Hello everyone who chose to read this. This is my first SDK story. Hope you like it.

"You know Yuya-han, you are looking extremely beautiful today despite the heat." Benitora said looking at a completely exhausted Yuya. She turned around to glare at Benitora.

"Normally, I would thank you for that compliment. But seeing as we have been walking for the past two day and I am dog tired."

"Well good, because you look like a dog. Dogface." Came a snide remark form in front of Yuya and Benitora. Yuya stopped and turned to glare at Kyo's back.

"It's your fault, you baka. You won't let us stop to rest. Please, just let us stop Kyo."

"Yeah! I mean come on Kyo. Yuya hasn't had a bath in ages." Benitora added. Big mistake. Yuya's wheat-colored hair whipped as she turned to yell at him, jade-colored eyes flashing dangerously.

"Are you saying that I smell? I'd hate to ask when you last bathed."

"Well actually the last time I bathed was when you did..."

"You what! You were peeping again. I swear the next time I found you peeping you…" Kyo ignored the list of obscenities now being issuing from the blonde's mouth. He decided to amuse himself by finding the most amusing way to shut the two up. He wanted in amusement as the woman turned away from the rambling idiot. It was then that Kyo saw a large bug land on Benitora's forehead without him even realizing it. He bared his sharp canines as a mischievous grin spread across his face.

Yuya turned around to yell at Benitora some more. But when she turned around, she froze at the sight of the bug.

"Yuya? Yuya, what is it? Is there something on my face? Yuya are you ok? Yuya what's…" Benitora's stream of questions was stopped when the flat part of a blade slammed into his forehead, rendering him unconscious. Yuya just stood there speechless looking at the now squashed, ugly bug.

"Wha…" She started out calmly. Then she screamed, "What the hell was that for?"

"I couldn't stand looking at that hideous thing. That bug was ugly too." Kyo replied as if it were the simplest thing in the world. Yuya laughed. "What are you laughing at? You're not much better looking than that bug." Kyo added. Yuya gave him a disgusted look and then turned to Benitora.

"Yeah well, I'm not carrying him." Yuya stated defiantly as she crossed her arms under her chest. Kyo 'hn'ed.

"Well then, I guess you get your rest tonight." Yuya was ecstatic.

"Yes! I can take a nice long, relaxing, hot bath and get some beauty sleep." Kyo wasn't even listening. He had moved from the road into the woods to find a decent place to rest. But not before uttering under his breath, "Kami knows you need it."

"Excuse me! What was that Kyo?" Yuya yelled after him. He just ignored her. She mumbled a few choice curses and grabbed the pack of items off of Benitora's back. Instead of wasting valuable rest time by carrying Benitora to camp, she just left him on the side of the road hidden by trees.

Yuya easily found Kyo. Naturally, he was sitting with his back to a tree, Tenyro by his side, and a bottle of sake in hand. She left the heavy pack with him after taking out a few bathing essentials and clean clothes. Lucky for Yuya, there was a hot spring far, but not too far, from camp.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the road, Benitora was waking up to nothing but darkness. 'Whoa. When did it get dark?' He thought sitting up. 'Hey I wonder what happened.' He reached up to touch his forehead and found some sticky goo. 'Kyo, I'm going to get you' With that thought, Benitora stalked off into the woods to find Kyo.

Yuya smiled warmly when she returned to camp. Kyo had built a fire and had laid out a blanket for her to sleep on. Yuya was about to say 'thank you' but Kyo looked as though he was asleep, so she didn't. little did she know, Kyo was watching her every move. He was especially pleased with her choice of a sleeping yukata. It was a short pink one that had cherry blossoms on the bottom and sleeves. Yuya laid down on her blanket next to the fire. She closed her eyes and sleep was about to set in, when she quickly sat up.

"Kyo, where's Tora?" She asked forgetting he was "asleep".

"Don't know, don't care." Was his reply.

"Kyo, I'm worried. It's been awhile since we left him." Yuya gazed into he fire, mesmerized by the dancing flames. She looked up to Kyo when he didn't answer. She was shocked to find that he wasn't there.

"K-Kyo. Kyo, where'd you go?" Yuya frantically looked around her and was about to stand up. However, she was abruptly stopped when an arm pulled her back into a waiting person's lap. Immediately the other hand entered Yuya's yukata. It easily found her left breast and squeezed.

"K-Kyo." She stammered. Then she screamed at him. "KYO YOU BAKA HENTAI! I told you the next time you did that I was going to kill you." The hand retreated when Yuya freed herself of the arm around her waist. Yuya stood with her back to the offending man, who was now standing next to a tree. She very carefully removed her three-barreled revolver from somewhere inside her yukata and held it with both hands. After a few deep calming breathes, she snapped around and shot at the man several times.

Yuya stood frozen when she looked at the man who had dodged the bullets. He just smirked at Yuya.

"What first time offenders are automatically put to death?" Asked Benitora amusedly.

"TORA! When…how…you…What the hell were you thinking?" Yelled Yuya terribly confused. "You sick hentai! What, are you taking lessons from Kyo? Where is Kyo?"

"Why disappointed that it was me and not him? Want him to come back so you can be his little whore?" Benitora yelled at her while slowly advancing on her.

"T-Tora, what's wrong with you? You're scaring me! Stop!" Yuya raised her gun to make Benitora stop. She looked into his wide open eyes and saw all of the built up anger. She blinked for a second and he had appeared before her, tightly grasping her wrists. In surprise and pain, Yuya dropped her gun. The pressure increased and Yuya let out a gasp of pain as she fell to her knees. Her vision blurred as she began to scream out weakly.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING! PLEASE, LET GO! YOU'RE HURTING ME! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU BENITORA?" Rage and fury flashed in Benitora's eyes as he smacked Yuya with so much force that she hit a nearby tree. She groaned with pain as she tried to raise a hand to her head. She decided it was too painful to move and stopped trying. Benitora walked over to here and started to answer her outburst.


"I see it in the way you look at him! The way you always look forward to your arguments with him! Everyone can see how you fear for him when he's in a battle! He will never love you!" Benitora looked down at Yuya's tear stricken face. "The truth hurts doesn't it? But I'll show you what I have to offer." Before Yuya had time to process what was happening in her mind, she was pushed back on the ground and Benitora was on top of her. Yuya tried to struggle, but her legs were pinned in between both of his and both of her wrists were pinned above her head. She was about to scream help when a cool steel blade of a hand knife told her otherwise.

"Personally, I would like to have you alive when I take what I want, but that can easily change if you don't cooperate." Tears were still rolling down her cheeks as she tried to reason with the fury- blinded man.

"Tora, why are you doing this? What's wrong with you? Did Kyo hit you a little too hard?"

"Don't you dare say his name!" He yelled at her as he started to tear at her yukata.

"You're right. She should be calling me master," Came a voice from the right of the struggling pair.

"Kyo! Stop him! Please help me! I don't know what's wrong with him."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Benitora raised his blade to shut Yuya up for good, but she saw this and moved. Unfortunately, she didn't move fast enough.

"AHHHHH!!" She screamed in pain as the blade pierced the skin of her upper right arm. Extreme anger flashed in Kyo's eyes as Benitora raised his blade again.

"This time I will aim for the heart that should be mine." Yuya closed her eyes as she saw the blade come towards her in slow-motion. The sound of steel hitting steel made her open her eyes in shock. Kyo's Tenyro was holding up the tip of Benitora's blade. Yuya didn't know what to be more afraid of, the fact that Kyo probably knows her deepest secret or the fact that her most trusted friend had mysteriously "snapped". In the blink of an eye, Kyo had appeared behind Benitora and hit him on the back his head, rendering him unconscious.

Yuya stumbled to her feet and clutched her heavily bleeding arm. She looked at Kyo and quickly looked away ashamed because Kyo was looking at her with curiosity. She closed her eyes and silently prayed that he would not ask.

"Is it true?" Yuya flinched. She knew it was coming. She decided playing stupid was her best bet.

"Is-Is what true?" She responded.

"Is what he said true?" Kyo was starting to get annoyed.

"Um. What was it that he said?" Kyo was really mad now.

"Damn it! You know what I'm taking about! Is what he said true?"

"I um. It uh."

"Spit it out!" Kyo yelled. Yuya took a step back. She started to feel a bit dizzy.


"Damn it, don't lie!"

"Yes, it was true! Happy now?" Despite everything becoming blurry, Yuya turned around and ran. She miraculously avoided all the trees in her way and didn't stop running until her feet touched water. She knelt down into the water and splashed some in her face to get rid of the blurriness. Yuya closed her eyes and her footsteps approach her. She sighed and prepared herself for the mental battering she was going to receive from Kyo. Yuya opened her eyes, but instead of looking into glaring red eyes, she saw a pair of closed eyes.

"Akira." She whispered before letting out an ear splitting scream. She would have tried to run away, but darkness crept into her mind.