Warning: if you don't like spoilers, don't read. The spoilers aren't big or anything, but they will make you stop and go...what? This could be considered what happens after book 17. (Talk to me if you would like a scanlation site)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Kingdom Hearts Characters (damn)

I don't own the gay wizard or ninja or the little princess or the stuck up, annoying brat.


Chapter 1: And then there was another

When Syaoran woke it took him longer than it usually would have to completely absorb his surroundings. Fai, Kurogane, and Sakura lay unconscious around him. Normal. They were all in a round room cluttered with scattered books and papers and electronical equipment. Somewhat normal- it's happened before. The only thing that wasn't normal was the dog that stood like a person with horrible posture dressed in very odd clothes talking to a duck dressed in similarly odd clothing. Both were talking to a young man whose face Syaoran couldn't see. His hair, though, gave Syaoran an interesting first impression of him. His hair defied gravity, literally. Syaoran's hair might be spiky, but this was ridiculous.

As he glanced once more at his surroundings, trying to shake off the talking dog and duck, he noticed that something was…missing. He felt like he had forgotten someone on his initial search of the room. Someone important. Then he remembered. The white manju bun, Mokona, quite possibly the strangest creature he had ever met since he escaped, was missing.

The boy with the annoyingly spiky hair turned towards Syaoran, his young face lit up with a goofy smile. An idiot, was Syaoran's first thought. He walked towards Syaoran and held out his hand. Mokona sat in it. When he saw Syaoran he stuck up one hand and said hi.

"Is this yours?" the boy asked kindly.

Syaoran was at a loss for words, so instead of answering, he simply nodded. The boy handed Mokona over and just stared. He gasped suddenly and began rubbing the back of his head.

"How rude of me. Here we are in an awkward silence because I didn't introduce myself." More mature than I thought, Syaoran thought to himself.

"I'm Sora," the boy said with a disgustingly trustful smile on his face. "Wielder of the Keyblade." Maybe not, Syaoran corrected himself.

"That's Donald and that's Goofy. What are your names?" he said, gesturing to the others behind Syaoran.

Syaoran paused as he tried to regain his words. "Ano… I'm Syaoran, that's Fai-san, that's Kurogane-san, and that is Sakura-hime."

Sora examined each person with slight interest until he reached Fai. "What happened to his eye?" Sora asked as he returned to Syaoran.

Syaoran flinched and waved the matter aside as lightly as he could. "Lets not get into that. He'll tell you if he trusts you."

Sora nodded knowingly, though it was obvious not much was going on in his mind. "I see," he said finally. "So, where are you from? Mokona wouldn't tell me anything except that you came from someone called Yuko-san."

Syaoran shrugged. "I don't know where I am fro. I cant say much for those three, either. I just met them recently."

Sora looked downcast at the dead end in his conversation. Syaoran began to feel bad, averting his eyes as much as possible.

"S-so where are you from?" Syaoran asked, to keep Sora from looking sad.

"What's the keyblade?"

Sora brightened immediately. Truly the mark of an idiot, Syaoran thought as he rolled his eyes. He told his life story in the period of one hour, the others waking periodically only to fall back asleep as if they were under some sort of spell. Donald and Goofy kept their distance, taking to each other and occasionally glancing back at Sora and Syaoran.

Syaoran's head was reeling when the others finally woke for good.

"Where are we?" came the sleepy voice of Sakura. She came and sat near Syaoran, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

Sora smiled again. "You're in Hollow Bastion. Or, I suppose is Radiant Gardens again, huh?" He introduced himself to the others and they likewise.

"Where are you all from, Syaoran-kun didn't know," Sora asked innocently. The others all glanced about them, avoiding eye contact.

"Right, wrong question. What are you guys doing?"

Fai spoke up then, his voice light and full of pain. "We're searching for something. Or a bunch of something's. We're traveling from…place to place to get it." He had his normal smile in place.

"We're doing something of the same work. We travel from world to world to lock away the darkness." Sora covered his mouth quickly.

Everyone perked up. "World to World?" they all said in unison.

Please Read and Review, I'd like some comments!