This story takes palce near the beginning of the tour.

Main Characters: Vanessa, Corbin, Ashley, Drew


Chapter 1

"I've lost everyone I care about." -Corbin

"It wasn't supposed to happen this way." -Vanessa

"There is something here, we both can feel it." –Drew

"I can't do this. Not here, not now." –Ashley

This is the story of how a group of friends hit the road to do the thing they love. Little did they know that this trip could ruin their friendships that have survived more than the press could ever know. Turn the clock back three months…


Zac and Vanessa laid on the couch together. The couple was savoring their last hours together for another extensive stretch of time. Their breathing had become synced with each other, not wanting to believe that the world outside existed. Zac was stroking Vanessa's hair as she felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"It's not fair." She said quietly.

"What's not fair?" he asked as he kept softly running his fingers through her hair.

"You have to leave in," she glanced down at her watch, "two hours."

"I know. It sucks."

"It seems like any time we have together is so limited."

"I know exactly how you feel V. And we can't even go out together like normal couples…" Zac started.

Vanessa sighed. She sat up, irritated. "Zac, why do you bring that up every time we get a chance to be together? It's never enough for you." She spat out.

"I just want to be able to take you out to dinner or to the movies without having to bring along 4 other people. I want us to be a normal couple."

"But we're not normal in case you haven't noticed. You're filming a movie and I'm going on tour. That isn't exactly by the book."

"But why do we have to hide it?"

"You know how I feel about the press. It's better if they don't know."

Zac closed his eyes, "This always happens." He said quietly. Vanessa stayed quiet. "I hate this. We always end up arguing, leaving us questionable about us, us as a couple."

"Every time you give that speech I wonder if we're better off as friends." Vanessa stated bluntly.

Zac leaned across the open space between them. He gently captured her face in his hands and pulled her into a long, passionate kiss. When the two pulled away Vanessa looked deeply into his eyes, feeling his breath on her face.

"And then you kiss me and I remember why we can't be just friends." She said quietly.

Zac smiled his goofy grin. "Good. So let's just enjoy the time we have right now, but I have to say good bye Corbin and everyone before I leave."

Vanessa smiled, cuddling back into her boyfriend. "You know he's going to be mad that you've been spending all you time with me."

"Well, he's my best friend. He'll just have to deal with it." Zac smirked and kiss the top of her head.


Everyone was waiting outside to wish Zac goodbye.

"And he finally shows his face." Lucas exclaimed as he saw a grinning Zac and Vanessa walk outside.

Zac slapped Lucas's hand and they pulled each other into a hug, "I couldn't leave without saying goodbye."

Zac said goodbye and hugged each of his friends.

"Drew, it was nice talking to you… Ashley, try not to slap Luke again… Mo, I'm going to miss you so much… And Corbin, take care of my girl will ya?"

"You got it." Corbin smiled, "But what happened to bros over hoes?"

"It still is that way," Zac nodded, "But V ain't a hoe."

"Yeah because if she was, we'd all have the same smirk Zac does." Lucas joked. The group burst into laughter.

"Uh hmm, yeah…" Zac said trying to keep his smile on. "My car is here I better go."

"Have fun shooting a movie." Vanessa smiled at him.

"And you guys have fun on tour." He gave Vanessa a little wink before getting into the car and driving away.

Corbin walked over to Vanessa and put an arm around her shoulders. "You're going to be fine." He consoled.

"I know, but each time he leaves it gets hared and harder to say goodbye." She looked up at her friend, "But you're always here for me, right?"

He gave her a small smile, "Yeah, I'm always here for you."


I hope you all liked the start of my story! Please review.