Still With You In Your Heart

There's Dust Everywhere

Sasuke awoke the next morning just when the guards were changing shifts. He saw them sitting outside his open window upon the tree branch of a Sakura tree.

Sasuke remembered when his mother planted that tree below his window. It was a morning similar to this, and he woke up to sounds of a shovel and the smell of fresh earth. Then he looked outside his window and down and saw the tiny tree. He also remembered when Sakura found out (through stalking) he had the tree outside his window and declared it as proof of his love for her.

He also remembered that the tree was ten feet shorter than it is now. And it didn't have a swing on the western-most branch. And he remembered the flowers were dull and few due to the neglect it received after the massacre. Now the blooms were full and a lush pale-rose.

'Everything I remember is different now'

Sasuke got out of the bed and did a few stretches. The body was new, though it still had muscle. Sasuke wondered if his body would still remember his training, or if he would have to start from scratch. He yawned and then looked back at the window.

"WAH!" Sasuke jumped back and automatically assumed a fighting stance. The guard who came in for the other's shift had decided it would be nice and dandy to stand right behind Sasuke. Without warning mind you.

Sasuke calmed down when he saw it was only one of the guards, and then remembering his stance he stood up straight, slightly blushing from embarrassment of being surprised and his exclamation. The guard only stared back though Sasuke could guess that behind the cat mask he was laughing silently at the Uchiha.

Sasuke pouted slightly and then turned around and left his room to roam his house. 'Naruto's house' Sasuke corrected himself. He still couldn't believe that Naruto owned the Uchiha grounds. He saw some evidence of his teammate's residence – the garden looked taken care of. Some of the rooms – such as the kitchen – had been repainted to more homely and warming colors.

But the rest of the house was incredibly dusty, the walls white – canvas for memories to paint themselves upon, nightmares and fears ghosting in and out. Not even Naruto's sunshine could penetrate all of the main house, and as far as Sasuke knew, the rest of the grounds were the same as before.

Sasuke stopped in front of the bathroom, and looked back at the guard with a questioning raise of the eyebrow; he can go inside alone…right?

The Anbu guard made no indication of approval or protest and so Sasuke entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He leaned against the door and sighed.

'Damn, Hokage made it sound okay but having someone watch me all the time is already starting to get on my nerves' And indeed, Sasuke still did not like being surrounded by people all the time, or followed, watched, monitored. 'Whatever the hell they call it, it's annoying' Sasuke pushed off the door and made his way to the sink to wash his face. He raised his head a bit to look pensively at himself only to be met with a wall. He straightened up and then found the mirror positioned little higher up, right at face level. Sasuke was so sure that when he…died – it was still so hard to think of it – the mirror was lower. Sasuke then saw the reflection of a second full-length mirror behind him. Confused, Sasuke turned around to see this new mirror that definitely wasn't there last time, and then noticed some medical supplies near it.

'I see' Sasuke concluded that Naruto brought this so that he could apply bandages to himself when needed. Smart – even he hadn't thought of that.

Sasuke walked closer to the mirror, and measured it to be about six feet tall. He measured himself against it, and was surprised he was somewhat taller than before the mission to Wave country. He had grown almost half a foot taller in fact. 'Kyuubi' Sasuke silently thanked the demon fox with some glee. It would certainly have been no good to still be five feet tall. He examined his body a bit more. It seemed the fox had retained his physique somewhat – though no doubt Sasuke would have to train hard to catch up quickly. He noticed that his shape was slightly feminine, and wondered if that was natural or the demon's doing. He noticed with distaste that he was still so pale – it made him seem like a ghost than a living person.

Figuring that he studied himself long enough Sasuke went back to the sink and brushed his teeth using the new looking toothbrush that must had been brought over, but didn't bother brushing out his hair. Despite the bed-head look (SMEXY!!) at the moment, he didn't care.

He opened the door and was met with the sight of the Anbu guard looking out the window across the hallway, mask off and munching on something. The guard turned around, not bothering with the mask and gave a nod to Sasuke. Sasuke had to keep himself from staring – the guy looked the spitting image of the second hokage. He had only seen pictures, but this guy looked just damn like him.

"Yamato" Sasuke was jerked out of his observation when the guy spoke. He blinked and stared at the man in confusion.

The guard looked irritated at having not received the attention he expected from the Uchiha and repeated himself.

"I'm Yamato. You'll be seeing me around a lot, mask on or off. I regularly join or lead Team Kakashi." He said briefly. He took another bite of the apple that Sasuke noticed he possessed in his hand and his stomach growled.

Sasuke flushed at this and made his way to the kitchen, leaving behind a more irritated Yamato, who was getting pissed at having gotten no more than a surprised shout from the boy. It seems everything Naruto said was true – the boy did not talk.


one week later


A finger twitched.


Teeth clenched.


"KYUUBI YAMERO! Can't damn let people sleep uurgh" The room began to spin due to Naruto rising up too fast. He laid back down onto sheets that smelled clean, and breathed in air perfumed slightly with flowers…flowers that were not in the garden…huh?

Azure eyes opened and Naruto saw the familiar Konoha Hospital ceiling.

You know brat, when a hospital ceiling becomes familiar, that's not a good thing.

Kyuubi tried to sound serious, but Naruto could practically feel the mirth in his navel.

Oooh if I could punch that idiot fox I would Naruto huffed and sat up slower. Looking around he saw his room was host to several vases of flowers, and a few chairs who's cushioned bottoms pressed down due to long and constant use.

Naruto thought for a moment, and then remembered his nightmare escape out of training ground #51. Right, that explains everything now. How long was I out? Kyuubi? Nee-

Naruto's train of thought was cut when a familiar pink haired doctor opened his door and gasped in surprise.


Okay more like shrieked.

Not even a second later and Naruto feared for his life as he felt the air squeezed out of him by one of Sakura's monster hugs. Naruto guessed that is condition after escaping was bad – and he'd been out for a long time.

"Ano..Sa-sakura..can I breath?" Naruto squeaked out after Kyuubi let out a low threatening growl and promise to beak her arms if she did not let go before Naruto suffered unnecessary damage.

"Oh, sorry" Sakura let go and took a step back to survey her friend. Aside from looking slightly drowsy, Naruto looked perfectly fine. She then noticed Naruto staring at her as if she were on drugs and realized she had been bouncing on the balls of her feet (1)

and twiddling her fingers. She stopped and blushed before giving Naruto a gentler hug.

"You were out for so long Naruto. Everyone's been so worried, I mean the total amount of chakra used depleted yours and Kyuubi's reserves so much, especially-" Sakura paused, and then looked unsure of herself.

Should she tell him about Sasuke? She herself was still uneasy around him – and Tsunade made her check on him every other day too.

'To help rebuild and strengthen bonds' she had said. But how are you supposed to rebuild bonds with someone who was once dead, and hasn't said a word in every visit. Did she even want to? It was the same Sasuke…but she wasn't the same Sakura.

Despite his drowsiness Naruto caught the uncertainty painting Sakura's face.

"Ano… especially what?"

Sakura jerked out of her mind and focused on her blond teammate.

Maybe..maybe she should tell him, or maybe not, but he was going to find out anyway…

Yes, yes I'll tell him

"Naruto ther-NARUTO!!!" Sakura screamed out when Naruto suddenly fell unconscious again without apparent reason. Sakura caught him before he fell off the bed.


"What NOW?" Tsunade charged in. An on-looking nurse had reported to her that Naruto had woken up and was conversing with Sakura. She had abandoned all paper work – to the chagrin of the elders – to rush over and see to Naruto, only to hear Sakura shout out with panic lacing her voice.

Tsunade rushed over to the bed with green glowing hands and was about to place them over Naruto's still form when his eyes snapped open. But rather than the blue irises of sky, Tsunade and Sakura saw blood red.

"He is fine, Haruno, Hokage" Kyuubi assured them, sitting up. He needed to speak to them- no doubt they had many questions.

Tsunade nodded slowly, eyeing the Kyuubi-possessed Naruto. She had only seen him twice before like this – personally it made her more uneasy than when she was up against the real thing.

"Hokage" Kyuubi looked at her straight. Tsunade met his stare and understood why he decided to possess Naruto – he was going to tell them, perhaps answer questions. How cooperative.

"I'll need to get the council, as well as several other shinobi who I'm sure are going to want to hear this" Tsunade was about to turn to leave when she realized something that caused her to mentally slap herself in shame of calling herself a doctor.

"Aren't you depleting Naruto's chakra reserves like this? You'll kill him again he hasn-"

"Woman" Kyuubi growled in irritation. Tsunade scowled inwardly at the rude interruption. "You think I would endanger my host like that? I care for him too don't you ever forget that. I blocked off all unnecessary connections. He is safe, and will not suffer any sort of chakra exhaustion. Now hurry up and get those fool of shinobi so I can rest and rebuild my reserves" Kyuubi snapped, annoyed and insulted that a mere human actually believed he acted so impulsively.

Tsunade nodded and hurried off. Sakura soon followed with the excuse of helping Tsunade. Truthfully, she didn't want to be alone with Kyuubi and risk talking about Sasuke.


The twitter of a bird signaled its arrival upon an opened window.

Yamato glanced at it, and then smiled at its message before it flew off. He then looked upon the other occupant in the room.

For the past week Sasuke had nothing to do except wander the house, not clean it (there wasn't much to clean, or rather he didn't WANT to clean), tend to the garden which Naruto had taken surprisingly well of, or sit down and stare at nothing.

Sasuke inwardly scolded himself. He should at least start reading scrolls so he could catch up quickly. He didn't want to be a genin forever.
And yet, for some reason he lacked motivation. He was unsure if it was a side effect of being dead – but his ambition to avenge his clan felt rather silly now. Well, maybe not silly, but overrated.

No, the loss of his old ambition was not the cause of his lack of motivation. It was because Sasuke felt that there…there just was the lack of companionship. When looking back Sasuke realized that he had enjoyed himself, and advanced more quickly when he trained with Team Kakashi,; had come to accept – albeit a bit reluctantly – the friendship offered.

The three times Sakura had come to check up on him – it surprised Sasuke that she was the apprentice of Godaime and one of the best shinobi in the hospital – Sakura made no effort toward small talk. Only cold questions, and even colder hands examined him. Kakashi has yet to visit. In fact no one has visited. Sasuke was told that they would have to first gain permission from the Hokage, but Sasuke overheard the Anbu pitying over him – no one wanted to visit him. The only shinobi with a valued excuse was Nartuto, who was still unconscious. Naruto was still deep in sleep.

"Naruto has woken up" Yamato informed Sasuke.

Or not.


Red eyes stared indifferently at the people gathered around its owner.

In the room gathered the rookie nine minus Sasuke, their respective senseis, various members of Anbu, the council, Iruka,, Ibiki, and several jounin friends to Naruto. The expressions they carried varied from awe to uneasiness. Awe because the most powerful of demon lords was going to speak to them, and uneasiness because even with his chakra cut off, Kyuubi still exerted an aura of terrible power.

If only they new he was a soft cuddle doll for a certain blon- Kyuubi thwacked the author with his least favorite tail because Naruto was currently cuddling up to his favorite one. Softie

With a nod from Tsunade the council stepped forward. The old man and woman both held stern faces as they were determined not to falter under the Kyuubi's red blood eyes, nor be intimidated should Kyuubi desire to threaten them.

Ibiki also stepped forward, made hand signals and muttered a word and Naruto's body glowed a light layer of yellow. Kyuubi idly noted the jutsu, impressed (though he didn't show it) of how powerful it was. Well well, looks like they have a competent interrogator

"Kyuubi no Kitsune" the old council-man began. He gave a bow with his greeting to show respect to the demon, as did the council-woman. They both remembered with lucidity the night Kyuubi attacked their village. He poured fear over the land that time. It felt strange to stand before him now and regard him with respect. It felt strange to be in his presence and not feel fear.

"We have come to request that you tell us how and why you resurrected the once deceased Uchiha Sasuke. We would also like to know why you did not tell anyone about your plans. You know if you had told us Tsunade would have been more than happy to have helped you and make sure that the plan went smoothly. We would have avoided the misunderstanding of the night of Uchiha's revival." The old man concluded, slowly letting out the breath he held. He had been sure the Kyuubi would have growled at him in annoyance as Tsunade had warned them he was likely to do. Instead Kyuubi stared at him in silent rapture.

"Do you know why I attacked the village?" Kyuubi began. The question-answer startled everyone, and grabbed their attention. They had not expected to hear the answer to that question.

"Uchiha Madara (2) killed my kit whilst in human guise. I did not know for quite some time who had done it. But when I found out I was filled with rage and sorrow. I wanted to exact revenge for my precious one. So I attacked the village, and Yondaime sealed me away. It was afterwards I learned that Uchiha Madara had long been dead. And instead of feeling that justice was enacted I felt guilt. Guilt that so many innocent died due to my rashness. Grah" Kyuubi scoffed at himself, people flinched at the harsh sounds as they were not used to such things escaping out of Naruto's mouth. He hated showing any weakness, any softness to anyone other than Naruto. But for the sake of Naruto, he pushed forward.

"When Sasuke Uchiha died in Naruto's arms, his sorrow, his sadness filled my cage. It reminded me so much of when I learned of the death of my kit, and since then Naruto had grown important to me. I knew his sorrow, and because I shared this emotion the seal slipped. I let out my power and revenged the death of Naruto's precious friend. "

"But even after I killed him, I felt no better, and I knew neither would Naruto. Our rage blinds us, it boils our chakra and blinds us. It was then, before I was pulled back into my cage, that I took Sasuke's body and his soul - which had just begun to exit. It was close, I nearly lost him but I managed to pull him with me into the seal. Only fragments of his body survived, it was ugly. Disgusting. Grah. But his soul survived, it was all that mattered. The body and chakra pathways I could rebuild. And so over the years since then it was what I had been doing. However when I tried to connect the soul and body, the soul rejected it. I did not think of it at the time- I could reconnect them when I expelled the body from within Naruto – they would reconnect then because the soul cannot survive without a body and would therefore have no choice. But when I brought the body out to carry Naruto out of that forest, even with my aid it sucked the chakra out of Naruto, fed off his life.."

Everyone was so silent as they listened. The yellow glow still surrounded Kyuubi, telling Ibiki that everything was true.

"I had felt that all was lost. Naruto would not survive the expulsion of both Sasuke's body and soul. I wanted to make him happy, because he had lived a miserable life with no family and friends and a village who loathed him, despised him, because of me. I had let him down, is what I believed."

"But then, something unexpected happened. The training ground incident had done something, I think. Perhaps the body seeing Naruto with its eyes – the information could have been carried from my chakra to the soul which I kept constant connection to so as not to lose it. Only a theory. Grah. In any case the soul and body reconnected whilst I was asleep. Then the Uchiha brat rudely woke me up. Hahahaha"

Kyuubi's laugh startled everyone. It was harsh in sounded though from Kyuubi's tone and the shine in his eyes they understood it to be amusement.

"The Uchiha brat sure has some spunk, stood up to me until I grabbed him. Then he was a child again, scared rabbit. He did not retain his memories however. But it was expected – the soul would not fully awaken until it exited Naruto's body and my chakra and became independent. As you can see, he has all his memories up until the Land of Waves mission, and no recollection of his time in the labyrinth.

That night, I had escaped the hospital and provided everyone a diversion so as not to be disturbed. After giving Uchiha some of my chakra to start out with, I expelled him. The rest, you know." Kyuubi concluded. He gave no indication to talk again so Shikamaru opened his mouth but Kyuubi started to speak, and Shikamaru shut his mouth closed.

"As for not telling anyone. There was always the great possibility my plan would never succeed. It was a thought I did not like to think about. I did not want to give Naruto a hope only to have it ripped away with failure. If Naruto knew, he'd find a way to bring Sasuke out even if it cost his own life. He's an idiot in that way. Also if Tsunade knew that my power was in use and depleted because of my project she would have never allowed Naruto to go on missions and become the strong shinobi he is - something else that would have made Naruto unhappy and the eventual expulsion far more dangerous. Also I was fully aware of everyone's suspicion of me so any mention of a body in the making would have immediately pointed to me wanting to escape – something you all believed up until a week ago."

Kyuubi finished, and waited. Everyone was processing the information in their heads. Thinking about what Kyuubi said. He still glowed yellow, meaning he spoke the truth through and through. He had no ulterior motive; he had no indication of malice. Everything was all for Naruto.

"Sasuke is precious to Naruto" Kyuubi spoke again, jerking everyone out of thought.

"remember that, always" he finished and then receded into his sealed cage once more.


Naruto still slept within his mind when Kyuubi returned. He did not hear any of Kyuubi's speech. Pity.

Kyuubi extended a finger of chakra and touched Naruto's brow.


Kyuubi looked down upon the shinobi whom he had violently played with before tearing him apart. He wanted to enjoy the last few moments before he returned to his cage. He knew that the amount of power the brat had allowed him to unleash could not be tolerated much longer. He had an interest in keeping his vessel alive and unbroken.

Thinking of the blonde ninja as broken, Kyuubi looked to the dead raven who laid not too far away.

It was his death that slipped the seal – a seal that withstood all my power but tore when a precious person died

Kyuubi walked to the corpse. Sasuke's dead body did not reek of blood like others – instead it was scented with something unknown – a scent that spoke of sadness and sorrow, and a little hope.

He died, for a precious person. He told the gaki to not die. He won't die.

Kyuubi was beginning to feel the tug for his power and soul to retreat back into the seal. As well, he was feeling the death of the other enemy shinobi, and knew Kakashi's attention would soon turn to him.

He looked down at Sasuke.

And you won't die either.

Kyuubi sent forth his chakra to engulf Sasuke just as Sasuke's soul was about to leave and float into nothingness.

Kyuubi gave a sparse growl and surged his chakra to grab the soul. It slipped from his grasp however, but Kyuubi tried again this time with more force and clutched it.

He brought down Sasuke's soul, and pulled his body face to face with Naruto's. Kyuubi brought Sasuke's body and soul flush against Naruto, pulling him into the seal as well.

Naruto... Kyuubi thought

He won't die.

End flashback

I do this every time I get excited over something. Bugs the hell outta everyone haha

I have no idea of the history between Kyuubi and Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Madara is an actual character – he is mentioned in Naruto Shippuden. In the anime he is mentioned in the first episode, but in the manga he isn't mentioned until much later (same scene but that scene doesn't appear in the first chapter)

Again I am so sorry for the lack of updates.

To make it up for you, is a

Still With You With Your Heart Special:

The REAL reason Sasuke doesn't want to clean the house!

It was the third day of Sasuke's new life in the formerly-his Uchiha grounds. With Naruto still unconscious in the hospital, Sakura having down a check up on him yesterday and wouldn't be back until tomorrow (most likely arriving and leaving as quickly too), and not having anyone to train (actually, Sasuke's pride prevented him from asking the Anbu for a spar) nor anything else to do, Sasuke decided to just clean the rest of the house.

He started off with his own room. There was much less dust than he'd expect from 4-year absence, but he had a suspicion Naruto came in to dust it off – everything still seemed untouched. After cleaning his room (which wasn't long) Sasuke proceeded to the bathrooms. There were three, one for him, one for Itachi, and the master one whom his parents shared.

Actually the bathroom that was Sasuke's was the one Naruto was using, so there wasn't dust. But there was mildew, and a little mold in the corner where Sasuke suspected might be from a leak in the roof. He'd have to check that out. He scrubbed the bath clean until its pale tiles were bright and shiny. He did the same to the floors and walls, until everything smelled of fresh orange (Yamato had gotten it at Sasuke's request), and Naruto's first aid area around the mirror no longer had small blood prints and specks.

Once done. Sasuke made to go to Itachi's bathroom. Cautiously. After all, Itachi was a genius and loathed intrusion. Sasuke wouldn't doubt if there were left over traps from when Itachi still lived here.

Sasuke did a quick check of the door, but found no traps. He reached out and touched the doorknob. Nothing. Turned it. Nothing happening…

He slowly opened the door, and then jerked it forward. It swung on un-used and un-oiled hinges, and then softly thumped on the wall. The bathroom looked normal, and Sasuke saw nothing suspicious. He stepped in and flicked on the light. Nothing happened, nothing looked strange, so Sasuke proceeded to clean it.

After he was done with the bath, floors and walls, Sasuke was about to leave but then remembered the medicine cabinet. No doubt there could be pills and such that have gotten bad with age. No need for anyone to accidentally get poisoned.

Sasuke opened the medicine cabinet, and then gasped and fell back in shock.

In the medicine cabinet.

In neat little perfect rows.

Categorized by color and usage.

Was nail polish and mascara, various hair tweezers and nail filers, a small mirror, barber scissors, and a sewing kit. I kid you not.

Who knew Uchiha Itachi was ready for Akatsuki's dress code BEFORE he thought of joining them?


Somewhere very far away Uchiha Itachi sneezed.

"Bless you"

Itachi sent his strongest sharingan glare to Kazuka


A very traumatized Sasuke, more traumatized than after the day of the massacre, rushed out of that bathroom and closed the door sharply. He shivered, and then moved onto his parent's bathroom.

Poor Sasuke.

He didn't get to clean the bathroom. The sight of various sexy lingerie and thongs, aphrodisiacs, the package of flavored condoms, sex toys and Viagra sent him spasming and seizuring. He just could not picture it – sure he knew his parents had to have had sex in order to have him and Itachi, but he could not picture it! His stern serious father, his sweet and kind mother, having naughty – aahhh don't think of it!!!


Later Yamato came to the Uchiha grounds to find a sniggering Anbu. Curious to see what could even cause an Anbu to chuckle so loudly Yamato went into the master bathroom, finding an unconscious Sasuke, and the secret sex life of the Uchiha parents.

Well, this is unexpected. Yamato silently laughed.

Hehehehehe. Awww poor innocent Sasuke. Remember, he still retains the memories of only 12 years of life – Kyuubi made him 'hit puberty' already so he has a deep voice and 16 year old body (I DID make them 16 right? I think I might have said 15…they're 16!!) but he hasn't mentally gone past "ewww…girls". Hehehehe.

Nartuto: And that is why Sasuke is gay!

Sasuke: Shut up dobe just because I haven't reached the capacity to like girls YET does not make me gay!

Naruto: What-eeeveeerrrr