Sorry, short chapter, will update as soon as possible. Thankyou to the people who review, you guys are great!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Jack met Riddick in the hanger half an hour later, with her bag in her hand and ready to go. She smiled when she saw their ship waiting for them.

"How did they get this back here?" she asked Riddick who stepped from the ship.

"With some shitty piloting, something's wrong with the engine." He told her.

"I'll go check it out." She said, dumping her bag in the cargo hold and walking through to the engine room.

She looked over the engine carefully, not finding anything evidently wrong, she climbed under the engine for a proper inspection. Pulling down a handful of wires, she noted that they had been sharply severed, with a knife or something.

"Found anything?" came Riddick's voice, Jack sat suddenly and cracked her head on the engine.

"Ow, yes." She said, pulling herself from underneath the engine, a hand clamped on her head where a bruise was already starting to emerge.

"What was it?" he asked.

"I'm going to have a headache in the morning, and someone had severed the wires that connect to the starter port." Jack told him.

"Can you fix it?" he asked.

"I can totally rewire it, that's the safe option, or I can do a quick patch job."

"What's quickest?" Riddick asked.

"Patch job, but it's risky, the thing comes apart on landing, or takeoff, we blow up." Jack told him grimly.

"Patch it, we'll deal with it later." Riddick said walking away.

"Or we could blow up." Jack muttered, rifling through a toolbox for pliers and tape.

About ten minutes later, she had a quick patch job, done as best she could considering the circumstances. She grabbed the last wire and twisted them back together, securing them with tape.

"If there is a god, may he watch over us." She muttered, climbing out from under the engine.

"You believe in God, kid?" Asked Riddick from the doorway.

"Don't do that." Jack said, hand held over her racing heart. "Don't you have beliefs?" she asked, checking the engine diagnostics.

"I once told a man my beliefs, only ever one man and he's the only one who will know." Riddick said. "What about you?"

"I believe that there is someone out there, can't exactly forgive him though." She said, tightening a bolt until she was satisfied it could turn no more.

"For what?"

Jack paused, not looking at Riddick. "For not caring." She said, wiping her hands off on a rag.

"How didn't he care?" Riddick asked.

"I grew up in the slums, not knowing where my next meal was coming from, or whether I would be alive the next day. The streets are no place for a kid, and I know plenty who had nowhere else to go. What kind of God let's those children live that way?" she glanced over her shoulder at him. seeing he had no answer, she walked past him and out of the room.

"I believe in God, and I absolutely hate the fucker." Came Riddick's voice. Jack turned around, but he had already disappeared.

Up in the cockpit, she turned on the ships main power drives, hearing the familiar hum, she smiled lightly. She ran her fingers over the computer screen quickly, running a scan of the ship to check for any damage they may have missed, satisfied that the ship would make it out of the atmosphere and into space in one piece, she turned it off again and walked out into the hanger to find Riddick.

Stepping outside the ship, she felt the touch of cool metal on her neck next to her ear, she could tell by the smell and the weight of it that it was a gun, not a knife, and she was also familiar with the breathing of the man behind her.

"Toombs, I half expected them to kill you, or at least get rid of you." Jack commented.

"You think you're so smart, don't you?" he asked.

"Well, I certainly have an intellectual advantage over you." Jack said.

"And that would be?" he asked.

"For one thing, I know when not to fuck with people." She said, one hand snaked up lightening fast, grabbing the gun, she pulled it, and Toombs over her shoulder and onto the floor in front of her. she placed a foot on his chest, while she pointed the gun at him.

"Drop the gun." Came a voice from behind her. Jack didn't even look as she lifted the gun and fired, knocking the gun from the hand of the man who held it, he fell back clutching his hand..

"Bring your whole crew Toombs?" she asked the man beneath her foot.

"Thought I taught you not to underestimate her Toombs." Came Riddick's voice as he emerged from the shadows.

"How was I to know the little bitch was as fast as you?" Toombs asked, Jack kicked him in the face hearing his little comment.

"You made three mistakes, one, you jumped her in the first place, two, you underestimated her, and three, don't send for any backup except for a man who can't keep his hold on his gun." Riddick said. Jack took the gun she was holding and tossed it carelessly away. she swooped down and grabbed Toombs by the neck of his shirt, slamming him against the side of the ship violently.

"We seem to have a case of déjà vu." She commented. "Maybe I should ghost you now, stop it from happening again."

"I agree with you." Said Riddick. "But where is the fun in that?"

"You cross us again, and I swear to god, I will kill you." She said, punching him in the face and releasing him. "The ship's ready to go."

"Well, lets go." Said Riddick, walking onto the ship. Jack took one look around the hanger before walking onto the ship and closing the hatch behind her.

she found Riddick in the cockpit firing up the engine.

"You sure the engine will hold?" he asked.

"The engine will, I'm not sure about the rest of the ship." Jack commented as she slid into the co pilot's seat and began to monitor the ships stats.

"It'll be fine." Riddick said as they cleared the hanger and began to rapidly descent.

"We should be fine if we clear the atmosphere." Jack said as they began to hit turbulence.

"And if we don't?" Riddick asked. Jack gripped her seat tight.

"Lets not talk about that until something happens." She said, relaxing as they cleared the atmosphere. "Flying with you is still frightening." She began to code in the coordinates of Helion Four and set the autopilot on. Unbuckling herself from the seat, she stood up.

"We should reach Helion four in about two weeks." She said.

"Why so long?" he asked.

"Furthest planet away, not to mention if we put too much pressure on the engine, it will blow up."

"That's reassuring." Riddick said in what could have been sarcasm. Jack smiled grimly and opened the door to the cockpit, suddenly she was ensnared around the waist by Riddick and puled towards him.

He covered her lips with his, his arms still tightly wrapped around her, but Jack didn't fight him. instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and lent into the embrace.

They were interrupted by the screen starting to beep, Jack freed herself and read the words.

"Great, something's wrong with the primary engine thrusters." She said, walking from the cockpit and down to the engine room. Riddick watched her go, then followed her. walking into the engine room, he found her removing a metal faceplate from the side of the engine, looking at the meters inside, she grabbed a wench and began to loosen one of the pipes, steam began to emerge from it. Almost instantly, the ship picked up speed, rather suddenly as Jack was thrown back, straight into the arms of Riddick, who caught her easily.

"Thanks." She said, standing back up and returning to the engine.

"What's wrong with it?" he asked.

"The valve is blocked." She told him, releasing the pipe. "Pressure builds up too much and the whole thing gives out. I'm going to have to cut the engine."

"Do what you have to, and make it quick, we're not in the clear yet." Riddick commanded before walking away.

"Aye aye captain." She muttered sarcastically. Turning off the entire engine, she found that the lights died also. Swearing, she groped around in the toolbox for her flashlight, turning it on, she balanced it between her shoulder and chin and set to clearing the blockage in the pipes, swearing as she went.

Riddick had been in the kitchen when the lights had gone out, he lifted his goggles and looked around in the dark as the ship fell silent. Listening intently, he could hear Jack swearing in the engine room. he walked up to the engine room with intentions of helping her.

"Can I help?" he asked. Jack was startled again and swung around, the flashlight shining directly into Riddick's eyes. He cursed and put a hand up to shield his eyes.

"Sorry." She apologised, directing the beam to the ground. Riddick said nothing, just pulled his goggles over his eyes again and held his hand out for the flashlight. Jack handed it to him and he held it up for her while she worked out the blockage. She frowned as she pulled out what looked like a twisted heap of metal, which had been lodged in there pretty tightly, around it had been built up a pile of mould and what looked like tar. Jack dropped it onto a rag and wiped the tar from her hands. Checking the pipe and being satisfied that it was clear of any blockages, she tightened them back up again and connected the power to the engine again. The lights flickered back on and the engine began to hum again. Jack checked the pressure valves, satisfied that everything was in order again. She turned around to day something to Riddick, but he had already disappeared.

Back in the cockpit, she looked over the diagnostics, making sure that they hadn't drifted out of the shipping lane they were in. Re programming the autopilot, she slumped back in the seat and watched the stars as they floated by. As much as she hated to admit it, she wished they had asked for cryo sleep chambers to be installed.

"Damn Mercs." She muttered.

Having ensured they would run off course and into a near by planet, she walked down to the cargo hold to retrieve her bag which she had left there earlier.

Back in her room, she unpacked quickly, reaching the bottom of the bag she reached in and pulled out all her weapons. She began to stash them around the room, two knives went under the bed where they could be reached easily. One knife went under her pillow, while she strapped two shivs to her waist, she didn't expect any violence on the ship, but life had taught her not to be unprepared.

Reviews, please! they mean a lot to me.