Winter Nights

Written by Kyoki Hinote

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything from it… if I did, my little brother would not be able to watch it... xD

Warnings: Fluff overload! Beware!

A/N: Time for my posting spree! I've written a bunch of fics at school, so now I'm typing them up and posting! Weeeeeeee!

Pairings: ShinoxKiba, KibaxShino

His breath frosted in the winter air as he sat, shivering on the park bench. Cursing his habit of midnight walks and insomnia, he shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to warm up. It wasn't his fault he got cold so easily, or that the cold made him tired… however, it was his fault he was out there in the first place, when he could be asleep and warm in his bed at home.

The moon glittered across the freshly-fallen snow, creating a breath-taking view of white, silver, and a glittering sheen of gold. Sighing lightly, he closed his eyes, taking in the moment. Nothing could ruin this perfection…



"Shino, what are you doing out so la-- holy crap, I can see all of your face!"

"…" His mother was washing his over-sized, high-collared coat for tomorrow, so he had to wear his coat that didn't have a collar covering half his face.

Kiba sat down next to Shino, and Shino realized the boy was Akamaruless.

"So, why are you out so late anyway?" the brunette asked.

"I always go out this time of night." Shino answered simply.


Silence commenced, but it wasn't awkward. Surprisingly, Shino broke it.

"Where's Akamaru?"

"I couldn't fall asleep, so I came out here. He was already asleep, and I didn't want to wake him up."


Neither knew how much time they sat in comfortable silence, but it was a long time. Shino felt his eyes beginning to droop. The cold was making him tired… Well… Kiba was here, so maybe he could rest for a little bit…

Kiba jumped as something fell on his shoulder.


Abruptly shutting his mouth, he smiled, putting an arm around the sleeping Shino's waist.

They sat like that for an hour before Kiba picked Shino up bridal style and took him home.


A second chapter has been written, but you only if I get ten reviews! I'm holding it hostage! Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa! (cough)

If I post it, we go up to a "T" rating! Oh, and I'm working on making my stories longer, I know, I'm not very good at that... -.-;;

Review! Please?