-sighs- I wanted to get this up yesterday, but a little thing called Christmas got in the way of my computer. Given I was newly obsessing over the Guitar Hero III we got as a gift… -grins- I love that game. Anyways, thanks got out to Closer than far, Murgy31, Guardian.Ghost, Compleatly Random Dissorder, Queen of Loopholes, Ad Hominem Argument, ladyd10, Carrro, LollyLovesAngua, daxy, Lionessmon, Lerrinus, csimiamifreako, C.H.E.A.R., DKM, Shelbers, Shizora, Rachel-RAPHAEL, dannylinday4ever, and x9 Hello Beautiful for those reviews. God, what to do with this…

Muffin request by LollyLovesAngua

10. Special: Frank Tripp's Muffin

Frank Tripp- everyone in the lab knows him as a big, tough Texan with that rough accent that could scare the daylights out of a Mexican in a heartbeat. He knows how to wield a gun with one hand; he's been shot at, hurt, and anything that was a cop's worse nightmare. But we all know that Frank is much more than that. Frank's one big teddy bear under that exterior of Texas talk. He's just another human.

And he's everyone's best friend.

So it came to no surprise from everyone that he decided to go and visit the crime lab on the day of muffins. The talk over at the Miami- Dade Police Department had Frank laughing, given he had signed those notes as well. He approved of it, definitely. Where he came from in San Antonio, they had this sort of thing at work all the time. Not that he suggested it, but he heard a dead CSI could've been behind it the whole time.

The thought made him chuckle as he walked into the crime lab, signing in at the front desk. Miami was full of losers, but it was definitely bursting with winners. And one of them was walking right his way. He turned around and smiled at Calleigh Duquesne, who returned the favor. "Frank! What are you doing here?"

"Just checkin' up on this so-called Muffin business," he replied in a gruff, yet playful, manner. "I hear Berkley got his muffin and tried to sneak it into Wolfe's lunch."

Calleigh grinned. "That man never liked cornbread in the first place," she agreed, laughing at the thought of Jake putting a muffin on Ryan's desk.

"Wolfe's got a cast-iron stomach, though. He'll eat anything to survive."

She snickered. "True. Hey, go see H in the interrogation room. There's something he wanted you to see."

Frank nodded, making his way through the people in the office. He thought there wasn't a case today, but then again, he had been wrong before. It was rare, but, like I said, he was human. He found the interrogation room and opened the door, but no one was in the glass room. Frowning, Frank sat at the table and noticed an inanimate object in front of him.

A muffin.

The Texan snickered. Wow. This had to be the most pitiful attempt at Muffinism yet, but he had seen worse. There were ones in the bathroom, the lounge, his desk… but this one was better by far. The muffin in the interrogation room. He took the piece of paper under the muffin and began to read aloud:

To Frank Tripp:

Muffinism is a type of 'religion' in which you give the ones you care about a muffin, the way it relates to them, and a note from the ones you know how much you mean to them. You have been selected to receive the eighth muffin, an orange muffin.


Orange? Frank grimaced. He was never one for fruit, but he could handle oranges. They were sweet, but if you used them correctly, they could add a little something to your meal. Cooking was beyond the point, though. It was definitely the thought that counted. This was muffins, for cryin' out loud!

He picked up the piece of paper under that and began to read:

Your muffin is an orange muffin. When you're around the people you enjoy working alongside, you have that zip, or zap, to get things going. Whatever it may be, people enjoy what you have to offer at the lab. Sure, you're not a CSI:, but you're a darn good Texan cop, and that's what really matters. And besides… everyone I know likes oranges.

Frank had to keep himself from laughing about the last line. Everybody likes oranges? Come to think of it, he didn't know of one person that didn't like that fruit. Sure, there were probably some people that didn't, but who cared right now? Frank had a surge of happiness rush through his body as he picked up the last sheet of paper.


There are some things in life I have to be thankful for. One of those things is you. Thanks for being such a great friend.




I don't have any idea on how you do it, but when you're around, the magic in the air is more than magical. It's… illuminating.




You're an awesome guy with a real flair for the obvious in spotting criminals and catching them, too. Miami's safer thanks to you.




As we move on and see things that we don't want to see, we grow wiser. And frankly, you're the wisest man, besides the others, that I've known.




What's this about cosmetic surgery? All I said was that you looked darker under the eyes…




You've been with the team for quite a long time. Don't ever change.


Your Texan ways give a true zap to Miami life, Frank. It's simply an awesome touch.

A $25.00 Starbucks gift card lay underneathe it all.

Frank shook his head and smiled. Yep, these Miamians sure knew how to make a guy happy with Muffins. This was better than Texas. By a long shot.

The sun was still a bit much, though.

He began to eat the muffin. Orange. Maybe he'd begin to like more fruit now…

-rubs head- God, Frank is one of the hardest characters to do a muffin for. I'm saying that right now. And the cosmetic surgury joke is from Season 4's episode "Shattered." The one where Delko gets "relieved" by Stetler... All other things aside, I'm doing Marisol's muffin next. I need one for Marisol, Sam (the new lab tech), and Tyler. Reviews are loved. Thanks for reading this special one!