'You, minna-san! Thank you for reviewing the previous chapter. I'm back with part two of this two shot.

Disclaimer: sessha owns nothing except for her 7 RuroKen manga volumes, anime dvd collection, cd collection, music player, empty batteries, some socks and used tissues. And the plot and Wagurashi Kure.

Please do read the second and final "installment" (Kami, I love that word, I can spend the whole day saying it and not get tired of it :p) and sessha hopes with her whole heart that you will enjoy it and spare me a review.

On with the story!

She felt so guilty, so horribly guilty. Misao just wanted to rip her tongue off and serve it to the drunkest of her customers "with the compliments of Makimachi Misao". Furthermore, she was afraid of his glare, that deathly glare of his that made her want to crawl into a corner and pretend to nothing.

She sighed and looked up at the starry night sky.

'So, what was the last thing you said to him?'

'They're probably looking down at us right now, thinking: "boy, are we glad Aoshi-sama, our ingenious Okashira, is dwelling in what has happened a long time ago - still not able to move his scarred ass on."'

'Scarred ass! Ha, good one!' snorted Kure. He was lying next to her on the roof of the Aoiya, arms tucked under his head and enjoying the cool breeze. His cut hair softly danced with the wind. 'Nice one to think about.'

'I felt so bad, saying that!' complained the seventeen-year-old girl. 'I never imagined I would say such mean things to Aoshi-sama!'

'Don't you want to see him happy?'

'Of course I do.'

'Don't give up. You're finally getting through his thick skull.'

'Why are you being so attentive, Kure-kun?'

'I want to see you happy, haven't I told you that before?' he grinned at her.

She looked at him for a moment before pulling him into a hug. 'Kure-kun, what would I do without you?'

'You'd be wallowing in pity, whimpering and sobbing, making yourself more ugly than that you are at the moment. Why'd you ask?' he dryly said as smiled when she buried her face in his shirt.

'Baka!' was her muffled reply from amidst the cloth. He rested his chin on her head and changed the subject to pearl oysters.

Makimachi Misao's tactic to break him down was simple. First she would make him angry, then she would make him cry. At last, he would smile.

She was tired of him shutting her out. Yesterday, she had managed to make him angry. Today, she would do the same thing, but she would also try to make him cry. She hoped that yesterday's anger still remained in him; it would make things much easier.

If everything went right, he would be smiling tomorrow. But for now, she would be cruel. She would torment her precious Aoshi-sama, with words and actions, even though she did not want to do so.

So she had to struggle with herself.

With a raised chin, she entered the Aoiya-kitchen.

'Tea!' demanded Misao from Omasu, who was looking rather apprehensive.

'I-I am sorry, but I can't.'

'And why is that?

'Aoshi-san told me to bring the tea from now on. He seemed rather… upset?'

'Upset as in angry?'

'Hai.' Omasu bit her lip.

'Excellent!' breathed Misao, causing Omasu to look bemused.


'I am going to make him smile again!'

'By making him angry? I don't understand.'

'You don't have to, but you will… eventually. Now, tea, onegai!'

'But Aoshi-'

'Are you disobeying your Okashira?' asked Misao in a booming voice.

'N-no, of course not.'


Aoshi was meditating in the same way and place when she put the tea in front of him. As Misao opened all windows, she could feel it in the air that he was still angry at her.

While pouring the tea, she asked: 'so, have you thought about changing your behaviour yet?'

The ex-Okashira did not reply in any way, therefore, she continued talking in a quiet, but steady and demanding way. 'Omasu told me that you had appointed her for your daily green tea. Curious, isn't it? I mean, I would never have thought that you would break your dull routine and go talk to someone about something not related to Oniwaban-business.

'How come, actually?' she wondered. 'Surely you are not... angry at me for stating some few facts?'

She blinked innocently.

He took a sip, his eyes closed.

'I mean, everybody knows you have secluded yourself because you want to meditate about your deeds.' Misao brushed a lock out of her vision. 'But honestly, Aoshi-sama… There is a limit to everything. When are you going to realise that in this way of life, you are practically insulting the reason they died for?'

Aoshi quickly opened his eyes and sent her his filthiest glare.

Casually, she played with her braid, her eyes focused on his hand that held the cup. 'They did not sacrifice their lives so that you can lead a drawn-back life.'

'You are hurting them, Aoshi-sama. Your decision to ignore the possibilities of the future is making them squirm in their graves.'

'They did not die to make you suffer…'

She saw how he clenched his hand around the cup. Almost inaudibly, he hissed. 'Be quiet, Misao!'

As a reply, she smiled cockily at him. Which angered him even more.

'Aoshi-sama,' she said to him as if he were a child, 'I'm not a little girl anymore. You can't tell me what to do.'

She took a deep steady breath, her cocky smile fading. 'I admit, you still are an Okashira, Aoshi-sama, but not mine. You are the Okashira of Hannya, Beshimi, Shikijo and Hyottoko. And you are letting them down-'

'Stay silent, Misao.' he ordered in his monotonous voice, but his eyes were shimmering in the weak light that came through the nearest window. The cup started to crack.

'No, Aoshi-sama, you are not my Okashira!' Her voice rose and she glared at him. 'I'm no obliged to listen to you. To tell you the truth, I'm glad. Glad, that I am no longer under the command of such a weak Okashira!'

The cup smashed against the wooden floor.

'Watch what you are saying, young lady!'

'Why can't you understand?' she forcefully exclaimed. 'They are supposed to live through you. But you seem to be buried right next to them, as if - you have died!'

In a split second, Aoshi's hand hit her cheek very hard. The slap resonated through the hollow temple. Though her eyes were dilated with the shock, they were hidden under her fringe.

'I warned you, Misao.' he spoke with a slight tremor. Never had he hit her before, but never had she disobeyed him. 'Show some respect for your elders. This is not how I raised you.'

Misao was trembling under his gaze.

'Do not interfere with matters you know nothing about. Now apologise and we will forget about this event.'

She continued to tremble, even more than before. Her fists were clenched against her sides and she stood up, meeting the tall man's eyes with her narrowed ones.

'How dare you…' she hissed in a low voice, 'how dare insult me, the Okashira of the Oniwabanshuu? Show respect to elders? And what, not to expect any in return? And you're telling me not to interfere with matters I know nothing about? Do you think I am stupid? Or some child?'

Aoshi stared at her, wide-eyed.

'Fine,' she snarled, 'I may not know everything, but I know enough to see that you-' she poked in his chest with her index-finger, '- Shinomori Aoshi are nothing but a self-centred, pitiful bastard!'

His surprised expression (as far as he could look surprised) changed into a scowl. Misao noticed the tension in his body and before he could open his mouth, she continued exclaiming with more fervour than ever.

'What else did you say I should? O yeah, apologise and forget! You told me to apologise?' she hissed in disgust, 'to you of all people?'

The young woman laughed with no ring of humour. 'But what about you, Shinomori? Don't you have to apologise? To the Oniwabanshuu, the Kenshingumi and to Hannya, Hyottoko, Beshimi and Shikijo?

'I remember that you have sought for their pride… What I still don't understand, is why you did not give them your own? You seem to have enough of it, anyway, treating all of us like inanimate objects!'

It pained her so much to say these things to him. She did not want to insult him or to mock him, but she had to do it. She had spent a whole year trying to loosen him up to her with love and tons of attention. However, love did not help this time and drastic times asked for drastic measures. Misao was now doing all of the things to him that she did not want to do.

Aoshi was shaking with fury while his eyes were fixed on hers.

'We love you so don't get me wrong. But it would have been a great deal less painful if you had gone with them. We can't stand seeing you waste their life. You may be outstanding in command, but now you really have failed as an Okashira. Because of wasting your life away, you have killed them!'

'Shut up!' he spat and lunged for her.

Swiftly she jumped aside and yelled: 'is that a challenge, Shinomori? Do you want to hurt me for all the nasty things I've said? Well,' she taunted, 'do you?'

The frost in his eyes seemed to thicken, but Misao knew better.

The tall man took a deep breath and replied. 'No.'

'Why not?' exclaimed Misao and hiked up her yukata in the way she had done the day before.

'Because you do not know what you are saying! You are too young to understand.'

Again, she laughed, while tightening her braid. ' I am almost eighteen now. I am the Okashira. I have travelled throughout Japan and faced hundreds of villains and annihilated all of them. But I will always be too young in your eyes! Even when I'm married and have children.'

She shook her head. 'You know what, Shinomori? I think you are afraid.'

'And what must I be afraid of? Of you?' he smirked coldly.

'Not really. You are afraid of hurting innocent, little Misao-chan. Because if you let your pent up sorrow out, you will think it will be too much of a burden on little Misao's shoulders.'

He sent her an indefinable look.

'It's too bad, Shinomori, that you have already become a burden. With your ego-centric, retarded actions you have become a burden for each member of the Oniwabanshuu!'

'If I am such a burden to you, Misao, then I will leave.'

He was near the exit when Misao snarled. 'So this is what the honourable Shinomori Aoshi does when an seventeen year old girl confronts him? Flee like a coward?'

He stopped, but did not turn around.

'O yeah, they must be so proud of you! This proves to the world that the Oniwabanshuu of Shinomori is indeed, as it was thought to be in the past. A bunch of worthless cowards with Shinomori himself being the biggest coward of them all!'

Aoshi flew at her and threw her against the wall. He brought his face near hers and said in a bloodcurdling way: 'if you insult me one more time, I'll-'

She pushed him away, causing him to stumble, and snorted. 'You'll what? What will you do to me? Slap me?

'Why don't we make this more interesting? Let's duel. If you win-'

'When I win.'

'If you win, I will stop the insults and become the sweet, little Misao-chan once more. When I win-'

'If you win.' he interjected.

'Don't act so hopeful. When I win, you will acknowledge me as the adult that I have become, stop being a burden and share your sorrow with me.'

She positioned herself in her fighting stance and asked: 'so, what do you say, Shinomori, do you accept this duel?'

As a reply, he positioned himself in a stance too and beckoned her to attack.

Misao did not even wince when his fist delivered a blow in her abdomen. It was too soft. He was taking it easy on her. Therefore, he had to pay.

She balance on one hand and tried to kick him in the face,

No doubt that he caught her both legs; she was expecting him to do so. She quickly heaved herself up and doubled over his shoulder.


She had elbowed him in the back of his neck. He fell on the floor with Misao on top. She hastily pulled her legs out of his hands and kicked his head. 'Get up. I know you. It takes more to defeat you. That is, if you are not the coward you have become.

On cue, Aoshi bolted up and kicked her in the knee. Wincing, she hit him in the face and quickly avoided his hidden attack.

'You know, Shinomori, people move on. And us, the Oniwanbanshuu, we did so. We are aware that they would have been very upset if we spent our whole life mourning. But what makes you so special that you can do whatever you feel like?'

He punched her in the stomach. She doubled over but elbowed him in the eye. She kicked off, aiming for his head, but he quickly shifted to the side, grabbed her feet and began spinning her around.

He let her go and she went flying towards the wall. She made half a somersault, pushed her feet off the wall and shot back towards him, fist at ready. She punched him several times, but he blocked them easily. When she landed on her feet, she began kicking him rapidly. Yet again, he blocked them.

'You just sit here-' she panted, '- day in, day out, disgracing them with every second you spend to waste-'

She suddenly spun around and her braid hit his throat like a whip. Landing on all fours, she continued talking. 'Your actions are like dung on their graves-'

He grabbed hold of her shoulders and kneed her in her stomach. Then, when she doubled over from the pain, he kicked her in the back and she fell, half-conscious, flat on the floor.

'You remember them by pain, solitude and darkness,' she brought out with difficulty, 'why do you associate them with such negative things? They don't deserve that!'

She stood up and began spinning around very fast. Dust rose and joined her. She became a mini whirlwind. Then, one by one and randomly, she threw her kunai at him. He caught them all with ease. She fired the last and he got that one too, but he did not expect her to be holding it still. Immediately she kicked him in his face after a punch in his chest. Aoshi staggered backwards with a bleeding nose.

'You've been dwelling in the ghost world for too long. You have forgotten that everyone who is alive cares about you too. You have forgotten me, too.' she sighed. 'Maybe I should die. Maybe then you'll remember me again.'

'Stop talking bullshit, Makimachi Misao!' barked Aoshi furiously and lunged at her again.

'Don't worry! I will never do something stupid like that for you!' yelled Misao back before she crashed back in to the wall.

Pain shot through her back and she winced. However, Makimachi Misao was not one to be defeated so easily.

Again, she stood up, pushed him off and stood ready to attack. A trickle of blood ran down from her temple and she coughed up some blood.

'Haven't you had enough yet?' he asked bitterly, his face more worried than angry. He reached out to wipe off the blood, but she hit his hand away.

'I will not give up! I will not lose - never!' yelled the young woman and delivered a blow to his jaw.

The fight was on again.

'There are people to cry for.'

She dodged a blow. He spun on his hand caused her to fall. She grabbed his wrist and pulled him down.

'There are people to die for. But there are also people to die with. And people to cry with, like me. Why can't you give me a chance, Aoshi-sama?' She asked, still holding him near her. He quickly broke away.

Frustrated, she bolted up and punched him in his chest. 'Why won't you give me a chance?'

She stumbled and he caught her. 'Answer me!' she yelled.

He flung her against the wall for the third time. She slid down and lay sprawled across the hard, cold floor.

Aoshi sunk down next to her and whispered in a pained voice. 'You have lost, Misao. Now stop the questions. Please, stop the pain.'

With difficulty, she raised her head. 'Will you stop hurting me, then?'

He blinked in confusion.

'You're the one causing all the pain. Can't you see why I have been arguing with you? Don't you understand?

'You aren't the only one who loved them, Aoshi-sama. I loved them too. And I know, I swear I do, that they would not want to see you like this. They don't want to be the cause of all your suffering. They wanted you to live, remember?'

She reached out to his face and caressed his bruised cheek. 'So, won't you live for me? With me and all of us? We want you back. We all want to see that rare smile of yours. Can't you for once manage a smile for us - for me? Please?'

Aoshi kept staring down at her, wordlessly, as she stroked his cheek.

After a while, he looked away. 'I can't.'


Her bruised hand forced him to look at her.

A small tear shimmered from the corner of his green eye.

The ice is melting, she realised, and brushed the tear away. I haven't lost. I've won.

She beamed. I've won! You're crying. You're finally sharing your sorrow with me.

Misao winced when she to sat up against the wall.

'Don't - you're hurt badly.'

He rested a hand on her shoulder to prevent her from moving any further.

Misao rolled her eyes. 'Honestly, Aoshi-sama. I'm fine. My foot has fallen asleep, that's all.'

She stretched out her leg, wiggled her foot and sighed. 'Much better.'

'You… have become more stronger.' he softly said. 'You have gotten more skilled.'

'What do you expect me to do else? I am the Okashira of Oniwabanshuu!'

'You like calling yourself that, don't you?'

'I pride myself for following you in your footsteps, Aoshi-sama.' she earnestly replied.

Her eyes dropped to his hand, which was still pressed against her. She took it in her own hands and began to caress it. It was calloused from wielding kodachi, but it was gentle nonetheless.

Feeling him sit properly next to her against the wall, she turned to observe him. She had not even scratched him except for the bloody nose, but he looked worn. He had his eyes closed and he was breathing slowly, his hair swaying in the breeze that swept across the temple.

She squeezed in his hand. 'I think it is okay to cry, Aoshi-sama.'

He turned his face to her and watched her hold his hand.

'If you put a sand grain in an oyster, it will protect itself by covering the grain with a layer of pearly substance. As time continues on, the layer becomes thicker and thicker. Till one day, Aoshi-sama, the grain has become a brilliant pearl and it will be waiting to be harvested.'

She smiled up at him and leaned into him. 'Don't think of tears as weaknesses. Tears are the most beautiful things.'

Resting his head on top her hers, he let out a sigh.

'Tears that are freed from the inner of the soul,' she continued, 'are little miracles, like pearls from an oyster. You know that they exist, but it takes a real craftsman to harvest them. Tears take the heart of a man to be released. Cry with me for our fallen comrades. It will take a burden off your shoulders, and their souls will be at peace.'

When he did not reply, she took his face in her hands and pressed her cheek against his. The coldness in his eyes had disappeared.

He buried his face in the arch of her neck and she enveloped his broad shoulders. For once, she did not mind her yukata getting wet with tears.

Misao could not tell if he had fallen asleep, because he was a silent sobber. She had been holding him for well over two hours and to admit, she was a bit tired.

'Ano… Aoshi-sama?'

She gently shifted him. He stirred and lifted his head from her shoulder. His green eyes immediately filled with guilt and he moved away from her. 'Gomen nasai, Misao. I had no right intruding your personal space.'

Misao winced loudly. 'Aoshi-sama! Don't apologise, you're embarrassing me!'

She shook her head. 'Now come on. Your weird sleeping habits have brought an advantage.'

The young woman stood up, straightened her yukata and grabbed his hand. 'Come, I want to show you something special.'

She led him to the garden. The dying sun flooded the scene and everything bathed in orange and red light.

They stopped in front of a natural fountain. She pointed at the rocks in the middle of the basin, on which water was falling.

'Look and tell me about those rocks, Aoshi-sama.'

He eyed her questioningly. 'Why?'

'Because I told you to do so!' said Misao defiantly. 'I'm the Okashira, remember?'

He started telling. 'The rocks are in the water basin. Water is falling on them and flying in all directions.'

Then Misao pointed at the sun. He again told what he saw.

She gazed around again, found a bee and poked him to look. After listening to him, she pulled him to a yellow-flowered shrub with a butterfly.

When she had heard him out, she huffed. 'Aoshi-sama, you're hopeless. You are seeing, but not looking. Now you listen to me. This brimstone butterfly is Hannya. It has a disguise and is using it too. It's exceptionally well hidden from its enemies.

'That bee is Beshimi. He stings badly even if he is small.

'Hyottoko is the sun. Huge and flaming, giving as warmth. And that rock is Shikijo. Hard to break and willing to receive the blows for his dear ones.

'That is how you look, Aoshi-sama. This is how I remember them.'

He looked down at the smiling young woman. For a minute or so he gazed at her. Then he grabbed her hand and led her to the natural fountain. He scooped up some water and asked: 'what is this, Misao?'

'W-why don't you tell me?'

'This water… is you. It is always flowing in search for the deepest part of someone's heart and always sparkling, in the smallest of light. No matter where you are, it is always around, even though it is underestimated. But whatever the case, I could not be able to live without it.'

'A-Aoshi-sama!' she whispered, amazed. She never knew that he was so romantic.

He offered her a little smile.

Upon noticing the eighth world wonder, she squealed. 'Aoshi-sama! You're smiling!'

She hugged him tightly and buried her face in his gi. Then she pushed him away again and began jumping. 'I fulfilled my promise with Himura! You smiled, you finally smiled!'

She twirled round, her long braid swishing along. Suddenly, she stopped and beamed up at his amused face. 'Aoshi-sama?'

'What is it, Misao?'

'You should smile more often. You become even more handsome when you smile, Aoshi-sama.'

She suddenly blushed. 'Erm, I did not just say that...'

'Sorry, I did not hear your answer.' Aoshi said. 'What is it, Misao?'

Misao grinned appreciatively and was about to ask him something, when she was interrupted.


'Kure-kun?' she asked, surprised. Misao turned to see him standing not too far away. 'Kure-chan!' she exclaimed and launched at him.

Kure caught her and began spinning her around.

'Kure-kun! Jamero, I'm getting dizzy!'

He obeyed and put her down. 'I er… I've come to say goodbye.'

Instantly, her smile faltered. 'W-what do you mean?'

'I'm leaving, Misao.'

She pouted. 'But-but… You can't leave! Not now, not today! I have finally managed to make him smile! You can't leave, Kure-kun. Aoshi-sama is smiling!'

She dragged Kure towards Aoshi and pointed at the tall man's face. 'See?'

'I see a cold glare towards me.' stated Kure dryly. 'But I do not see even the hint of a smile, that I don't.'

Misao scowled at Aoshi. 'You were supposed to smile! I can't-'

But Kure interrupted her. 'It's okay. If you said he had a smile on his face, then I believe you. Besides, he would probably only smile for and with you.'

'Yeah, but - but he wouldn't be smiling if it weren't for you!' she huffed, frustrated. 'Aoshi-sama, I demand you as your Okashira, that you smile!'

'Misao, come here!' he tugged her away from Aoshi and his cold glare. 'Listen,' he whispered, don't bother forcing him, okay? If he would obey, it would only be a faked smile, and you know I hate those.'

'But do you have to leave? You mean so much to me!'

'It would be foolish for me to stay here.'

Misao looked up to him, confused.

' There is nothing left in Kyoto that appeals me.' he sighed. 'Back then I only stayed for you. I should've left long ago.'

She pouted. 'But what about me?'

'You were the only reason for me to stay. I wanted to see your true smile. The smile reserved for the man you love. I know it is not for me and I don't mind. But now that I have seen it, I have to go.'

He released her hand and grinned encouragingly. 'Don't feel bad, Misao. It is not your fault. You're happy, so I am, too.'

Tears were streaming down her face. She could handle goodbyes, but this one was out of her control. 'Y-you smiled for me. You cried for me and also with me.' she choked out between her sobs. ' yet you weren't able to smile with me, because of me…'

'Aw, Misao-chan!' He gave her a quick hug and then forced her to look at him. 'Please, Misao-chan, stop crying! It's not goodbye forever. It's goodbye for now! Honestly, d'you think I'd let you go so easily, Makimachi?'

Misao laughed through her tears. Then all of a sudden, she pressed her lips against his for a brief moment. 'Here you go, Kure-kun. A parting gift.'

He blushed and grinned. 'The best one I ever had,' he jested, 'well, sayonara for now.'

She brushed away her tears and exclaimed. 'It better be. If you don't visit me every once in a while, I'll hunt you down personally.'

She shook a fist in front of his face. 'With a surprise.'

'Maa, maa!' chuckled the young man. 'If you do so, please consider it not to be insulting for my wife.'

'W-wife?' echoed Misao, shocked. 'You're married? You mean, I kissed a married man?'

'Nah. But I'm going to be.' he sighed and began walking backwards, away from her. 'That is the actual reason I am leaving. Chihiko-san is gorgeous and sweet and everything not you. Ciao!' He turned around and sped off.

'Oi!' shrieked Misao, finally comprehending the insult. 'Come back, you baka! You hentai!'

She threw a pebble at him and it hit him hard over the head.

He yelled: 'what the hell was that?'

'Another parting gift!'

After a last wave, Wagurashi Kure stepped into the carriage that was waiting for him and disappeared.

Misao sighed and walked back to Aoshi.

'Did you just kiss that kid?' he asked stoically.


'And where has he gone now?'

She waved her hand dismissively. 'I'll tell you tomorrow over tea.' she yawned. 'Boy, making you smile sure drains me. Going to sleep. Oyasumi, Aoshi-sama.'

She strolled back to the Aoiya.

Aoshi remained where he was. He was gazing - smiling at the natural fountain as fireflies danced across the dark sky.

Owari End of part 2
A/n: and that's where this two-shot ends! I know, no AoMi kissing, but it is necessary... for this story's sequel. That is if you want it.

Because if you don't want it, then I won't post it. In other words, if you want it, let me know, or else I will automatically think you don't like it. o:)

Let me know what you think about this, are you satisfied? Have I totally mucked the story up? Do you still think Misao is too OOC? Do you hate me with the intensity of two thousand suns for letting Misao go to sleep without --dramatically- confessing her total and undying love for Aoshi, or the vice versa?
Did you for some reason like it? If you did so, please let me know what you liked the most and what you liked the least, I would definitely appreciate it and use your feedback for Ice Over Tea's potential sequel.

Thank you for reading the incoherent jabberwocky of a lifeless teen with moodswings suprème!