Disclaimer: I do not own Dear Frankie or any of its original characters as well as any original dialogue from the movie. Also, I have taken liberties with the story.

Chapter 22


"That's not how it's going to end, is it?" he cried incredulously, shutting the notebook in his hands.

Lizzie raised an eyebrow and turned her gaze to Patrick. "That's right," she answered calmly, reaching a bath towel and folding it into a nice, neat square.

Patrick stood up from their bed, his eyes darting around the room. "C'mon, Lizzie, where's the next notebook?"

She shook her head. "That's it, Patrick. There is no more."

He gaped at her, his face a picture of frustration. "Let me get this straight; after I give you this memorable kiss, I leave, wave one last goodbye to Frankie, then for all anyone knows disappear into the darkness never to be seen or heard from again?"

She nodded. "Hmm mm," she replied matter-of-factly, reaching another towel from the pile of laundry on the bed and folding it in half across her lap.

"You've got to be kidding me."

Lizzie shook her head and rubbed the aching spot on her lower back. Patrick quickly took notice and hopped behind her on the bed, running strong soothing fingers into her flesh.

A smile of relief came across her face as his fingers worked their usual magic.

"But, Lizzie," he continued, moving his fingers slowly upward. "It took you two years to finish it. What the hell kind of ending is that?"

She rolled her eyes, wishing that he would drop it already. "I'll tell you what, Patrick. I'll run out to the store, buy you your own notebook, and you can write your very own story…and guess what, you can end it however you bloody want."

Unfazed by her reply he moved his fingers to her shoulders and lightly planted a kiss on her neck. A satisfied smile spread across his face as he noticed that Lizzie dropped the towel she was folding. He'd long since learned there was no use in arguing. Patrick had his own way of dealing with conflict. He brushed his lips gently against her ear. "But what about us, Lizzie?"

She froze and her relaxed expression soon turned to alarm.

"All that we've been through together; our wedding, Marie and Ally's wedding, Frankie speaking…" he paused as he sat beside her, laying his hand on her swollen abdomen. "…the baby."

Lizzie moved her hand on top of Patrick's, her breathing became shallow, and she laced her fingers into his. "I can't talk about this right now," she said in between breaths. "My water just broke."

Patrick sprung from the bed like someone lit a fire under his behind and looked at Lizzie almost in tears. His mouth fell open and his breathing began to resemble Lizzie's.

"The baby's coming?"

Her hand fell against her lower back again as she smiled up at Patrick. "The baby's coming."

It was exactly one week until her due date but in his mind, Patrick already felt well prepared. Diligently he and Lizzie attended weeks of Lamaze classes. He even took parenting classes Lizzie insisted he didn't need. So now he felt ready. Lizzie's bag was packed and ready to go sitting by the doorway. He rushed to the baby's room to grab the diaper bag which was already well stocked with newborn diapers, wipes, five changes of clothes, and ointment.

Patrick reminded himself to stay calm and entered Frankie's room finding the boy sitting at his desk in front of his window writing. He tapped the boy on the shoulder until Frankie looked up at him, tearing his attention away from his letter to Catriona.

His hands motioned quickly as he signed to Frankie. "It's time."

An excited smile lit up the young boy's face and he rushed to tell his nana.

Mentally Patrick ran down the list of things he needed as he headed to the garage.


Mobile phone…check

Diaper bag…check

Lizzie's bag…check

He opened up the door to their recently acquired minivan, placing the bags on the floor, and tightened the seatbelt around the car seat…again…check.

In a flash Frankie entered, taking his place in the back…Frankie…check.

With Lizzie's purse and her own purse hanging from her arm, Nell walked with Lizzie, leading her to the vehicle.



He helped his very pregnant wife into the minivan. Before he shut the door his eyes settled on the glow of her face, the bags under her eyes, and the tired smile that she gave him. "You okay?" he asked.

Lizzie simply nodded, her mouth formed an o as she breathed.

For the millionth time Patrick was dumbstruck when he looked at her. He leaned in towards Lizzie and whispered in her ear. "You've never looked more beautiful."

Shivers ran down her body and she smiled, her heart swelling as she watched her husband enter the driver's seat and start the engine.

His palms were sweaty and his mind was reeling. He hoped that he appeared more confident than he felt. Patrick turned to her again and gave her a wink. "Let's go have a baby."

"How long has it been?" Ally asked, sitting in the waiting room at the hospital.

Marie furrowed her brows and snapped impatiently, "It's five minutes later than the last time ya bloody asked."

Nell shifted restlessly in her chair and felt in desperate need of a cigarette. "How long has it been, Marie?"

Marie's eyes turned to the older woman seated beside her, her tone completely changed as she looked at her watch. "It's been seven hours, thirty-nine minutes, and…" she paused to let out a sigh, "twenty-nine seconds."

Frankie lifted his eyes from the book and looked to his nana, now standing in front of him, stretching her legs.

"I'm going out to have a cigarette, Frankie. Do you want to go outside with me?"

"No thaanks," he replied, lifting his book to show her he was completely content.

All eyes turned to Patrick as he emerged from the room. Four pairs of eyes waited anxiously for his news.

"No baby yet…"

Everyone groaned.

"How is she doing?" Nell asked, concerned.

Patrick nodded and continued, "Lizzie and the baby are doing fine," he informed them, making sure that Frankie was aware his mother was okay. "She's still in the second stage of labor and they are encouraging her to walk to ease the pain from the contractions."

"So that's it?" Nell raised her hands up in an exaggerated motion. She really needed that cigarette.

He nodded again. "For now. We don't know how much longer," he sighed, stretching his arms out. "I'll come back when I have more news," he finished and turned back towards the room.

Oblivious to the buzz of the well wishes, he headed back to the labor room and prayed to God that everything would turn out well. As he entered the room, the rapid thumping sound of the baby's heartbeat and the incessant beeping from the monitors filled his ears. His wife lay there in the hospital bed, her eyes shut tight, brows furrowed from the discomfort of the contractions. The nurse smiled encouragingly to Patrick and unhooked Lizzie from the equipment.

The other half of his heart lay there in that hospital bed. All the books and hours spent in classes hadn't prepared him for the fear he was feeling inside. He felt it in the pit of his stomach. It took only one thing to go terribly wrong…

Lizzie's eyes snapped open and she reached for Patrick as he entered and just that one gesture helped ease his anxiety.

A contraction had passed and now that it was over she smiled with relief, her eyes were filled with love. When she'd given birth to Frankie twelve years ago it had been a very different experience altogether. Her mother had been fussing about the room, annoying the nurses and doctor while Davey, indifferent to Lizzie's discomfort, sat in a chair, his eyes glued to the football game on television.

As the love of her life held her hand in his she sat up trying awkwardly to lift her self up from the bed. "I'm ready for my walk."

An idea popped into Patrick's mind and with a smile he let go of Lizzie's hand to talk to the nurse.

Confused, Lizzie shook her head, but before she could wonder what her husband was whispering to the nurse about another contraction hit her, not as strong as the last one, but not light either.

The nurse smiled kindly and nodded to Patrick, leaving them alone in the room and shutting the door behind her.

The rhythm of Lizzie's breathing slowed slightly and she noticed that look on his face. He was up to something; she just knew it as he headed towards her, his turquoise eyes piercing hers. "What was that all about?"


It felt like déjà vu, and warm fuzzies tickled her insides. Here she was sitting in the hospital bed, a rather unflattering hospital gown draped over her now large figure, beads of sweat forming atop her brow, with a huge belly ready to burst at any moment. She blinked and turned her gaze to his, unsure whether he was serious. "I'm a bloody whale, Patrick."

He was silent and wore that same charming smile as though he were looking at Miss Universe, taking Lizzie's hand in his. Carefully he helped her down from the bed to the middle of the room lifting her hand up to his lips setting a kiss on the soft skin of her knuckles. Her heart began to pound at his romantic gesture. Even after two years of marriage he still set her pulse racing.

With a frown she looked down at the huge bump between their bodies. Patrick set her arms around his shoulders, drawing her into him as close as possible until his hands fell onto her lower back to that troublesome aching spot.

Patrick led her in a slow dance, their bodies swaying. Tenderly he kissed her on top of her head and began to hum the tune to her favorite song. All at once she was transported to that time two years ago when they'd shared their first dance. At that moment, there were no monitors, no beeping, no bright lights blaring down on them, no hospital smell. There were only the two of them, their bodies moving together, their hearts beating as one. Her cheek lay against his shoulder and she held tightly to him, inhaling the irresistible scent that she loved.

The gentle sound of Patrick's humming wafted through the air. Lizzie's eyes fell closed as she swayed in time with his body reveling in the loving comfort of his arms. It seemed like so long ago that he'd only been a stranger and held her in his arms. She lifted her head and lost herself in the bluish green depths of his eyes, amazed that they could still turn her to mush. A smile crossed her lips as she relived that warm feeling.

"I love you, Lizzie," Patrick whispered.

Her smile grew wider and she opened her mouth to respond when the jab of a contraction struck from her lower back and she stiffened in his embrace. Patrick's hands responded quickly as his nimble fingers massaged the cramping. He continued to hum the tune softly as he clenched his fists into her back, easing the painful cramps and as the contraction made its way to her abdomen Lizzie took to blowing steady puffs of air.

Less than thirty seconds had passed, a smile of relief appeared on her face as the contraction dissipated, and Patrick separated her body from his, engaging her in a playful twirl. Lizzie spun gracefully back into his embrace, careful not to bump her bulging abdomen into his body. "I love you too, Patrick."

Her expression turned to a grimace as she was struck all too soon by another disturbing contraction. They stopped for a moment as Lizzie tried to communicate words in between breaths. "Get the doctor, Patrick... It's time."

"That's it, Lizzie. Just one more push."

Patrick's heart was pounding as he and Lizzie let out breaths simultaneously. Right there by her side he kissed her on her cheek, ignoring the pain from the excruciating grip she had on his hand. "That's it, now. You're doing great. One more, Lizzie. You can do it," he encouraged.

Sweat was dripping from her face and with teeth clenched she took a long deep breath and pushed with all her might.


He didn't realize he'd been holding his breath when he heard the very gentle sound of a cry. Patrick's mouth fell open and in shock he looked at Lizzie's relieved face. He squeezed her hand and left her side to see the tiny being at the other end of the umbilical cord.

The doctor quickly severed the cord and handed the baby to a nurse holding a towel.

"Congratulations, Lizzie and Patrick," he said to the happy couple, inspecting the baby's eyes, mouth, and body. "It looks like you have a healthy baby girl."

The nurse promptly wiped the newborn clean and offered the bundle to Patrick, steadying his arms into a cradle position.

Patrick was in a daze as he looked down at the little one. He found himself mesmerized by the miracle he held in his arms. "Hello," he greeted softly. It was love at first sight as the baby looked back at him through eyes half open. "I'm your daddy." From the top of her wee little head to the tips of her tiny toes she was perfect. His heart was overflowing as he let her petite fingers grip around his own. Unstoppable tears welled in his eyes. Carefully he stepped towards his exhausted wife and with nervous hands he moved the tiny being to Lizzie's chest.

He was a father, he kept telling himself. It was for real. The baby he'd just held in his arms was really his. She was healthy. She was alive. It was really happening. Patrick had waited many years for this and although he'd grieved the loss of a son he never knew, he thanked God with all his heart and soul for this blessing. He thanked God for Lizzie and Frankie, for all the people in his life that he loved.

"I love you, Lizzie," he told her again, planting a kiss on her cheek.

And as he watched the tender exchange from mother to newborn, more tears began to fall.

Tiny fingers wrapped around his finger and as he looked down at her he could hardly believe the small wonder in his arms was real. Lizzie and Patrick fondly looked on as Frankie held his baby sister.

"Hi Katie," he said to the little one slowly. His eyes took in the sight of the light brown fuzz on top of her head and the faint bluish-green color of her eyes. "I'm Frankie, your big brother."


Many thanks to Marie, my best friend and sister-in-law, for her love and support; my mother, Nell, who's endless patience and support has seen me through the worst of times; my son, Frankie, for his love, strength, courage, and young wisdom which continue to inspire me everyday.

Finally, I'd like to dedicate this to Patrick. Without his encouragement this book would not have been possible. He is my knight, my husband, friend, dedicated father, and everything I could ever want or hope for. He is the One who rescued me from my past and myself. For this and so much more, I will always love you, Patrick.


The End

A/N: Thanks so much to those who've stuck with me, offering your kind words. You've truly inspired me! Also thanks to my best friend, Barb, who's been a sounding board for this story and offered helpful feedback. By the way, there really is such thing as the "labor dance" I ended up finding out online, after the fact. This story has meant so much to me and I hope that you have enjoyed it. As always, either negative or positive I would love to hear your feedback. Please review!