Wolfish Love

Chapter 1: Good News & Bad News

Lycanthropy- a delusion in which one imagines oneself to be a wolf or other wild animal. I can only wish this was a all in my head. If your starting to understand me, you'll realize I'm a werewolf. I'm also a witch, but the lycanthropy is what gets me into most trouble.

My story, so far, has been a unique one. I had two loving parents and a pack who always protected me. Unfortunatly that all changed after one mistake.

It was another hunting night and we were creeping through the woods looking for a decent meal, when my parents saw a shadow of something and started to attack whatever it was. Too bad it turned out to be another pack member. My parents were then killed right after.

Bad news: My pack has exiled me for something my parents did.

Really bad news: I'm now wandering in the middle of a dark forest at night in my werewolf form.

I'm 18 years old with nowhere to go and no one to look after me. I hope someone finds me. If not I'm doomed. Maybe if I go to sleep, I'll wake up to find that this has all been a terrible nightmare. "Oh, please help me! Anybody!" I howl into the night. I then lay down my head and fall deeply into my restless nightmares.

-Thanx for reading and I promise the next one will be longer. I was just trying to start a prologue.

-you also might notice this will be a lot like blood and chocolate, only it fits more into harry potter.

-This is not a remus/oc. He will play an important part, but it will be a george/oc.

-If anyone has any ideas please feel free to give them.

-See ya till next time!