Ryter: The last chapter!

Harpie: Finally! took you long enough. Moron.

Ryter: Someone please kill her. Please.

Harpie: Just get on with the best part of this whole story, the disclaimer.

Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own anything.

Sesshomaru stood idly by a deserted pass. He had watched her leave behind his half brother and the others a while ago and come this way. She would be there in a few moments. It took all of his will power not to go off and just grab her. He stood and waited. She came down the road almost agonizingly slowly. When she finally reached where he was standing he took her in his arms and hugged her close. He felt her smile into his shoulder.

"You should not have kept this Sesshomaru waiting. You will have to be punished for that."

She playfully pushed away from him and walked in the other direction, swaying her hips as she went. She smirked as she saw him follow.

"Oh, really my lord? You would hurt me? I think that's a bit cold hearted don't you?"

He took hold of her from behind and pressed her against his chest. He leaned down and growled as he nuzzled into her shoulder.

"Haven't you ever been taught not to turn your back on a demon? There are so many things he can do from that position."

"And what are you thinking of doing?"

He let a small laugh escape him. He loved this woman with his whole being. He picked her up and took to the trees, leaping from one branch to another.

"Where are you taking me? I really don't like surprises."

"Quiet. I have already told you that I am going to punish you for your insolence, and I intend to."

They continued to travel through the woods until they arrived at a lush clearing. A beautiful waterfall thundered near them. Sesshomaru sat down on the grass with her in his lap.

"Sesshomaru, where are we?"

He didn't answer. Instead he gently licked the place where her collarbone and neck meet. He thought about how nice it would be to mark her as his own, and claim her as his mate.

She shuddered slightly under his touch. It only helped to urge on his youkai, some how he held back though.

"This is my clans mating grounds."

Her head turned around quickly, so that he could look at him. He lightly touched her cheek with the back of his hand.

'She is so strong all of the time, it's almost nice to know that this side of her is for me and me alone.'

Harpie's eyes showed so many unasked questions and fears. As if reading her mind he reassured her.

"You are the only female to be brought here, since my father brought my mother. You are my first choice for a mate, and my last."

She jumped on him, nearly knocking him over, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"You must have a hard time controlling you're people if this is how you punish them."

He raised his eyebrow smirking.

"You don't think that this is punishment do you? I still have so much more in store."

He took her arm and kissed it leaving small bite marks as he went up it. As he got closer to her neck he started to bite harder. He stopped as soon as he reached her neck, drawing circles with his tongue on her throat. He pulled away when he heard her sigh. He stood and walked to the shore. She sat straight up and watched him go.

"Sesshomaru, bad dog! You know better than to stop unless told to."

He smiled at her, and with his back towards her took off his armor and shirt. He stepped into the water. Over his shoulder he beckoned for her to follow him. She didn't hesitate. She walked over to the water and stepped in without taking her clothes off. He took her head and together they walked under the waterfall.

"You know that you're clothes will be soaked, don't you?"

"Yes, but until the time I'm going to be mated."

He bit her as a reprimand for that comment, but did not push the subject. He would take her right now, if it weren't for the fact that he still had to make proper arrangements and discuss his choice with his advisers. He growled at the small things that kept them apart. She didn't notice. She could not get passed the feel of how warm he was in comparison to the water that cascaded around them. She pressed as closely as she could to his warmth.

"Sesshomaru, we must stop now or I don't think we'll be able to go back."

He snarled in frustration, but nodded his agreement. He carried her out of the water, and together they fell asleep in the grass, holding each other.

The next morning Harpie awoke in the arms of Sesshomaru. She took in the magnificent sight in front of her. She hated what she had to do, but it couldn't be helped. She moved away from him, careful that she didn't awaken him. She kissed his forehead and turned to leave. Her head dropped as she tried to explain herself to her sleeping companion.

"I'm sorry to leave you now. I don't want to go now, but there is so much you don't know about me. So much I have yet to learn about myself."

She new that that would not be enough to satisfy the need to say good-bye. She bit down on her wrist until she drew blood, holding her wrist towards the sky, she made a vow.

"Sesshomaru, by every drop of blood in my veins, I promise that I will return to you. I will be yours, and you will be mine. Never forget that my lord, Never! If I come back and you have, I'll be truly pissed. I love you my Sesshomaru."

With that she walked away. Not daring to look back at his sleep form, or else she would be tempted to turn around. When she was almost completely out of sight, Sesshomaru opened his eyes and watched her go. He had heard her go, but had not tried to stop. Now as she left him behind, he whispered what he should have told her so much sooner.

"I will never forget. I love you, Harpie."

Ryter: I told you it be short, but it sure was sweet.

Harpie: Whatever. If you ever put me in anything this sappy again I will do so many horrible things to your computer.


Harpie: Baka.

Ryter: Anyway Thanks a lot for reading. I left the end open for a sequel, maybe.

Harpie: Ah, hell.

Ryter: Review and tell me what you thought about it. Please and thank you!