!" the lieutenant. "A few machine guns, a dozen SMGs and assault rifles, and lots and lots of ammunition and a crate of vaccines too."

"Well, good job stocking on the items. You may be clumsy at times, but you sure some in handy when stocking on items Luther."

Lieutenant Luther smiled. "Well, we couldn't have done it without you expert guidance as well," he said, chuckling.

"Let's get the survivors out of this hell as quickly as possible," the soldier said. A few screams and gunshots were heard every now and then, but to everyone's despair, there was more screaming than shooting. What was creepier was the dead silence when screams and shooting couldn't be heard. The buildings seemed painted with blood and many bodies had faces of innocent people who died with shocked, surprised, frightened or horrified faces.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The soldier whipped his head around. 2 Lickers and a Hunter lay dead on the road. One advantage the soldiers had over the monsters was their skill with guns and acute hearing and sight. Another advantage was that the soldiers were never surprised to see Lickers and Hunters anymore. The only thing that surprised them was Tyrants. Luckily, the only time they had encountered a Tyrant was when he had been with them. The Tyrant was subdued within a minute of open fire and minimal use of ammo and explosives.

Their Humvee rolled along the crimson streets as they headed deeper into the infected Raccoon City…


The figure sliced right through the body of the zombie. "Hehe, you fight against an S.A.B.S, you die like B.S," he said. He walked out into the open streets. "Now where did those idiots go?" he pondered, as he walked off towards Uptown Raccoon City.

The end of chapter 4. My longest chapter yet. If you still haven't figured out who the soldier is yet, you either didn't pay attention or you're... whatever. His identity will be known next chapter for those of you who still couldn't figure it out OO.

Enjoy and please review!